IOCCC image by Matt Zucker

The International Obfuscated C Code Contest

How to register for the IOCCC

How to register for the IOCCC

Step A: Verify that the contest pending or open

The contest needs to be either pending or open in order to register for the IOCCC.

For details see the “how the contest status impacts registration” section below.

Step B: Enter your email address

NOTE: For submissions with multiple authors, only one author needs to subscribe.

The first step of registering is to put in your email address in the field: Your Email Address. Then select from the drop-down what you would like to do, in this case you want to Subscribe.

After clicking ((Next >>)) and you will be notified that you will receive an email. It will tell you that they have sent an email to verify your address. Remember that if you don’t receive it in a few minutes you should check your Spam or Junk folders in case your email client or your ISP marks as spam.

Look for an automated email message from the FreeLists List Manager (

The email message will have the subject:

Subscription consent for ‘ioccc28-reg’

NOTE: be aware that some email services, applications and/or Internet Service Providers (ISP) modify email subject lines. For example, some string might have been prepended or appended to the subject line. Be aware of this when you search for the “Subscription consent” email.

NOTE: The “Subscription consent” email is usually sent by the FreeLists List Manager within a minute after clicking the ((Next >>)) button. If you don’t see the “Subscription consent” email, check your spam folder.

NOTE: If are having trouble receiving the “Subscription consent” email, and you have tried a few times, Contact the IOCCC to ask the IOCCC judges for assistance.

This email will contain a URL of the form:

NOTE: If you prefer to NOT click links in email, simply copy that URL from your “Subscription consent email” and paste it into your browser.

Note that the email should be from FreeLists List Manager.

Step D: Confirm your email click

In your browser, for the link referenced in Step C, click the ((Next >>)) button. It is the page with the header text of Verify your email.

The FreeLists service requires that you verify that you:

Once you have done this by clicking the 3 tick boxes (or if you prefer, checkboxes), click the ((Next >>)) button.

After clicking ((Next >>)), you will be notified that you will receive an email. The website should say:

All set! The last stage of the process has been started. You should receive a verification email within a few minutes.

Step F: Read the Welcome email

You should receive an automated Welcome message from the FreeLists List Manager ( with the subject:

    Welcome to 'ioccc28-reg'

Read the “Welcome” email.

NOTE: The “Welcome” email is usually sent by the FreeLists List Manager within a minute after clicking the ((Next >>)) button. If you don’t see the “Welcome” email, check your spam folder.

NOTE: If are having trouble receiving the “Welcome” email, and you have tried several times, Contact the IOCCC to ask the IOCCC judges for assistance.

Step I: Proceed with step 3

When the contest is open, proceed with Step 3: Wait for your submit server username and initial password.

How the contest status impacts registration

When the IOCCC status is closed

While the contest is CLOSED, you CANNOT REGISTER as there is no contest for which you can register.

Watch the IOCCC news and the IOCCC Mastodon for news about the next IOCCC as you may register when the contest is pending or open.

When the IOCCC status is pending

While the contest is PENDING, you may register for contest, however you will NOT receive an email message containing your IOCCC submit server Username and Initial Password until the IOCCC is open.

When the IOCCC status is open

While the contest is OPEN, you may register for the contest. Once you are registered AND the contest is open, you will receive an email message containing your very own Username and Initial Password until the contest is open. You will need these to be able to “upload your submissions” to the IOCCC submit server.

See also the FAQ on “how to upload your submission” for more information on the submission process when the IOCCC reopens.

When the IOCCC status is judging

While the contest is PENDING, you CANNOT REGISTER because the IOCCC judges are in the process of judging the submissions they received while the contest was open.

Watch the IOCCC news and the IOCCC Mastodon for news about the next IOCCC as you may register when the contest is pending or open.