Jump to authors sorted by: [ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z]
a is for atoi
Location: CZ - Czechia
author_handle: Ondrej_Adamovsky
- 2019/adamovsky - Most functional interpreter
Location: SE - Sweden
author_handle: Anton_Algmyr
- 2018/algmyr - Most cacophonic
Location: US - United States
author_handle: Derek_Anderson
- 2018/anderson - Most able to divine code gaps
Location: ID - Indonesia
author_handle: Glyn_Anderson
- 2000/anderson - Best use of flags
Location: US - United States
author_handle: Anonymous_1984
- 1984/anonymous - Dishonorable Mention
Location: GB - United Kingdom
author_handle: Anonymous_2001
- 2001/anonymous - Dishonorable mention
Location: SG - Singapore
URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20040324155828/http://bicoherent.topcities.com/
author_handle: Anonymous_2004
- 2004/anonymous - Best use of ‘Precious’ Lines
Location: ZZ - Unknown location
author_handle: Anonymous_2005
- 2005/anon - Best 3D puzzle
Location: JP - Japan
author_handle: Anonymous_2015
- 2015/endoh1 - Most diffused reaction
Location: US - United States
URL: http://www.crpc.rice.edu/CRPC/newsletters/win00/pp_applegate.html
author_handle: David_Applegate
- 1991/davidguy - Best X11 graphics
Location: US - United States
URL: https://www.cs.colostate.edu/~applin/
author_handle: Jack_Applin
- 1985/applin - Best one liner
- 1986/applin - Most adaptable program
- 1988/applin - Best of Show
Location: SE - Sweden
URL: https://www.arkko.com
author_handle: Jari_Arkko
- 1989/jar.1 - Strangest abuse of the rules
- 1989/jar.2 - Best of Show
- 2000/jarijyrki - Best of Show
Location: US - United States
author_handle: Michael_Ash
- 2005/mikeash - Best use of parenthesis
Location: SE - Sweden
URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20090831055828/http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~augustss
author_handle: Lennart_Augustsson
- 1985/august - Most obscure program
- 1986/august - Best complex task done in a complex way
- 1996/august - Best of Show
b is for break
Location: NL - Netherlands
author_handle: Bas_de_Bakker
Location: US - United States
URL: https://blog.aerojockey.com
Alternate URL: https://blog.aerojockey.com/post/iocccsim
author_handle: Carl_Banks
- 1998/banks - Best of Show
Location: GB - United Kingdom
author_handle: Gavin_Barraclough
- 2004/gavin - Best of Show
Location: US - United States
URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20020724233128/http://www.theworld.com/~buzzard/
author_handle: Sean_Barrett
- 1991/buzzard - Best output
- 1992/buzzard.1 - Most obfuscated algorithm
- 1992/buzzard.2 - Best language tool
Location: US - United States
author_handle: Doug_Beardsley
- 2001/dgbeards - Best AI
Location: FR - France
URL: https://bellard.org
author_handle: Fabrice_Bellard
- 2000/bellard - Most specific output
- 2001/bellard - Best abuse of the rules
- 2018/bellard - Most inflationary
Location: US - United States
author_handle: E_Jay_Berkenbilt
- 1993/ejb - Best obfuscated algorithm
Location: US - United States
URL: https://cr.yp.to/djb.html
author_handle: Daniel_J_Bernstein
- 1991/brnstnd - Best of Show
Location: US - United States
URL: https://web.archive.org/web/19981212023216/http://www.biggar.org/
author_handle: Mark_Biggar
- 1987/biggar - Best abuse of the rules
Location: US - United States
URL: https://meatfighter.com
author_handle: Michael_Birken
- 2006/birken - EDAMAME Award
- 2013/birken - Best painting tool
- 2014/birken - Best use of port 1701
Location: US - United States
URL: https://www.nist.gov/people/paul-e-black
author_handle: Paul_E_Black
- 1989/paul - Most complex algorithm
Location: GB - United Kingdom
author_handle: Philip_Blakely
- 2011/blakely - Most devolving
- 2012/blakely - Most GIFted expressions
Location: GB - United Kingdom
author_handle: James_Bonfield
- 1991/rince - Best game
- 1993/rince - Most well rounded
- 2000/rince - Astronomically obfuscated
Location: DE - Germany
author_handle: Szabolcs_Borsanyi
- 2006/borsanyi - Most useful
- 2011/borsanyi - Best data utility
Location: FR - France
author_handle: Francois_Boutines
- 2005/boutines - Most superfluous output
Location: US - United States
URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20000919041057/http://east.isx.com/~vanb/
author_handle: David_Van_Brackle
- 1989/vanb - Best one liner
- 1993/vanb - Most irregular expression
- 1995/vanschnitz - Worst abuse of the C preprocessor and most likely to amaze
Location: US - United States
author_handle: Moxen_N_Briddlebane
- 2000/briddlebane - Best abuse of user
Location: US - United States
URL: https://www.walterbright.com
GitHub: @WalterBright
author_handle: Walter_Bright
- 1986/bright - Most useful obfuscation
Location: US - United States
URL: https://www.mailcom.com/main.shtml
author_handle: Leonid_A_Broukhis
Location: JP - Japan
author_handle: Bsoup
- 2011/hamaji - Best solved puzzle
Location: US - United States
URL: https://web.archive.org/web/19970619001904/http://www.netspace.org/users/ldb/
author_handle: Laurion_Burchall
- 1994/ldb - Best one liner
Location: US - United States
author_handle: Brent_Burley
- 2004/burley - Best calculated risk
Location: US - United States
URL: http://ioccc.snox.net
Alternate URL: https://snox.net/ioccc/
author_handle: Dave_Burton
- 2015/burton - Most useful
- 2018/burton1 - Best one liner
- 2018/burton2 - Best abuse of the rules
- 2019/burton - Best one liner
- 2020/burton - Best one liner
Location: GB - United Kingdom
author_handle: Gavin_Buttimore
- 2000/thadgavin - Most portable output
c is for const
Location: US - United States
author_handle: Adrian_Cable
- 2013/cable1 - Most partisan one liner
- 2013/cable2 - Best of Show
- 2013/cable3 - Largest small system emulator
Location: US - United States
URL: https://nicholas.carlini.com
GitHub: @carlini
author_handle: Nicholas_Carlini
- 2020/carlini - Best of Show - abuse of libc
Location: US - United States
URL: http://www.raymondcheong.com/index.html
author_handle: Raymond_Cheong
- 2000/primenum - Best abuse of CPP
- 2001/cheong - Best short program
Location: SG - Singapore
author_handle: V_Chia
- 2005/chia - Most ambiguous language
Location: PL - Poland
author_handle: Marcin_Ciura
- 2018/ciura - Most likely to be awarded
- 2019/ciura - Most alphabetic
Location: GB - United Kingdom
URL: https://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/people/ian.collier/
author_handle: Ian_Collier
Location: US - United States
author_handle: Pierre-Philippe_Coupard
- 2001/coupard - Most obfuscated sound
d is for do
Location: US - United States
URL: https://jpdalbec.people.ysu.edu
GitHub: @jdalbec132
author_handle: John_Dalbec
- 1996/dalbec - Best numerical obfuscation
- 2004/jdalbec - Best abuse of the periodic table
Location: AU - Australia
author_handle: Paul_Dale
- 1988/dale - Best abuse of system calls
Location: ZZ - Unknown location
author_handle: Ferenc_Deak
- 2014/deak - Most underscored argument
Location: BE - Belgium
author_handle: Alex_Deckmyn
- 2012/deckmyn - Most notable and best tool
Location: US - United States
URL: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dave-decot-a8715a45/
author_handle: Dave_Decot
- 1984/decot - Second Place
Location: PL - Poland
URL: https://sun.aei.polsl.pl/~sdeor/
author_handle: Sebastian_Deorowicz
- 1995/esde - Interesting algorithm
Location: DE - Germany
URL: https://njh.eu
author_handle: Volker_Diels-Grabsch
- 2019/diels-grabsch1 - Best small program
- 2019/diels-grabsch2 - Most self-aware
Location: US - United States
URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20000816152741/http://www.neta.com/~dodson/
author_handle: Don_Dodson
- 1994/dodsond1 - Best game
- 1994/dodsond2 - Most obfuscated packaging
- 1995/dodsond1 - Most humorous
- 1995/dodsond2 - Best game
Location: IL - Israel
author_handle: Gil_Dogon
- 2005/giljade - Best 2D puzzle
- 2015/dogon - Most crafty
- 2019/dogon - Best use of space and time
Location: NL - Netherlands
author_handle: Frans_van_Dorsselaer
- 1998/dorssel - Obsolescent feature
Location: US - United States
author_handle: Sean_Dorward
- 1990/tbr - Best utility
Location: US - United States
URL: https://web.archive.org/web/19961019045145/http://www.bungalow.com/
author_handle: Heather_Downs
- 1995/heathbar - Best layout
- 1995/makarios - Best short program
Location: PT - Portugal
author_handle: Carlos_Duarte
- 1995/cdua - Best output
Location: FR - France
URL: https://lig-membres.imag.fr/duble/
author_handle: Etienne_Duble
- 2015/duble - Best handwriting
- 2019/duble - Best collaborative graphics
Location: FR - France
author_handle: Christian_Dupont
- 1991/cdupont - Most useful label
e is for else
Location: US - United States
author_handle: Peter_Eastman
- 2011/eastman - Best ball
Location: US - United States
author_handle: Paul_Eggert
- 1990/jaw - Best entropy-reducer
Location: NO - Norway
author_handle: Thor_Eldby
- 1996/eldby - Best output
Location: JP - Japan
URL: https://mametter.hatenablog.com
Mastodon: @mame@ruby.social
GitHub: @mame
author_handle: Yusuke_Endoh
- 2012/endoh1 - Most complex ASCII fluid - Honorable mention
- 2012/endoh2 - PiE in the sky award
- 2013/endoh1 - Most lazy SKIer
- 2013/endoh2 - Most recyclable
- 2013/endoh3 - Most tweetable one liner
- 2013/endoh4 - Most solid
- 2014/endoh1 - Most square (YODA Award)
- 2014/endoh2 - Best use of bioinformatics
- 2015/endoh1 - Most diffused reaction
- 2015/endoh2 - Most overlooked obfuscation
- 2015/endoh3 - Back to the Future Award
- 2015/endoh4 - Best one liner
- 2018/endoh1 - Best tool to reveal holes
- 2018/endoh2 - Best use of python
- 2019/endoh - Most in need of debugging
- 2020/endoh1 - Most explosive
- 2020/endoh2 - Best perspective
- 2020/endoh3 - Most head-turning
f is for float
Location: US - United States
URL: https://xexyl.net
Alternate URL: https://ioccc.xexyl.net
Mastodon: @xexyl@fosstodon.org
GitHub: @xexyl
author_handle: Cody_Boone_Ferguson
- 2018/ferguson - Best use of weasel words
- 2020/ferguson1 - Don’t tread on me award
- 2020/ferguson2 - Most enigmatic
Location: GB - United Kingdom
URL: https://dotat.at
Mastodon: @fanf@mendeddrum.org
GitHub: @fanf2
author_handle: Tony_Finch
- 1998/fanf - Most obfuscated translator
Location: US - United States
URL: http://hea-www.harvard.edu/~fine/
Mastodon: @thomasafine@social.linux.pizza
author_handle: Thomas_A_Fine
- 1991/fine - Best one liner
Location: US - United States
author_handle: Daniel_Fischer
- 1998/df - Best data hiding
Location: US - United States
author_handle: Karl_F_Fox
- 1990/jaw - Best entropy-reducer
Location: FI - Finland
author_handle: Kimmo_Fredriksson
- 2011/fredriksson - Most useful
Location: GB - United Kingdom
URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20151022221359/http://thad.notagoth.org/
author_handle: Thaddaeus_Frogley
- 2000/thadgavin - Most portable output
g is for getc
Location: SE - Sweden
URL: https://gavare.se
Alternate URL: https://gavare.se/ioccc
author_handle: Anders_Gavare
- 2004/gavare - Best use of light and spheres
Location: ZA - South Africa
author_handle: David_Gibson
- 1993/dgibson - Best abuse of the C preprocessor
Location: AU - Australia
URL: https://id523a.com
GitHub: @id523a
author_handle: Edward_Giles
- 2018/giles - Most unstable
- 2019/giles - Most in need of wide space
- 2020/giles - Most phony
Location: DE - Germany
URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20011221120305/http://insider.regio.net/~garry/
author_handle: Garry_Glendown
- 1995/garry - Best utility
Location: US - United States
author_handle: David_Goodenough
- 1990/dg - Best abuse of the C preprocessor
Location: IL - Israel
author_handle: Uri_Goren
- 2011/goren - Most artistic
Location: US - United States
author_handle: Aaron_Grothe
- 2006/grothe - Most obfuscated audio
- 2012/grothe - Most conspiratorial
Location: FI - Finland
URL: https://www.gson.org
author_handle: Andreas_Gustafsson
- 1992/gson - Most humorous output
h is for hypot
Location: GB - United Kingdom
URL: https://web.archive.org/web/19991003012715/http://www.oxinet.co.uk/jim/
author_handle: Jim_Hague
- 1986/hague - Worst abuse of the C preprocessor
Location: JP - Japan
author_handle: Shinichiro_Hamaji
- 2011/hamaji - Best solved puzzle
Location: JP - Japan
author_handle: Tsukasa_Hamano
- 2012/hamano - Silver Award - Most elementary use of C
Location: NO - Norway
author_handle: Steinar_Hamre
- 2006/hamre - Most irrational
Location: US - United States
URL: https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~ph/
author_handle: Paul_Heckbert
- 1987/heckbert - Best obfuscator of programs
Location: US - United States
URL: http://marvin.cs.uidaho.edu
author_handle: Robert_Heckendorn
- 1985/applin - Best one liner
Location: DE - Germany
author_handle: Arne_Heizmann
- 2005/timwi - Most discourteous interpreter
Location: NO - Norway
URL: https://www.pvv.ntnu.no/~stig/
author_handle: Stig_Hemmer
- 1990/stig - Strangest abuse of the rules
Location: DE - Germany
URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20071018081145/http://pcpool.mathematik.uni-freiburg.de/~immi/
author_handle: Immanuel_Herrmann
- 2001/herrmann1 - Best abuse of the C preprocessor
- 2001/herrmann2 - Most eye-crossing
Location: US - United States
author_handle: Spencer_Hines
- 1987/hines - Worst style
Location: US - United States
author_handle: Bruce_Holloway
- 1986/holloway - Best simple task performed in a complex way
Location: FI - Finland
URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20061205082106/http://personal.eunet.fi/pp/halo/
author_handle: Jyrki_Holopainen
- 1993/lmfjyh - Most versatile source
- 2000/jarijyrki - Best of Show
Location: NL - Netherlands
URL: https://home.hccnet.nl/a.w.m.van.der.horst/
author_handle: Albert_van_der_Horst
- 1992/albert - Most useful program
Location: US - United States
URL: https://maryannhorton.com
author_handle: Mary_Ann_Horton
- 1994/horton - Best utility
Location: CN - China
author_handle: Qiming_HOU
- 2011/hou - Best self documenting program
- 2012/hou - Most useful obfuscation
- 2013/hou - Best use of one infinite loop
- 2015/hou - Most well rounded hash
- 2018/hou - Most likely to top the charts
Location: CA - Canada
URL: http://www.snert.com
author_handle: Anthony_C_Howe
- 1991/ant - Best utility
- 1992/ant - Best utility
- 1993/ant - Best utility
- 2004/hibachi - Best abuse of the guidelines
- 2005/mynx - Best use of the WWW
- 2015/howe - Most different
Location: US - United States
URL: http://www.jonhoyle.com
author_handle: Jonathan_Hoyle
- 2004/hoyle - Most functional output
Location: US - United States
URL: https://www.huffmancoding.com
author_handle: Ken_Huffman
- 1996/huffman - Best obfuscated character set utility
i is for int
Location: US - United States
author_handle: Mark_Isaak
- 1988/isaak - Best visuals
j is for jmp_buf
Location: NL - Netherlands
URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20010720192926/http://tomx.tripod.com/
author_handle: Thomas_P_John
- 2000/tomx - Most complete program
Location: NZ - New Zealand
URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20051030162356/http://www.notdot.net/
author_handle: Nick_Johnson
- 2004/arachnid - Best use of vision
Location: US - United States
author_handle: Larry_Jones
- 1990/scjones - ANSI Committee’s worst abuse of C
k is for killchar
Location: KR - South Korea
URL: https://mearie.org
author_handle: Seonghoon_Kang
- 2012/kang - Best short program
Location: US - United States
author_handle: Joshua_Karns
- 2019/karns - Most in need of whitespace
Location: US - United States
author_handle: Chris_King
- 2001/ctk - Worst driver
Location: FI - Finland
URL: https://kivinen.iki.fi
author_handle: Tero_Kivinen
- 1992/kivinen - Best X program
Location: US - United States
author_handle: Peter_Klausler
- 2005/klausler - Abuse of the rules
Location: JP - Japan
author_handle: Taketo_Konno
- 2011/konno - Best one liner
- 2012/konno - Best one liner
Location: PL - Poland
URL: https://www.mimuw.edu.pl/~erykk/
author_handle: Eryk_Kopczynski
- 2004/kopczynski - Best one liner
Location: US - United States
URL: http://www.kornshell.com/~dgk/
Alternate URL: https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-korn-b23185/
author_handle: David_Korn
- 1987/korn - Best one liner
Location: RU - Russia
URL: https://github.com/ilyakurdyukov
GitHub: @ilyakurdyukov
author_handle: Ilya_Kurdyukov
- 2020/kurdyukov1 - Best utility
- 2020/kurdyukov2 - Least detailed
- 2020/kurdyukov3 - Bset slaml prragom
- 2020/kurdyukov4 - Best abuse of lámatyávë
l is for long
Location: ZZ - Unknown location
author_handle: Mike_Laman
- 1984/laman - Third Place
Location: US - United States
URL: https://www.lassila.org
Alternate URL: https://www.linkedin.com/in/oralassila/
Mastodon: @ora@w3c.social
author_handle: Ora_Lassila
- 1989/jar.2 - Best of Show
Location: FI - Finland
URL: https://jet.ro
author_handle: Jetro_Lauha
- 2005/jetro - Most sonorous output
Location: NL - Netherlands
author_handle: Roemer_B_Lievaart
- 1987/lievaart - Grand Prize
- 1989/roemer - Best layout
Location: CH - Switzerland
author_handle: Maarten_Litmaath
- 1988/litmaath - Best small program
Location: US - United States
URL: https://github.com/dlowe
GitHub: @dlowe
author_handle: J_David_Lowe
- 1998/dlowe - Best utility
- 1998/dloweneil - Most fun
- 2000/dlowe - Worst abuse of the rules
- 2011/dlowe - Most self deprecating
- 2012/dlowe - Best way to lose a life
- 2013/dlowe - Best sparkling utility
Location: CH - Switzerland
author_handle: Oskar_von_der_Luehe
- 1989/ovdluhe - Most humorous output
Location: US - United States
URL: https://web.cse.msstate.edu/~luke/
author_handle: Ed_Luke
- 1992/lush - Worst abuse of the C preprocessor
Location: ZZ - Unknown location
author_handle: Ed_Lycklama
- 1985/lycklama - Strangest appearing program
Location: US - United States
URL: https://crypto.stanford.edu/~blynn/
author_handle: Ben_Lynn
- 2019/lynn - Most functional compiler
m is for malloc
Location: FR - France
URL: http://www.madore.org/~david/
author_handle: David_Madore
- 2012/grothe - Most conspiratorial
Location: IT - Italy
URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20170706135649/http://www.assezeta.com/sandromaffiodo/
author_handle: Sandro_Maffiodo
- 2014/maffiodo1 - Homage to a classic game
- 2014/maffiodo2 - Most tweetable entry
Location: US - United States
URL: https://web.archive.org/web/19961019045145/http://www.bungalow.com/
author_handle: Selene_Makarios
- 1995/heathbar - Best layout
- 1995/makarios - Best short program
Location: IT - Italy
URL: https://www.andreamarangoni.it
author_handle: Andrea_Marangoni
- 1992/marangon - Best game
Location: US - United States
author_handle: Adrian_Mariano
- 1990/theorem - Best of Show
- 1992/adrian - Most educational
Location: US - United States
author_handle: Eric_Marshall
- 1986/marshall - Best layout
Location: US - United States
author_handle: Ron_McFarland
- 1996/rcm - Best RFC obfuscation
Location: AU - Australia
URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20030212213342/http://byron.csse.monash.edu.au/realindex.html
author_handle: Bernd_Meyer
- 2000/bmeyer - Best utility
Location: US - United States
author_handle: Raphael_Meyer
- 2006/meyer - Best game
Location: US - United States
author_handle: Christopher_Mills
- 1990/cmills - Best game
- 1993/cmills - Bill Gates Award
- 2013/mills - Most timely rendered
- 2015/mills1 - For the Birds! Award
- 2015/mills2 - Most compact
- 2018/mills - Best of Show
- 2019/mills - Most in need to be tweeted
Location: US - United States
author_handle: Neil_Mix
- 1998/dloweneil - Most fun
Location: IT - Italy
author_handle: Maurizio_Monge
- 2006/monge - Best compiled graphics
Location: FR - France
author_handle: Yves-Marie_Morgan
- 2013/morgan1 - Smallest large system simulator
- 2013/morgan2 - Most playfully versatile
- 2014/morgan - Most likely to succeed
Location: NL - Netherlands
URL: https://github.com/sjoerdmullender
GitHub: @sjoerdmullender
author_handle: Sjoerd_Mullender
- 1984/mullender - Grand Prize
Location: DE - Germany
author_handle: Dominik_Muth
- 2015/muth - Most complete use of CPP
n is for nullptr
Location: US - United States
author_handle: Jeff_Newbern
- 2004/newbern - Best font engine
Location: US - United States
URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20090415070532/https://www.people.fas.harvard.edu/~night/
author_handle: Christopher_Night
- 2006/night - Best abuse of computation
Location: IL - Israel
author_handle: Baruch_Nissenbaum
- 1990/baruch - Best small program
Location: FI - Finland
URL: https://www.cs.hut.fi/~enu/
author_handle: Esko_Nuutila
- 1989/jar.2 - Best of Show
o is for open
Location: FR - France
URL: https://www.univ-orleans.fr/lifo/Members/Nicolas.Ollinger/
author_handle: Nicolas_Ollinger
- 2001/ollinger - Best primal ASCII graphics
Location: US - United States
URL: http://jorendorff.blogspot.com
author_handle: Jason_Orendorff
- 2001/jason - Best of Show
Location: IL - Israel
author_handle: Doron_Osovlanski
- 1990/baruch - Best small program
Location: US - United States
URL: https://www.nathanotterness.com
Alternate URL: https://www.nathanotterness.com/2021/04/obfuscated_c_2020.html
GitHub: @yalue
author_handle: Nathan_Otterness
- 2020/otterness - Most percussive
p is for printf
Location: US - United States
author_handle: Michael_H_Pawka
- 1986/pawka - Most illegible code
Location: US - United States
author_handle: Vern_Paxson
- 1992/vern - Best of Show
Location: BR - Brazil
author_handle: Mauro_Persano
- 2005/persano - Best of Show
Location: GB - United Kingdom
author_handle: Ian_Phillipps
- 1988/phillipps - Least likely to compile successfully
Location: US - United States
URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20081002081033/http://www.nrgnet.com/markus/
author_handle: Mark_Plummer
- 1993/plummer - Best one liner
Location: FI - Finland
URL: https://ig.fi/other/ioccc
author_handle: Timo_Poikola
- 2018/poikola - Most stellar
- 2019/poikola - Most calendrical
Location: US - United States
URL: https://github.com/sans17/
GitHub: @sans17
author_handle: Alexander_Prishchepov
- 2014/birken - Best use of port 1701
Location: AU - Australia
URL: //www.kev.pulo.com.au/
Mastodon: @devkev@fosstodon.org
author_handle: Kevin_Pulo
- 2001/kev - Best curses game
q is for qsort
r is for return
Location: US - United States
URL: https://www.rakitzis.com
Alternate URL: https://www.linkedin.com/in/byron-rakitzis-b2b3304/
author_handle: Byron_Rakitzis
- 1990/tbr - Best utility
Location: FI - Finland
URL: https://www.cs.hut.fi/~tvr/
author_handle: Teemu_Rantanen
- 1994/tvr - Best X11 program
Location: US - United States
author_handle: Gopi_Reddy
- 1988/reddy - Most useful obfuscated C program
Location: US - United States
URL: https://www.cs.cornell.edu/home/rvr/
author_handle: Robbert_van_Renesse
- 1984/mullender - Grand Prize
Location: US - United States
author_handle: Gregor_Richards
- 2011/richards - Most surprisingly portable
Location: US - United States
author_handle: Arch_D_Robison
- 1988/robison - Best abuse of C constructs
- 1989/robison - Best minimal use of C
- 2000/robison - Best game
- 2013/robison - Most poetic use of strings
Location: GB - United Kingdom
URL: https://www.edwardrosten.com
author_handle: Edward_Rosten
- 2001/rosten - Best abuse of the user
Location: GB - United Kingdom
URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20041128214304/http://www.softbase.co.uk/
author_handle: Peter_J_Ruczynski
- 1990/pjr - Most unusual data structure
Location: US - United States
URL: https://www.cs.princeton.edu/~smr/
Alternate URL: http://www-leland.stanford.edu/~smr
author_handle: Szymon_Rusinkiewicz
- 1994/smr - Worst abuse of the rules
s is for switch
Location: US - United States
URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20010721133712/http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Marina/5775/
author_handle: Michael_Savastio
- 1995/savastio - Most obfuscated syntax
Location: US - United States
author_handle: Craig_Schneiderwent
- 2000/schneiderwent - Most timely output
Location: US - United States
author_handle: Mark_Schnitzius
- 1993/schnitzi - Obfuscated Intelligence Award
- 1994/schnitzi - Best layout
- 1995/schnitzi - Best one liner
- 1995/vanschnitz - Worst abuse of the C preprocessor and most likely to amaze
- 1998/schnitzi - Best flow control
- 2004/schnitzi - Best non-use of curses
Location: DE - Germany
URL: http://www.schweikhardt.net
author_handle: Jens_Schweikhardt
- 1996/schweikh1 - Worst abuse of the C preprocessor
- 1996/schweikh2 - Best algorithm
- 1996/schweikh3 - Best utility
- 1998/schweikh1 - CPP abuse
- 1998/schweikh2 - Most erratic behavior
- 1998/schweikh3 - Most space efficient
- 2001/schweikh - Best one liner
- 2015/schweikhardt - Best documented
Location: US - United States
author_handle: Andrew_Shapiro
- 1994/shapiro - Most well rounded obfuscation
Location: US - United States
author_handle: Carl_Shapiro
- 1985/shapiro - Grand Prize - Most well rounded in confusion
Location: JP - Japan
author_handle: NATORI_Shin
- 2000/natori - Best small program
Location: US - United States
URL: https://sicherman.net
author_handle: Col_G_L_Sicherman
- 1985/sicherman - Worst abuse of the C preprocessor
Location: GB - United Kingdom
author_handle: Nathan_Sidwell
- 1992/nathan - Worst abuse of the rules
Location: US - United States
URL: https://celskeggs.com
GitHub: @celskeggs
author_handle: Cel_Skeggs
- 2014/skeggs - Most dynamic
Location: US - United States
author_handle: Andy_Sloane
- 2006/sloane - Homer’s favorite
Location: US - United States
URL: http://www.highprogrammer.com/alan/
author_handle: Alan_De_Smet
- 1998/chaos - Best object orientation
Location: GR - Greece
URL: https://www.spinellis.gr/index.html.var
Mastodon: @CoolSWEng@mastodon.acm.org
GitHub: @dspinellis
author_handle: Diomidis_Spinellis
- 1988/spinellis - Best abuse of the rules
- 1990/dds - Best language tool
- 1991/dds - Most well rounded
- 1995/spinellis - Abusing the rules
Location: ZZ - Unknown location
author_handle: Jan_Stein
- 1986/stein - Best one liner
Location: US - United States
author_handle: Thomas_Stewart
- 2006/stewart - Best computed graphics
Location: GB - United Kingdom
author_handle: Dean_Swift
- 1996/gandalf - Best layout
Location: FI - Finland
URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20160316092728/http://www.stephensykes.com/
author_handle: Stephen_Sykes
- 2004/sds - Best abuse of indentation
- 2005/sykes - Best emulator
- 2006/sykes1 - Best assembler
- 2006/sykes2 - Best one liner
t is for true
Location: NO - Norway
author_handle: Jon_Thingvold
- 1993/jonth - Most obfuscated X program
- 1996/jonth - Best X11 entry
Location: GB - United Kingdom
author_handle: Aidan_Thornton
- 2005/aidan - Most ingenious puzzle solution
Location: MX - Mexico
URL: https://nanochess.org/
Mastodon: @nanochess@mastodon.social
GitHub: @nanochess
author_handle: Oscar_Toledo
- 2005/toledo - Best game
- 2006/toledo1 - Best small program
- 2006/toledo2 - Best of Show
- 2006/toledo3 - Most portable chess set
- 2011/toledo - Best non-chess game
Location: BE - Belgium
URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20010520021948/http://members.nbci.com/tomtorfs/
author_handle: Tom_Torfs
- 1998/tomtorfs - Best self-documenting
Location: US - United States
URL: https://tromp.github.io
GitHub: @tromp
author_handle: John_Tromp
- 1989/tromp - Best game
- 2012/tromp - Most functional
Location: DE - Germany
URL: https://gitlab.com/tsoj
GitHub: @tsoj
author_handle: Tsoj
- 2020/tsoj - Most misleading indentation
u is for union
v is for volatile
Location: US - United States
URL: https://www.vik.cc
author_handle: Daniel_Vik
- 2004/vik1 - Best X11 game
- 2004/vik2 - Best abuse of CPP
- 2005/vik - Most circuitous walk
- 2011/vik - Most sound
- 2012/vik - Bronze Award - Best use of cocoa
- 2014/vik - Best handling of beeps
Location: US - United States
author_handle: Scott_Vokes
- 2018/vokes - Most connected
Location: US - United States
author_handle: Jay_Vosburgh
- 1989/fubar - Best self-modifying program
w is for while
Location: US - United States
URL: http://www.wall.org/~larry/
author_handle: Larry_Wall
Location: US - United States
URL: http://www.deater.net/weave/
author_handle: Vincent_Weaver
- 2005/vince - Most beauteous visuals
Location: US - United States
URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20050424020506/http://www.op.net/~jaw
author_handle: Jeff_Weisberg
- 1994/weisberg - Best short program
Location: US - United States
URL: http://www.westley.org
author_handle: Brian_Westley
- 1987/westley - Best layout
- 1988/westley - Best layout
- 1989/westley - Most algorithms in one program
- 1990/westley - Best layout
- 1991/westley - Grand Prize
- 1992/westley - Best small program
- 1994/westley - Worst abuse of the C preprocessor
- 1996/westley - Best one liner
- 2001/westley - Best position-independent code
Location: NL - Netherlands
author_handle: Freek_Wiedijk
- 2014/wiedijk - Most functional
Location: US - United States
author_handle: John_Williams
- 2001/williams - Best graphic game
Location: US - United States
author_handle: James_A_Woods
- 1990/jaw - Best entropy-reducer
x is for xor
y is for y0
Location: US - United States
URL: https://uguu.org
Mastodon: @omoikane@mastodon.social
GitHub: @uguu-org
author_handle: Don_Yang
- 2000/dhyang - Best layout
- 2004/omoikane - Best utility
- 2011/akari - Best of Show - Most Shrinkable
- 2012/omoikane - Most surreptitious
- 2013/misaka - Most catty
- 2014/sinon - Best choice of optimization
- 2015/yang - Most pointed reaction
- 2018/yang - Most shifty
- 2019/yang - Most in need of transparency
- 2020/yang - Best abuse of CPP
z is for zlib
Location: US - United States
author_handle: Lord_Zarbon
- 2000/briddlebane - Best abuse of user
Location: IL - Israel
author_handle: Adar_Zeitak
- 2012/zeitak - Gold Award - Balanced use of obfuscation
Location: US - United States
URL: https://mzucker.github.io/swarthmore/
Alternate URL: https://mzucker.github.io
GitHub: @mzucker
author_handle: Matt_Zucker
- 2011/zucker - Most shiny