IOCCC image by Matt Zucker

The International Obfuscated C Code Contest

1993/dgibson - Best abuse of the C preprocessor

plays the game of life using cpp


To build:

    make all

To use:

    ./ [datafile]


datafile is the initial pattern (default is the dgibson.data1 file).



Judges’ remarks:

We have provided the shell script to make it easier to run this entry. Run this shell script several times to see what happens.

There are a number of data files available:

For dgibson.data5 you will need a large screen, lots of virtual memory and lots of time! The script will run on all the data files.

Good luck trying to use a debugger on this entry! Life is not always pretty.

Author’s remarks:

This program plays the Game of Life.

Life is a cellular automaton invented by J. H. Conway, in which each of a rectangular grid of cells can be alive or dead, and cells with more than 3 or less than 2 (out of 8) live neighbours die, and empty cells with exactly 3 neighbours give birth.

Some notes

Further features: the current generation number is preserved, and the grid automatically resizes itself as the object gets too big or too small.

When writing this program, my goal was to make each cell in the life grid expand to the code which calculates the fate of that cell. In addition, the resulting program is a single expression, which makes it necessary to recurse main() in two “directions” simultaneously.

Inventory for 1993/dgibson

Primary files

Secondary files

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