IOCCC image by Matt Zucker

The International Obfuscated C Code Contest

2001/ollinger - Best primal ASCII graphics

Prints primes with a sieve graph


To build:


Bugs and (Mis)features:

The current status of this entry is:


For more detailed information see 2001/ollinger in bugs.html.

To use:

    ./ollinger integer



Try the above command in a large window, say 200 chars wide and 100 high (200x100) with a tiny font.

Judges’ remarks:

Do get lost in the program’s line of thought! :-)

Author’s remarks:

What’s this?

What do you see? On the left, you will see an enumeration of all successive primes from 2 to the parameter you gave to the program. On the right part, you can see the sieve used to find these primes. The big diagonals from right to left are used to erase composed numbers. When no diagonal crosses a number, then the left cell take value 1 and the number is prime.

The parallel version of this algorithm works in real time n. This C sequential version is slower as it works in O(n*log n). But you have some nice picture instead… the cost is a constant number of operation for each character printed on the screen.

Why did I write this ?

Let’s just quote the IOCCC FAQ:

Q: Are there types of entries that are submitted so frequently that the judges get tired of them?

A: Yes, there are types of entries that show up over and over again. The guidelines say:

We tend to dislike programs that:
    are similar to previous winning entries

We like variety. However too often we see (please look at the winning examples given to be aware of the level of the competition):


generating small primes (below is the list of all prime related entries)


As you can see, just a list of primes (let alone small primes) does not cut it anymore.


entries that use some complex state machine/table to print something


Unbeaten for 12 years and counting…

I think this is enough motivation for trying to submit a program which uses some complex state machine/table to generate small primes and print them.

The way it works

This program simply prints the space-time diagram of some particular cellular automaton. The automaton is a 9-state automaton by Ivan Korec in 1998. It is an optimization of an old automaton for recognizing primes designed by Fischer in 1965.

The table of the automaton is encoded into the string e and consists of 345 transitions of the kind ff(left,middle,right). This encoding into e is obfuscated to reduce its size, restrict it to characters 32 to 127 and guarantee a constant time.

The main loop simply iterates this transition function on each cell.

“The rest is silence”

(Hamlet, V.2)


Inventory for 2001/ollinger

Primary files

Secondary files

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