IOCCC image by Matt Zucker

The International Obfuscated C Code Contest

2012/omoikane - Most surreptitious

Encodes text as a C program


To build:


There is an alternate version that will read from the compiled file itself, in case you don’t have a /dev/urandom file. There is also a version that should theoretically work with Windows which distinguishes binary and text. See alternate code below.

To use:

    ./nyaruko [seed.txt] < original.bin > output.c
    bash output.c > key.c
    perl output.c > data.c

    cat key.c data.c > output.c

    cc output.c -o output
    ./output > regenerated.bin

NOTE: if your OS does not have /dev/urandom then you should specify a seed file or use the alternate version which reads in the compiled binary itself.



The script will check if you have perl before trying to use the perl parts of the script.

Alternate code:

The alternate version will, if no file is specified, read in the compiled binary itself rather than trying to open /dev/urandom, which is the default for the original entry. This is useful if your system does not have a /dev/urandom file and you do not want to specify an extra file. The second alternate version is like the first except it also should theoretically work with Windows, setting binary mode on stdin and stdout.

Alternate build:

For the first version:

    make alt

For the second version:

    make alt2

Alternate use:

Use nyaruko.alt or nyaruko.alt2 as you would nyaruko above.

Alternate try:

For the first alternate version:


We have no way to test the second version, sorry (tm Canada 🇨🇦 :-) )!

Judges’ remarks:

The judges have nothing to add that has not already been written about in the obfuscation.html (requires JavaScript) file! :-)

Author’s remarks:


Nyaruko is a binary to text filter. Given some input on stdin, Nyaruko will produce C code that reproduces this input on stdout:

    ./nyaruko < original.bin > output.c
    gcc output.c -o output
    ./output > regenerated.bin

Output is encrypted, but both key and data are included in the output. To separate the key from the data, run these commands:

    bash output.c > key.c
    perl output.c > data.c

The key-less data.c still compiles, but produces a different message on stdout instead of the original input. This message is a hint to why the code is formatted the way it is.

To combine the key and data, concatenate them together in either order:

    cat key.c data.c > output.c
    cat data.c key.c > output.c

By default, Nyaruko generates a unique random key for every message, using /dev/urandom as the seed. If given an extra command line argument, Nyaruko will seed using that file instead of /dev/urandom:

    ./nyaruko seed.txt < input.bin > output.c

This makes the output key deterministic, allowing the same key to be shared across different files. On operating systems that do not have /dev/urandom, users should always specify this extra seed argument to avoid indeterministic keys, or else use the alternate version which will by default read the compiled alternate version itself, which might or might not be deterministic, depending on where and how it’s used.


Implementation details that make Nyaruko more obfuscated than usual programs:

Output code has these features:

Code layout is meant to resemble Nyaruko, also known as Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos. The most obvious thing to do with chaos is to make a random number generator, and the most obvious thing to do with a random number generator is to make one-time-pads for encryption.


Nyaruko has these environment dependencies:

Output code has the same dependencies, with the additional requirement that the compiler must support arbitrarily long string literals. Maximum input size that can be encoded while still producing standard-compliant output is ~276 bytes for C89, and ~3168 bytes for C99.

Nyaruko has been to verified to work with these compiler/OS combinations:

Note that on MingW, stdin and stdout are not opened in binary mode by default, this means Nyaruko may not faithfully encode files on MingW.

NOTICE to those who wish for a greater challenge:

If you want a greater challenge, don’t read any further: just try to understand the program via the source.

If you get stuck, come back and read below for additional hints and information.

Extra files

obfuscation.html - Contains full recording of how the code went from blank state to an obfuscated program, gzipped to fit under 1MB. Requires JavaScript.

Inventory for 2012/omoikane

Primary files

Secondary files

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