IOCCC image by Matt Zucker

The International Obfuscated C Code Contest

1985/shapiro - Grand Prize - Most well rounded in confusion

two #defines one 7-liner that results in a maze


To build:

    make all

There is alternate code which allows one to change the size of the maze. See Alternate code below.

To run:


Alternate code:

The code has a define C set to 39 but this can be modified to change the size of the maze. The alternate code allows one to easily do this.

Alternate build:

    make alt

Alternate try:

If you wish to change the value you can do it like:

    make clobber SIZE=5 alt

Note that if it is not a number then obviously there will be a compilation error. If it’s <= 0 || >= 5000 then it is set to 39, the default.

You might also wish to try:


This script will compile the program five times with a random value and then prompt you in an infinite loop for values to try, exiting only if non-digits are in the input.

Also try printing out various sized mazes and solving them with pencil or pen or in your head.

Judges’ remarks:

As submitted, this program was 3 lines (two #defines, one code). To make news & mail happy we split the last line into seven lines.

This program was selected for the 1987 t-shirt collection.

We found this program is be simply amazeing! Run this program without arguments and notice the output.

Author’s remarks:

No remarks were provided by the author.

Inventory for 1985/shapiro

Primary files

Secondary files

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