IOCCC image by Matt Zucker

The International Obfuscated C Code Contest

Frequently Asked Questions

IOCCC FAQ Table of Contents

This is FAQ version 28.2.16 2025-03-12.

0. Entering the IOCCC: the bare minimum you need to know

1. Entering the IOCCC: more help and details

2. IOCCC Judging process

3. The mkiocccentry toolkit: finer details

4. Compiling IOCCC entries

5. Dependencies for some IOCCC entries

6. Problems compiling IOCCC entries

7. Running IOCCC entries

8. Changes made to IOCCC entries

9. Helping the IOCCC

10. Miscellaneous IOCCC

11. History of the IOCCC

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Section 0: Entering the IOCCC: the bare minimum you need to know

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Q 0.0: How can I enter the IOCCC?

To submit your code to the IOCCC, follow the IOCCC Quick Start Guide.

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Q 0.1: What is the mkiocccentry tool, how do I obtain it and how do I use it?

mkiocccentry repo

This toolkit is from the mkiocccentry repo and it is required that you use it to package your submission. Not doing so puts you at a great risk of violating the Rules and in particular Rule 17.

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Q 0.1.1: What is mkiocccentry in simple terms?

The mkiocccentry tool first gathers your source code, your Makefile, your remarks, any other data files you wish to provide (up to a maximum, including the mandatory files, defined in limit_ioccc.h as MAX_FILE_COUNT) and other information about your submission, information about the author (or authors), and then it will give you a list of subdirectories, if any, that will be made, and files that will be copied to the submission directory. It will list files and directories that it will (for various reasons) not create as well, asking you to confirm these things are all okay. Some things are strictly forbidden (such as a directory tree too deep) and it will tell you about these as well, so you can fix it.

Assuming you agree to the list of directories and files, it will make the directories (if necessary) and copy the files. It will then switch to the submission directory, run make clobber and then scan the directory again, looking for mismatches. If no errors are detected it will list everything to you again, asking you to confirm it is good.

If everything is OK, it will write the required .auth.json and .info.json and then run chkentry(1) on the directory. If all is OK it will create the tarball. After the tarball is formed, it will run txzchk(1) on it, which runs fnamchk(1). If all is OK, your submission tarball should be good to go.

Please see FAQ on “txzchk”, the FAQ on “fnamchk” and the FAQ on “chkentry” for more information on these important tools, if you want more information.

See the FAQ on “how to upload you submission” for details on how to register for the IOCCC, the FAQ on “obtaining the latest mkiocccentry toolkit” for details on obtaining the latest release, the FAQ on “compiling the mkiocccentry toolkit” for details on compiling and the FAQ on “using mkiocccentry” for more details.

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Q 0.1.2: How do I obtain the latest mkiocccentry toolkit?

Before you use it, make SURE you have the most recent version. If you do not have an mkiocccentry tool directory:

    cd some_directory
    git clone
    cd mkiocccentry

If you already have an mkiocccentry tool directory:

    cd mkiocccentry
    git fetch --all --tags
    git rebase

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Q 0.1.3: How do I compile the mkiocccentry toolkit?

Once you’ve obtained the LATEST version (see the FAQ on “obtaining the latest mkiocccentry toolkit” to make sure of this), change to the mkiocccentry directory and then run:

    make clobber all test

to compile all the tools and run the test-suite.

You do not have to run the test-suite but if you wish to make sure all is in order you may. If you wish to skip that:

    make clobber all

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After obtaining the toolkit (see the FAQ on “obtaining the latest mkiocccentry toolkit”) and compiling the tools (see the FAQ on “compiling mkiocccentry” above) run as either sudo(8) or root make install:

    # if you use sudo(8):
    sudo make install

    # as root:
    make install

If everything goes well you should be able to run mkiocccentry(1), txzchk(1), chkentry(1) and all the other installed tools from any directory, and the tools that rely on other tools will be able to find those required tools from any directory too.

Some tools like and are not meant to be installed and will not work from any directory, however.

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Q 0.1.5: How do I use mkiocccentry?

Once you have registered, you will need to package your submission with the mkiocccentry tool. If you have not already obtained the toolkit, see the FAQ on “obtaining the most recent mkiocccentry toolkit”, the FAQ on “compiling mkiocccentry” and the FAQ on “installing the mkiocccentry tools” if you have not already done so.

The below details discuss this very important tool. As it is complicated we will explain how to use this tool. If you want to know what it is in simpler terms, see the FAQ on “what mkiocccentry is”.

As the Guidelines state, the synopsis is:

    mkiocccentry [options] workdir topdir

… where workdir is a directory that will be used to build the submission tarball and topdir is the directory which has your files, including the mandatory prog.c, Makefile and

The workdir MUST already exist, as a directory, and it is an error if it is not a directory that can be written to. In this directory your submission directory will be created, with the name based on your IOCCC registration username, which is in the form of a UUID, and submission number along with the timestamp; see the rules for more details on this, and in particular Rule 17.

IMPORTANT NOTE: the tools that require other tools, mkiocccentry(1) and txzchk(1), will, as of version 2.0.2 2025-03-11, search under $PATH. If you have an earlier version and you have not installed the tools and run the tools from outside the repo directory, you will have to use the options to the tools to set the path to the required tools.

If the subdirectory in the work directory (based on your submit ID and slot number) already exists, you will have to move it, remove it or otherwise specify a different work directory (NOT the subdirectory), as it needs to be empty.

This subdirectory is where your directories will be made and where your files will be copied to. Your submission tarball (which you will upload to the submit server) that txzchk(1) will validate will be placed in the work directory, and its contents will be the subdirectory with your submission’s files. The mkiocccentry(1) tool will also ask you for information about your submission as well as author details (that will only be looked at if the submission wins), run some tests and run a number of other tools, as mentioned above, and as described in the “finer details” section.

See also the FAQ on “what the minimum required versions are for this contest” for more details on how to verify you have the correct versions for this contest.

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Q 0.1.6: What are the minimum versions required for this contest?

At minimum, the tools MUST be version:

See also the FAQ on “obtaining the latest release of the toolkit”.

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Q 0.2: What platform should I assume for my submission?

Your entry must compile with clang or gcc and run under at least one flavor of a UNIX system that conforms to the SUS, otherwise known as the The Single UNIX Specification Version 4 or later SUS.

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Q 0.3: What should I put in my submission Makefile?

We recommend starting with the sample (renamed as Makefile of course) as a starting point for your entry’s Makefile:

The Makefile is a file used by the make(1) command that contains rules and UNIX shell-style commands.

The first and default rule should be the all rule and should build your entry’s executable file. There are other rules that should be present in your Makefile, and which mkiocccentry attempts to find; see below.

If your entry depends on a particular source file name during compilation or execution, your Makefile should copy prog.c into the desired filename. See the FAQ on “source and compiled filenames” for an example.

If you are not familiar Makefiles, you might consider the following tutorials:

For the make(1) connoisseur: As of 2023, IOCCC judges use GNU make compatible make(1) command that is compatible with GNU Make version 3.81. Your Makefile should be compatible with this; see the FAQ on “Makefile compatibility” for more details and help.

Expected make rules:

The following rules should exist in your Makefile:

Although the mkiocccentry(1) tool only checks for those rules, the most up to date Makefile.example does have other rules like everything and alt, and we encourage you to use the one linked to above.

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Q 0.4: What should I put in the file of my submission?

PLEASE look at the template to give you a better idea of how it should be formed, as it has some instructions you should follow:

PLEASE pay especial attention to the instructions, including the IOCCC markdown guidelines. You will observe that it links back to this FAQ as to what you should or should not say.

Next, while you may put in as much or as little as you wish into your entry’s file, we do have few important suggestions:

We recommend that you explain how to use your submission. Explain the command line (if any command line options and arguments are used) and any input or actions if applicable.

We highly recommend that you explain why you think your submission is well obfuscated.

For those submissions that win the IOCCC, we often use much of text from the file in the Author’s remarks section of the index.html file. For this reason, a well written file is considered a plus.

While not required, consider adding bit of humor to your as most people who are not humor impaired, as well as the IOCCC judges (who might or might not be humour impaired :-) ), appreciate the opportunity for a fun read as well as a chuckle or two.

What helps:

What does not help:

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Q 0.5: What should I do with the and scripts?

If your submission has more than one use, or if you have interesting ways to invoke your program, perhaps using other commonly installed tools (or tools included in your submission), it can be helpful to include a script:

The template script can be used as a starting point, or you can look at some of the others in past winning entries, to get some ideas.

It is not detrimental to your chances of winning if you do not include one as not all submissions can make use of them. Nevertheless, it is helpful to include ways to use your program and as submitted Makefiles should have a try rule, if you have creative ways this can be a bonus. It does not mean that a program that cannot be used with other programs is less interesting or less likely to win, but we do enjoy interesting and creative uses of submissions.

If you have alternate code that you are including, then you can use the template as well.

We recommend that you include the use of these scripts in the try rule in the example Makefile that you modify for your submission. See the FAQ on “submission Makefiles”.

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Q 0.6: What permissions may my files be and what if I need different permissions?

Files in your submission tarball MUST be specific permissions. In particular: directories MUST be drwxr-xr-x (i.e. 0755), the optional files, or, if provided, MUST be -r-xr-xr-x (i.e. 0555) and all other files MUST be -r--r--r-- (i.e. 0444).

If you need a file to be executable, say a script, then make sure you do so in the appropriate place in your Makefile. See the FAQ on “submission Makefile” for more details.

See the FAQ on “Rule 17” and Rule 17 itself.

Do remember that if your submission requires different filenames, then you MUST make a COPY of them in your Makefile. See also Rule 11.

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Section 1: Entering the IOCCC: more help and details

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Q 1.0: How can I avoid re-entering the information to mkiocccentry?

mkiocccentry(1) has some options to help write OR read from an answers file so you do not have to input the author(s) or the submission details (like the abstract, summary etc.), just to change a file.

To write to answers.txt try:

    mkiocccentry -a answers.txt ...

Alternatively, if you wish to overwrite a file, you can use the -A flag with the same option argument. Be very careful that you do not accidentally overwrite your prog.c or some other important file!

To make use of the answers file, use the -i answers option like:

    mkiocccentry -i answers.txt ...

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Q 1.1: May I use a different source or compiled filename than prog.c or prog?

While your submission’s source filename, as submitted, must be prog.c, your entry’s Makefile may copy prog.c to a different filename as part of the compiling/building process. For example:

    # Makefile continues above ...

    all: desired_name

    desired_name: desired_name.c
            rm -f $@
            cc desired_name.c -o $@

    desired_name.c: prog.c
            rm -f $@
            cp -f prog.c $@

            rm -f desired_name.o

    clobber: clean
            rm -f desired_name.c desired_name

    # Makefile continues below ...

We recommend that the make clobber rule remove files that your entry creates as part of the compiling/building process.

You may also copy the compiled prog into a different file as part of compiling process. For example:

    # Makefile continues above ...

    all: desired_name

    different_name: prog
            rm -f $@
            cp -f prog $@

            rm -f prog.o

    clobber: clean
            rm -f desired_name

    # Makefile continues below ...

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Q 1.2: What is markdown and how does the IOCCC use it?

The IOCCC makes extensive use of markdown. For example, when submitting to the IOCCC, we have people submit remarks about their submission(s) in markdown format. Every winning IOCCC entry uses a markdown file as the basis for forming the index.html web page for that entry. All generated HTML pages on the Official IOCCC website start with some markdown content.

IMPORTANT: Please read the IOCCC markdown guidelines as it lists things you should NOT use in markdown files and things you should do as well.

See the markdown syntax guide. See also CommonMark Spec.

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Q 1.3: How do I report bugs in an mkiocccentry tool?

As the mkiocccentry toolkit is crucial in the contest, both for submitters and the judges, if you find a bug (or you think you find a bug) we would be grateful if you were to report it at the mkiocccentry issues page.

Please see the FAQ on “reporting bugs and other issues in the mkiocccentry repo” in the mkiocccentry repo for more thorough details on bug reporting.

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Q 1.4: How may I use subdirectories in my submission if Rule 17 disallows them?

In order to submit a subdirectory, you may simply include a tarball. As long as the maximum depth of all files does not exceed the maximum, defined as MAX_PATH_DEPTH, the maximum filename length (a single component not counting the /) of all files does not exceed MAX_FILENAME_LEN and the maximum path length (all components) of all files does not exceed MAX_PATH_LEN. These macros are defined in limit_ioccc.h.

See also the FAQ on “Rule 17”, the guidelines and Rule 17 itself.

Q 1.5: How can I check if my submission passes tests without having to answer questions?

In case you do not have a UUID or you simply want to test if mkiocccentry(1) does not detect any issues with your submission, without having to answer all the questions, you can use the -d option (which is an alias for -s 21701 where 21701 is the seed) to have the tool make up pseudo-randomly selected answers.

Please note that the tool will NOT delete the directory it makes so if you do have to try again you’ll have to remove it (you can have it delete it if you use the -x option though).

An example use of this option is:

    mkiocccentry -d workdir topdir

This will run the tests that mkiocccentry(1), write the JSON files, use chkentry(1), package the tarball and run txzchk(1) on it.

If you don’t want to deal with the having to move or delete the submission directory, you could instead do:

    mkiocccentry -x -d workdir topdir

See also the FAQ on “mkiocccentry”, the FAQ on “using mkiocccentry”, the FAQ on “.info.json”, the FAQ on “.auth.json”, the FAQ on “chkentry, the FAQ on”txzchk” and the FAQ on “fnamchk” for more details.

What are extra files and how may I include additional files beyond the max allowed?

Extra files are defined as files that are not the required files (prog.c, Makefile, and the two generated by mkiocccentry(1) .info.json and .auth.json) and files that are also not the optional files (, prog.alt.c and

NOTE: optional filenames are only optional if they are in the submission top level directory.

If you need to include more files than this, you may include a tarball that itself is an extra file, meaning it counts AS an extra file. This file does NOT need to pass the txzchk(1) tests; only your submission tarball needs to pass these tests.

Please pay careful attention to Rule 17 and in particular the part about the maximum number of files per submission, which not only discusses the maximum number of files (including extra files) but also specific rules you must follow if you do include a tarball. Not following these points puts you at great risk of violating Rule 17!

Also, remember what the guidelines say:

IMPORTANT REMINDER: make SURE your tarball does NOT reveal who you are! The mkiocccentry(1) tool creates a v7 format tarball to prevent this.

You can do this by creating the tarball like:

    tar --format=v7 -cJf foo.txz directory

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Q 1.7: May I use AI, LLM, Virtual coding assistants, or similar tools to write my submission?

You are free to use whatever tools you wish to write your code. This includes tools that are AI based, LLM (large language model), Virtual coding assistants, code generators, or similar tools, as well as your own tools. The IOCCC judges do not discriminate on the basis of the tools used to write obfuscated C code so long as you are the ultimate author of the code you submit.

If you do use such tools, PLEASE mention in your which tools you used as well as how you used them to help write your submission.

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Q 1.8: What are details behind Rule 17?

TL;DR Rule 17 - Use mkiocccentry(1)

This is a COMPLEX rule. Violating this rule will cause your submission to be REJECTED! To help you avoid such a rejection, you are HIGHLY ENCOURAGED to use the mkiocccentry(1) tool, based on the latest release of the mkiocccentry repo, to form your submission’s xz compressed tarball.

The mkiocccentry repo contains IMPORTANT tools and libraries such as:

The above mentioned tools will help you verify that your submission conforms to Rule 17. Each of these tool has a -h option that provides command line help. For additional details of each tool, see its man page, and in some cases, the IOCCC guidelines.

The maximum number of extra files is 31. See the maximum number of extra files section below for finer details and the FAQ on “what extra files are and how to include additional files”, should you need to include more files than this maximum.

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Rule 17 - The COMPLEX details

Each submission MUST be in the form of an xz compressed tarball. The xz compressed tarball filename MUST be of the form: ^submit.username-slot_num.[1-9][0-9]{9,}.txz$.

… where username is your IOCCC registration username in the form of a UUID (see RFC 9562 for details), and where slot_num is a single decimal digit integer (i.e., >= 0 and <= 9).

In particular, username is in the form of: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-Nxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx where 'x' is a hex digit in the range of [0-9a-f], 4 is the UUID version, and N is one of 8, 9, a, or b.

Your xz compressed tarball MUST contain, at a minimum, the following files, in the TOP LEVEL directory:

prog.c is of course your submission program.

The Makefile MUST be a non-empty file in GNU Makefile format. See the Makefile section in the guidelines, the FAQ on “submission Makefiles” and the FAQ on “IOCCC make(1) compatibility” for help.

The MUST be a non-empty file in markdown format (mkiocccentry(1) only checks the file size but if you do not have any text in it you still risk violating this rule). See also Rule 18 and our FAQ on “”, our FAQ on “markdown” and our markdown guidelines.

See also the markdown syntax guide and the CommonMark Spec.

The .auth.json file is created by mkiocccentry(1) and it holds information about the author(s) of the submission. It will ONLY be looked at if your submission wins but it MUST still be valid according to jparse(3) AND chkentry(1).

The .info.json file is created by mkiocccentry(1) and it holds information about the submission itself. It also MUST be valid according to BOTH jparse(3) AND chkentry(1).

For the complete mkiocccentry(1) process, see the FAQ on the “mkiocccentry process”.

The tool performs a lot of checks, both directly and indirectly, and if it or any other tool detects ANY problem, you are HIGHLY encouraged to fix it and try again.

On the other hand, some issues are errors and you MUST fix those.

If you do use mkiocccentry(1) and you run into a problem, you might see the FAQ on “how to ask a question about the IOCCC rules, guidelines and tools”. If you believe you have encountered a bug, feel free to open a bug report at the mkiocccentry repo issues page.

The xz compressed tarball file MUST be <= 3999971 octets in size.

When your submission’s xz compressed tarball is uncompressed, the total size of your submission (the sum of the size of the program source code, remarks/comments, Makefile and all other files) MUST be <= 28314624 octets (27651K) in size.

One of the many checks txzchk(1) performs is summing up the total size. Of course if you manipulate the tarball to get past this you risk violating this rule.

Your submission’s xz compressed tarball MUST pass the txzchk(1) tests. See the guidelines on txzchk(1) for more details on this tool.

IMPORTANT: Make SURE you have the most recent version of the mkiocccentry toolkit! Not doing so will put you at a great risk of violating this rule! See the FAQs on “obtaining, compiling, installing and using the mkiocccentry toolkit” for more details.

You are HIGHLY ENCOURAGED to use the mkiocccentry(1) tool to form your submission’s xz compressed tarball. See the guidelines on mkiocccentry(1) for more details on this tool and see the mkiocccentry repo for the toolkit itself.

Your entry MAY have subdirectories, depending on the depth and total length of the filenames. Certain directories like .git, RCCS, CVS and .svn (amongst others) are skipped. For more information, see the FAQ on “subdirectories”.

With the exception of those generated by the mkiocccentry(1) tool or the tools it or any other tool invokes, files in your submission MUST:

The submission tarball created by mkiocccentry(1) MUST have the additional files that are generated by the mkiocccentry(1) tool:

The chkentry(1) tool will validate these two JSON files, and do other checks on your submission directory as well, prior to mkiocccentry(1) forming the tarball.

Files and directories in your submission tarball MUST be specific permissions and mkiocccentry(1) does this for you. In particular: directories MUST be drwxr-xr-x (i.e. 0755); the optional files, not counting prog.alt.c (i.e. and, if provided, MUST be -r-xr-xr-x (i.e. 0555); and all other files MUST be -r--r--r-- (i.e. 0444). If any file or directory does not have the correct permissions, your submission WILL be rejected for violating Rule 17!

After mkiocccentry(1) creates the directories and copies the files with these modes, it also verifies them after the fact and if they are not correct it is an error.

If you do need different permissions, then see the FAQ on “file permissions”. Also keep in mind Rule 4, Rule 5 and Rule 21.

The txzchk(1) tool will also verify file/directory permissions (and many other things) for you, and so will chkentry(1) (along with other checks on files and directories in your submission directory, including the two required JSON files, .auth.json and .info.json). If these checks fail it is an error and mkiocccentry(1) will abort. In this case (it fails and you used mkiocccentry(1)) it is very possibly a bug; please report it as a bug at the mkiocccentry issues page.

The tarball filename MUST pass fnamchk(1); the tool txzchk(1) will run fnamchk(1) as part of its algorithm. If you use mkiocccentry(1) there should be no problem but if you were to package things manually it is possible there could be a problem and this poses a big risk of violating Rule 17.

The fnamchk(1), which txzchk(1) executes, will verify that the filename is correct. But if you do package your tarball manually, and you have a mismatch in what is in the tarball and the name, txzchk(1) will flag the discrepancy as an error and exit with non-zero.

These checks MUST PASS. If they do not you stand a significant chance of having your submission rejected for violating Rule 17!

Maximum number of files per submission

The maximum number of files your submission tarball may contain, not counting the optional files (prog.alt.c,, and the mandatory files (prog.c, Makefile, plus the mkiocccentry(1) generated files .auth.json and .info.json), is 31. This is defined in the macro MAX_EXTRA_FILE_COUNT in soup/limit_ioccc.h in the mkiocccentry repo. See the FAQ on “what extra files are and how to include more” if you need to include more files.

If you do include a tarball that takes your extra files count over the maximum, you MUST explain this in your file! PLEASE do not include a tarball with extra files for a test-suite; instead mention in your remarks that you have extra files for a test-suite that can be included should your submission win. Of course if you don’t need that many files for a test-suite you are more than welcome to include those files in your submission.

If you need to extract a tarball by some Makefile, or perhaps the program itself, then make clobber MUST remove everything that the extraction created!

Tarballs MUST only create files and directories under the submission directory. They may NOT contain absolute paths (paths that start with /)! txzchk does NOT check other tarballs so YOU MUST verify these details yourself.

IMPORTANT REMINDER: MAKE SURE your tarball does not reveal who you are! The mkiocccentry(1) tool uses the v7 format. For instance you might try:

    tar --format=v7 -cJf foo.txz directory

IMPORTANT: where Rule 17 and the tools from the latest release of the mkiocccentry repo conflict, the IOCCC judges will use their best judgment which is likely to favor mkiocccentry repo code.

This means you should MAKE SURE that you use mkiocccentry(1) to package your submission; mkiocccentry(1) will run the above mentioned tools (that do not act on the tarball) before creating the tarball and after the tarball is created it will then verify that the tarball is okay by running txzchk(1) on it. If any step fails it is an error and submitting the submission will result in violating this rule.

MAKE SURE you use the correct release of the repository; you should do this AFTER the contest opens (pull any changes or if you prefer download the repository via the download option at GitHub). See the FAQ on “obtaining the latest release of mkiocccentry” for more help on ensuring you do have the most up to date release.

We recommend that you run make and then install the tools (and man pages) via make install (as root or using sudo(8)) to help you run these tools from your submission’s directory (or any other directory). The make install will install in /usr/local. However, you do not have to install them, but in that case you’ll have to run it from the toolkit’s directory or use the correct options to specify the path to the necessary tools, and also specify the path to your files, which can be problematic.

These tools will link in the jparse(3) library, the dbg library and the dyn_array library; chkentry(1) uses the JSON parser (jparse(3)) to validate and parse the JSON files but the other tools use parts of the jparse utility functions as well.

If you run into a problem with one or more of these tools, PLEASE report it as a bug at the mkiocccentry issues page, making sure to run See the guidelines for help here and also read our FAQ on “mkiocccentry repo bugs”.

At the risk of stating the obvious: submissions that violate Rule 17 WILL BE REJECTED, so BE SURE to use the latest release of the mkiocccentry repo, to form and test your submission’s xz compressed tarball. Do NOT assume you have the most recent release without pulling or downloading via GitHub and do MAKE SURE you do this AFTER the contest status has changed to open.

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Q 1.9: How can I avoid re-entering my UUID to mkiocccentry?

Because some people might want to submit more than one submission, an option to read the UUID from a file exists, so that you don’t have to repeatedly copy and paste the UUID in. If the file is not a regular readable file or it does not have a valid UUID, you will be prompted as if you had not used the option. If you use the -i answers feature this will not be used as the UUID is included in the answers file.

There are two ways to do this - it is purely a matter of preference. The first way is to put your UUID in a text file (the UUID by itself on a single line) with no spaces before or after it, and then run:

    mkiocccentry -u uuid workdir topdir

where uuid is the file containing your UUID, workdir is the workdir and topdir is the topdir.

The second way is to specify the UUID on the command line itself. For instance if your UUID was test (for test mode) you could do:

    mkiocccentry -U test workdir topdir

See also the FAQ on “the answers file”.

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Q 1.10: How can I avoid having to move or delete my submission directory for the same workdir?

If you wish to not have to worry about removing or moving the submission directory under the workdir, you may use the -x option to mkiocccentry. For instance, you can do:

    mkiocccentry -x workdir topdir

and if the submission directory under workdir already exists it will be removed first so you do not have to do so.

If for some reason your rm command cannot be found or does not exist you can specify the path by the -r rm option.

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Section 2: IOCCC Judging process

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Q 2.0: What is the best way to ask a question about the IOCCC rules, guideline and tools?

We realise that the IOCCC rules, IOCCC guidelines and the IOCCC mkiocccentry tools can be confusing or even seem overwhelming to some people.

The IOCCC judges do welcome questions about the IOCCC and will be happy to help.

Chances are, if you have a question, there are a number of other people who have similar questions. So we recommend that you first view the GitHub discussions for this repo to see if someone else asked it already. Feel free to join in on such a discussion, even if to just say:

I have this question too.

Feel free to provide additional feedback in the existing discussion as needed.

BTW: If your question is just about the IOCCC mkiocccentry tools, please view the mkiocccentry repo discussions instead.

If you do not find a suitable open discussion, please consider opening a new IOCCC winner repo discussion with your question. Doing this may be of help to others with a question similar to yours.

BTW: If your question is just about the IOCCC mkiocccentry tools, and you do not see a suitable open discussion over there, then please consider opening a new mkiocccentry discussion over there.

If you do not feel, for some reason, comfortable asking your question in public (although we hope you consider asking it in public for the benefit of others), then use the How to contact the IOCCC information to ask a private question.

IMPORTANT NOTE: When you ask your question (in public or as a private question) PLEASE try to NOT discuss detailed information about any pending submission. Try to ask for question in a more generic way as this will help others with a similar question and this will not give away what you might be doing with your submission. If the IOCCC judges truly need more information, they will ask (either in public or suggest a private conversation).

Again, please don’t hesitate to ask: Your question may be something that others are wondering about as well!

See also the FAQ on “rules, guidelines, tools feedback”.

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Q 2.1: How can I comment or make a suggestion on IOCCC rules, guidelines and tools?

The IOCCC judges to welcome feedback on the IOCCC rules, IOCCC guidelines and on the IOCCC mkiocccentry tools.

To comment on the IOCCC rules or the IOCCC guidelines please view the GitHub discussions for this repo. If there is an on-going discussion that seems relevant to what you have to say, consider adding comments to that particular discussion. Otherwise consider opening a new IOCCC repo discussion.

To comment on IOCCC mkiocccentry tools, please view the mkiocccentry repo discussions. If there is an on-going discussion that seems relevant to what you have to say, consider adding comments to that particular discussion. Otherwise consider opening a new mkiocccentry discussion.

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Q 2.2: Are there any compiler warnings that I should not worry about in my submissions?

There are unfortunately some warnings that cannot be disabled; they are always enabled whatever warning options you have enabled. Also, there is a warning that is enabled whenever you use a pointer as a buffer, saying it is unsafe buffer usage, even when it is not.

This might be enabled by -Weverything but it might not be but it is not detrimental to your submission if you disable this, which you can do by specifying -Wno-unsafe-buffer-usage.

So in short, no you should not worry about these as they are sometimes inevitable in obfuscated code and even non-obfuscated code.

If you can work past this it might be good but this is not something that should be worried about too much as this is on the compiler developers, not you. Of course if you do work past it feel free to brag, though BE SURE TO TELL US the OS, OS version, compiler and compiler version.

For more details on why we use -Weverything in Clang see the FAQ on “-Weverything”.

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Q 2.3: What types of entries have been frequently submitted to the IOCCC?

There are types of entries that are frequently submitted to the IOCCC. While we do not wish to prevent people from sending a submission to the IOCCC on a frequently submitted theme, we do wish to provide a fair warning to those who do.

Fair warnings on frequently submitted themes:

IMPORTANT HINT: It is not fatal to send in those types of entries, it is just HARDER to win with such a submission. A submission on a frequently submitted theme will have to do something in a really unique AND interesting way to even make it into the final judging rounds. It will have to compete with previous IOCCC winners based on the same theme.

IMPORTANT HINT: If you really wish send in a submission on a frequently submitted theme, be sure that it is obfuscated in several new and novel ways.

IMPORTANT HINT: Be sure to clearly explain near the beginning of your file, see the FAQ on “”, why you are submitting an entry based on a frequently submitted theme and how compares with previous IOCCC winners of the same theme.

Examples of frequently submitted themes

Maze generator
Tic-Tac-Toe/Noughts and Crosses/Xs and Os game
Solitaire/Othello game
Self-reproducing program
Entries that just print “Hello, world!”
Entries that use some complex state machine/table to print something
pi or e computation

The above list of frequently submitted themes is not exhaustive

Some final thoughts on frequently used themes

While it is possible to win a new IOCCC with one of these frequently submitted types of entries, level of the competition from previous IOCCC entries make it more challenging to be successful.

It is also important to note that the guidelines often state something along the lines of:

We tend to dislike programs that: are similar to previous winning entries.

FAIR WARNING: Be sure to clearly explain near the beginning of your file, see the FAQ on “”, why you are submitting an entry based on a frequently submitted theme and how compares with previous IOCCC winners of the same theme.

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Q 2.4: How did an entry that breaks the size rule 2 win the IOCCC?

As entries have been fixed it is entirely possible that some of the entries no longer fit within the year’s size restrictions. Invariably the length of columns and/or number of rows have also changed.

The winner.orig.c file contains the original source code that was subjected to rule 2 of the given IOCCC. You may also wish to see the archive directory where you can find all the original winning entries as compressed tar files for a given year.

In some cases the entry may have abused rule 2 and declared an “abuse of the rules” (although now blatant abuse of the rules to get around rule 2 size limits is discouraged).

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Q 2.5: How many submissions do the judges receive for a given IOCCC?

By tradition, we do not say.

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Q 2.6: How much time does it take to judge the contest?

It takes a fair amount of time to setup, run, respond to messages, process entries, review entries, trim down the set entries to a set of winning entries, doing the write-up of the entries, announcing the entries, reviewing final edits of the winning entry set, posting the winning entries, being flamed :-), tell folks who send in late entries to wait until the next contest, etc… It takes a few weekends and a number nights of study and work … which is hard given that we are busy with many other activities as well.

Note that we do not contact the author if an entry does not compile or does not work as advertised; we might attempt to fix obvious compilation problems or incompatibilities, but no more than that - so be sure that your entry does work on at least a couple different platforms, at least one of them being UNIX or SUS-conforming. See the FAQ on “SUS” for more information.

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Q 2.7: How many judging rounds do you have?

Are you trying to trick us? :-)

By tradition, we do not say how many judging rounds we have in a given IOCCC.

We often report when the IOCCC judges start the 1st round, and then usually report when the IOCCC judges start near final judging rounds, and sometimes we also report when we enter what we believe is the final judging round, so you may guess that we have at least 3 rounds. :-) The actual number of rounds is certainly more than 3.

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Q 2.8: Why do some IOCCC entries receive the Grand Prize or Best of Show award?

In some years, the IOCCC judges discover a truly amazing IOCCC entry that stands out among all of the other IOCCC entries received that year. For such an IOCCC entry, the IOCCC judges award a “Grand Prize” or “Best of Show award”.

In 1984-1987, the “Grand Prize” winning entries are:

Starting from 1988, the entry we liked the most in that year is called “Best of Show”. Here are the “Best of Show” entries:

In 1993, 1994 and 1995 the judges were unable to select a clear overall winning entry. So to give a nod to the entry that had the highest approval ranking from the judges, they used the following awards:

These could be considered the ‘best entry’ for those years with 1 or more other entries that came in close behind.

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Q 2.9: How are winning IOCCC entries announced?

Once the IOCCC closes, the judges will:

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Q 2.10: Why don’t you publish submissions that do not win?

Because the publication on the IOCCC site IS the award! Anyone is free to put their IOCCC hopefuls, lookalikes and/or entries that do not win on their web page for everyone to see.

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Section 3: The mkiocccentry toolkit: finer details

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Q 3.0: What is the mkiocccentry(1) process and what sort of checks does it perform?

TL;DR: the program will make a submission directory (name based on the username and slot number you provide) under the workdir and then switch to the topdir. It will then create lists of files and directories to present to you, to verify everything is in order. If something is not allowed (bad filename for example) or an error occurs (missing required file for example) you will be notified of this. After you verify everything is okay the files/directories found will be copied/made and it will then switch to the submission directory. In the submission directory it first runs make clobber and then scans the directory hierarchy again, verifying things are still okay. When done it will ask you to verify things still look OK to you too. If all is good it’ll ask you for more information about the author(s). Next the two required JSON files .auth.json and .info.json will be created. After that chkentry(1) will be run on the directory. If all is good it’ll give you another chance to say the files/directories look good and if you answer yes it’ll create the tarball and run txzchk on it.

In most cases the program will prompt you to verify your input is correct. In the case of author information (which will only be looked at if you win) you will be asked to verify country code prior to being asked the other questions. If you fail to enter other author information correctly you will be prompted right away to fix it. Afterwards, when the author information is collected, it will ask you to confirm. This procedure happens for each author.

In the case of -i answers option being used, you will not have to put in most information but you will have to confirm the lists of files and directories are correct, unless you use -Y (which we do not recommend).

If topdir is not a readable (+r), searchable (+x) directory it is an error.

If workdir is not a writable (+w), searchable (+x) directory it is an error.

If workdir is in topdir the program will not descend into it (the workdir).

If topdir is the same (by device and inode) as workdir it is an error. If somehow topdir or workdir is found under the submission directory (by device and inode) it is an error (and you should report it as a bug.

In more detail the mkiocccentry(1) tool performs the below steps.

  1. Ask the user for a submission ID (see the how to register for more details on how to obtain this and Rule 17 for the importance of this).
    • If this is an invalid UUID (malformed), you will be asked to correct it until it is.
    • If the -u uuidfile option is used and the UUID in the file uuidfile is not malformed, the user will not be prompted for a UUID.
    • If the -U uuidstr option is used and the UUID is not malformed, the user will not be prompted for a UUID.
    • The -u and -U options may not be used with any option that reads from an answers file (-i answers, -d, -s seed).
  2. Ask the user for the submission slot (the submission number; see how to register and Rule 17 for more details).
    • If this is out of range (see MAX_SUBMIT_SLOT in limit_ioccc.h) you will be asked to correct it until it is.
  3. Make the submission directory under topdir in the form of workdir/submit.USERNAME-SLOT.
    • If this directory already exists it is an error, unless the -x option is used, in which case it’ll be deleted.
    • If for some reason the default rm paths do not work, you may use -r rm to specify the path to a working rm command.
  4. Change to the topdir.
  5. Traverse the directory, creating lists of ignored/forbidden files/directories/symlinks as well as a list directories to make and a list of files to copy to the submission directory (and if (sub)directories are found with files, copy those files to their respective directory). Note the following:
    • If the depth is too deep it is an error (see MAX_PATH_DEPTH in limit_ioccc.h).
    • If there are too many extra directories (total count not including the submission directory itself, unrelated to MAX_PATH_DEPTH above) it is an error (see MAX_EXTRA_DIR_COUNT in limit_ioccc.h).
    • If the max path length is <= 0 it is an error (and a bug!).
    • If the max depth is <= 0 it is an error (and a bug!).
    • If the max filename length is <= 0 it is an error (and a bug!).
    • If a path is NULL it is an error.
    • If a path is an empty string it is an error.
    • If the path length (i.e. strlen(path) where path starts after the initial ./ of the path in the topdir) is too long it is an error (see MAX_PATH_LEN in limit_ioccc.h).
    • If a filename (last component of the path) is too long it is an error (see MAX_FILENAME_LEN in limit_ioccc.h).
    • If a filename or directory name is not a sane relative path, not allowed or will not be added for some other reason, it will be added to a relevant list to show to the user later, to let them know it will not be added to the submission. By relative we mean it must not start with / (which shouldn’t happen even if you give an absolute path) and by sane we mean that each component must match the regexp: ^[0-9A-Za-z]+[0-9A-Za-z_+.-]*$.
    • If a directory is unreadable it is an error.
    • If a directory causes a cycle in the tree it is an error.
    • If stat(2) on the path fails it is an error.
    • If prog.c, Makefile or is/are not found it is an error.
    • If too many files that are not prog.c, Makefile,,, prog.alt.c or are found, it is an error (see MAX_EXTRA_FILE_COUNT in limit_ioccc.h).
    • Symlinks are not allowed but it is not an error (they will be added to a list and ignored).
    • If any file type other than a regular file, a directory or a symlink is encountered it is an error.
    • If there is an unknown error it is an error :-)
  6. Show each list to the user, asking if this is okay. The lists include:
    • Ignored directories (those like .git, CVS, RCCS, .svn and various others).
    • Unsafe directory names that will not be added (i.e. those that are not POSIX plus + safe chars only; see above step (4)). This includes directories starting with a ..
    • Forbidden files such as index.html,, prog, prog.alt.
    • Unsafe filenames that will not be added (i.e. those that are not POSIX plus + safe chars only; see above step (4)). This includes files starting with ..
    • Symlinks found (these are not allowed).
    • Directories to be made.
    • Required files (prog.c, Makefile and to be copied.
    • Non-required files to be copied.
    • The user is asked to verify each list, including the lists of directories and files to be made/copied, and if the user says it is not OK the program will abort.
  7. Make any directories if necessary (under workdir/submit.USERNAME-SLOT i.e. the submission directory).
    • Directories MUST be and are made with mode 0755.
    • If any directory is not this mode txzchk(1) will flag it (and so will mkioccentry(1)).
  8. The non-ignored files are copied to their respective directories under the submission directory.
    • and MUST be and are copied as mode 0555.
    • All other files MUST be and are copied as mode 0444.
    • Anything else will be flagged by txzchk(1) (and it’ll be flagged by mkiocccentry(1) too).
  9. cd submit.USERNAME-SLOT (i.e. switch to submission directory).
  10. make -f Makefile clobber.
    • If this fails it is not an error but you are warned about it (it is an error only if the Makefile does not a regular readable file but; even so, see Rule 20.
  11. Traverse the new tree from . (the submission directory) with additional steps from (4).
    • If any file has an ignored directory name in it, it is an error.
    • If a symlink is found it is an error.
    • If any file type other than a directory or regular file exists it is an error.
    • If a forbidden filename exists it is an error.
    • If any file or directory starts with / or is not POSIX plus + safe chars only (see (4) above) it is an error (though this should not actually happen unless you’re doing something funny).
    • If the directory depth becomes too deep it is an error.
    • If prog.c, Makefile or are missing (or not readable regular files) it is an error.
    • If an optional file is a directory it is an error.
    • If a file or directory is in the submission directory that was not found in the topdir it is an error.
    • If a file or directory found in the topdir is not in the submission directory it is an error.
    • If a file or directory in the submission directory is a different type from the topdir (e.g. if foo was a directory in topdir but in the submission directory it is a file) it is an error.
    • If a file (based on the name) or directory has the wrong permission it is an error (see (7) above).
    • If fts_read(3) reports something as a directory but it’s not a directory it is an error (and likewise if it reports something as a file and it’s not a file it is an error) - though this should never happen.
    • If a directory name (full path from the submission directory) is the name of a mandatory file it is an error.
    • If a directory name (full path from the submission directory) is the name of of an optional file it is an error.
    • iocccsize(1) (via the mkiocccentry(1) function check_prog_c()) will be run on your prog.c, allowing you to override any warnings; if you do not override an issue flagged it is an error but if warnings from check_prog_c() are ignored you risk violating the Rules, including Rule 2.
    • check_Makefile() will be run on Makefile; if it is a non-readable or empty file it is an error but otherwise you may override any warnings (risking violating the Rules, especially Rule 17 and Rule 20).
    • check_remarks_md() will be run on your remarks.m; if it is not a regular readable file or it is empty it is an error. Otherwise it will proceed. Note it does not check that there is any text in the file, just that the file size is not 0, and having a that is not size 0 but has no content is violating Rule 17 and Rule 19.
    • If any other error condition from step (4) occurs it is also an error.
  12. Present the list of non-dot files that remain and ask the user to confirm.
  13. Ask the user for a submission title.
  14. Ask the user for a one line abstract of the submission.
  15. Ask the user for the number of authors and for each author ask a variety of questions (see below for more information on what kind of questions).
  16. Create .info.json.
  17. Create .auth.json.
  18. Run chkentry(1) on your submission directory to verify things look good, including that the .info.json and .auth.json files are okay.
    • It also checks that the manifest in .info.json matches what is in the submission directory and it verifies file permissions too; if you wish to know what else it does we suggest you read the source code.
  19. Show the output of ls -lakR ., asking the user to confirm that the listing is okay.
  20. Create the tarball with the name in the form of submit.USERNAME-SLOT.TIMESTAMP.
  21. Run txzchk(1) on the tarball.

If any of the steps fail or if the user says something is not okay, it aborts. Some of the other checks that are made:

Conditions that one MUST correct, and which mkiocccentry(1) will prompt until they are correct, are:

The program does confirm that the information for each author is correct, allowing you to correct the information without having to start the program over.

Although the mkiocccentry(1) tool will verify everything for you, you may wish to validate different parts individually with the different tools. As the rules state, each of these tools has a -h option.

See the FAQ on “jparse”, the FAQ on “.auth.json”, the FAQ on “.info.json”, the FAQ on “chkentry”, the FAQ on “txzchk” and the FAQ on “fnamchk” for more details on the tools that mkiocccentry either executes directly or indirectly as part of the packaging process, especially if you wish to run one or more of these tools manually.

See also the FAQ on “how to test everything at once without having to answer questions”.

See also the Guidelines and the Rules (especially Rule 1, Rule 2, Rule 17, Rule 19 and Rule 20).

Finally, if you wish to not have to enter the same answers just to update a submission, see the FAQ on the “answers file feature”.

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Q 3.1: How can I validate my submission tarball?

The tool that validates submission tarballs can be obtained from the IOCCC mkiocccentry repo. The mkiocccentry tool itself will run the validator after forming the tarball. However, you may wish to manually validate the tarball. The tool that does this is txzchk.

If you wish to validate the tarball without running the mkiocccentry(1) tool, for instance the tarball submit.00000000-0000-4000-0000-000000000000-2.1720636351.txz you can, after installing the tools, do:

    txzchk submit.00000000-0000-4000-0000-000000000000-2.1720636351.txz

Assuming that the tarball exists and is valid, you should see no output.

If you wish to see the contents, for instance like mkiocccentry(1) does, you could do:

    txzchk -v 1 submit.00000000-0000-4000-0000-000000000000-2.1720636351.txz

As the guidelines state, it is beyond the scope of this document to discuss the many tests that txzchk(1) runs; if you must know we refer you to the source code.

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Q 3.2: What is the fnamchk tool?

This tool, which is in the mkiocccentry repo, validates the directory name of your submission.

Rather than mkiocccentry running this tool manually, txzchk’s algorithm uses the output of this tool. If you wish to validate your tarball filename manually, you can do so. For instance:

    fnamchk submit.00000000-0000-4000-0000-000000000000-2.1720636351.txz

Assuming everything is OK, it would show:


See also the FAQ on “validating your submission tarball” for more information.

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Q 3.3: How can I validate my submission directory?

If you want to validate your submission directory manually, including but not limited to the .auth.json and .info.json files, you should use chkentry(1) from the mkiocccentry repo.

The chkentry(1) tool runs a variety of checks on your submission directory, including, but not limited to, using the jparse API to validate the two IOCCC specific JSON files (as valid JSON) and additional checks on those files as well. An important thing that it does is verify that your files are the right permissions and that the manifest in the .info.json files match what is in the directory. What all the checks are is out of scope of this document; if you wish to know we recommend you read the source code.

NOTE: the IOCCC jparse API is a synced copy of the official jparse repo at the time of the contest open date.

See the FAQ on “.auth.json” and FAQ on “.info.json” for more details on the two required and very important JSON files.

The chkentry(1) tool accepts a single arg, a directory that MUST have the two JSON files, .auth.json and .info.json as well as the prog.c, Makefile and files along with all the other files listed in the .info.json manifest. (Okay there is an option to skip files but this is for the judges ONLY; use of this option to validate your submission puts you at a great risk of violating Rule 17!).

As an example, if your submission directory is 00000000-0000-4000-0000-000000000000-3/ then you should run the following command:

    chkentry 00000000-0000-4000-0000-000000000000-3

If there is a JSON issue detected by the jparse(3) API (i.e. it is not valid JSON) it is an error and chkentry(1) will report this, exiting with a non-zero exit code. If the parsing is OK (i.e. valid JSON) but there is an issue in one or both of the JSON files in the context of the IOCCC, it will report this as an error. It also does, as briefly noted above, other checks.

If chkentry(1) fails to validate your submission directory your submission WILL be REJECTED! This is why you MUST make sure you use the mkiocccentry(1) tool to form your submission directory.

See the FAQ on “.auth.json” and the FAQ on “.info.json” as well as Rule 17 for more information.

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Q 3.4: What is a .auth.json file?

This file is constructed by the mkiocccentry(1) prior to forming the xz compressed tarball of your submission. The .auth.json file contains information about the author or authors of the submission, in JSON format.

In order of the file’s contents we describe each required field, below:

“mandatory comment: because comments were removed from the original JSON spec”

your submission WILL BE rejected!

Are we suggesting that removing comments from the JSON spec was a mistake?

“You might very well think that; but of course I couldn’t possibly comment.” – Francis Urquhart

Next, the JSON authors array holds the following information about the author(s) of the submission:

After the authors array the remaining of a .auth.json file holds:

This file will be validated with the chkentry(1) tool and if there are any problems with it or the submission directory, it is an error. If there is an error the tarball will NOT be formed by mkiocccentry; otherwise the txzchk(1) tool will be executed on the tarball.

This file will NOT be looked at unless the submission wins! Nonetheless, the file MUST be present in the submission directory and it MUST be valid JSON and it MUST pass all IOCCC semantics checks and all other checks chkentry(1) perform. chkentry(1) is used by mkiocccentry(1) and the judges will use it on the submission directory as part of the judging process.

At the risk of stating the obvious, if your .auth.json file is invalid JSON or is reported invalid by chkentry(1), or if your submission directory is reported invalid by chkentry(1), your submission will almost certainly be rejected for violating the Rules and in particular Rule 17.

An obvious example where chkentry(1) would fail to validate .auth.json is if there is a mismatch of type in the JSON file with what is expected, for instance, if in .auth.json the no_comment that we chose to not comment on is not a string or is the wrong string. Another obvious example is when things are out of range (see above for list). Two more examples would be if a field is missing or if an unknown filed is in the file. In these cases (and any others that must be established as valid by chkentry(1)) your submission would be rejected for violating Rule 17 and in particular because chkentry(1) would not validate the .auth.json file (and maybe other things too).

If you wish to verify that your .auth.json file is valid JSON then see the FAQ on “validating JSON documents”.

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Q 3.5: What is a .info.json file?

This file is constructed by the mkiocccentry(1) prior to forming the xz compressed tarball of your submission. The .info.json file contains information about the submission, in JSON format. The JSON manifest array contains information about the files of the submission, including the mandatory .auth.json file, the mandatory file, and the mandatory C source file. See the FAQ on “.auth.json” and the FAQ on “” for more information.

In order of the file’s contents we describe each required field, below:

“mandatory comment: because comments were removed from the original JSON spec”

your submission WILL BE rejected!

Are we suggesting that removing comments from the JSON spec was a mistake?

“You might very well think that; but of course I couldn’t possibly comment.” – Francis Urquhart

Next comes the manifest array which MUST have AT LEAST the following. The mkiocccentry(1) tool will write it in this order:

The manifest array also OPTIONALLY has one or more of the field:

Finally, after the manifest array, the following fields MUST exist:

This file will be validated with the chkentry(1) tool and if there are any problems with it or the submission directory, it is an error. If there is an error the tarball will NOT be formed by mkiocccentry; otherwise the txzchk(1) tool will be executed on the tarball.

When the Judges use chkentry(1) on your submission directory, if this JSON file is invalid JSON or does not match the requirements outlined above, or if any other is found, your submission WILL BE rejected.

An obvious example where chkentry would fail to validate .info.json is if there is a mismatch of type in the JSON file with what is expected, for instance, if in .info.json the no_comment that we chose to not comment on is not a string or is the wrong string. Another obvious example is when things are out of range (see above for list). Two more examples would be if a field is missing or if an unknown filed is in the file. In these cases (and any others that must be established as valid by chkentry) your submission would be rejected for violating Rule 17 and in particular because chkentry would not validate the .info.json file.

If you wish to verify that your .info.json file is valid JSON then see the FAQ on “validating JSON documents”.

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Q 3.6: What is an author_handle?

An author_handle is string that refers to a given author and is unique to the IOCCC. Each author has exactly one author_handle.

For each author_handle, there will be a JSON file of the form: author/author_handle.json.

See the FAQ on “fixing author information” for information about how to update and/or correct IOCCC author information.

See the FAQ on “.auth.json” for information about the contents of these JSON files and how they are used.

See the FAQ on “finding author handle” for how to find your own author_handle.

Because the author_handle is used to form a JSON filename, the string must be POSIX safe string plus the use of + (for technical reasons beyond this answer). In particular, the author_handle must be an ASCII string or 32 characters or less that matches this regexp:


Default author_handle’s do not have multiple consecutive _ (underscore) characters. Nevertheless, multiple consecutive _ (underscore) characters are allowed. Contest submitters who wish to override their default author_handle may do so, long as the ASCII string matches the regexp above AND so long as the length does not exceed the 32 ASCII characters (not including the terminating NUL byte).

The author_handle is derived from the name of the author. While there is a algorithm that maps the name of the author (which can contain any UTF-8 characters) into a default author_handle string, those who submit an entry to the IOCCC are free to choose a different author_handle string if they so desire.

An author who has won a previous IOCCC is encouraged to reuse their author_handle so that new winning entries can be associated with the same author.

For an anonymous author, their handle is one of the form of Anonymous_year or Anonymous_year.digits.

The latter form is in case there are more than one anonymous author in a given year.

NOTE: even if the directory name is not anonymous the above rules apply as in in the case of 2005/anon.

Anonymous author_handle’s match this regexp:


Jump to: top

Q 3.7: What is an author_handle.json file and how are they used?

TL:DR: The contents of these JSON files contain the best known information about authors of IOCCC entries and is used to help form HTML files as well to contact an author.

NOTE: tools to validate the author_handle.json files, which are only for winning authors, are in the works (which will be documented after they are developed). See the FAQ on “author handles” for more information on author handles.

The content of these JSON files are used by tools from the bin directory to help build HTML content for the official IOCCC website.

For example, the index.html file for each IOCCC entry contains selected information about the authors. Tools from the bin directory use the content of these JSON files to generate the index.html files for each IOCCC winning entry.

Moreover, should the IOCCC judges need to contact an authors of an IOCCC entry, they will consult the contents of the author’s JSON file for ways to contact them.

Each author of an IOCCC winning entry has their own author_handle.json file of the form author/author_handle.json.

where author_handle is an author handle. See FAQ on “author handle” for more information about an author handles.

author_handle.json JSON file contents

The syntax of a author_handle.json follows the So-called JSON spec. See for information on the So-called JSON spec.

A good way to understand the JSON file contents of a author_handle.json file is to look at an example, for instance the author_handle.json file for Yusuke Endoh, author/Yusuke_Endoh.json.

As of Thu Nov 30 23:51:12 UTC 2023, it was:

        "no_comment" : "mandatory comment: because comments were removed from the original JSON spec",
        "author_JSON_format_version" : "1.0 2023-06-10",
        "author_handle" : "Yusuke_Endoh",
        "full_name" : "Yusuke Endoh",
        "sort_word" : "endoh",
        "location_code" : "JP",
        "email" : "",
        "url" : "",
        "alt_url" : null,
        "deprecated_twitter_handle" : null,
        "mastodon" : "",
        "mastodon_url" : "",
        "github" : "@mame",
        "affiliation" : null,
        "winning_entry_set" : [
            { "entry_id" : "2012_endoh1" },
            { "entry_id" : "2012_endoh2" },
            { "entry_id" : "2013_endoh1" },
            { "entry_id" : "2013_endoh2" },
            { "entry_id" : "2013_endoh3" },
            { "entry_id" : "2013_endoh4" },
            { "entry_id" : "2014_endoh1" },
            { "entry_id" : "2014_endoh2" },
            { "entry_id" : "2015_endoh1" },
            { "entry_id" : "2015_endoh2" },
            { "entry_id" : "2015_endoh3" },
            { "entry_id" : "2015_endoh4" },
            { "entry_id" : "2018_endoh1" },
            { "entry_id" : "2018_endoh2" },
            { "entry_id" : "2019_endoh" },
            { "entry_id" : "2020_endoh1" },
            { "entry_id" : "2020_endoh2" },
            { "entry_id" : "2020_endoh3" }

NOTE: if you need to just check the validity of a JSON document then see the FAQ on “validating JSON documents”. Taking that FAQ in mind, if you wish to validate every JSON file in author/ then you could do so like:

    for auth in *.json; do jparse -q "$auth" || echo "$auth is invalid JSON" ; done

If you see any output then it will say which file or files are invalid JSON (this should not actually happen, however).

See the FAQ on “jparse”, for now to location and/or install the jparse(1) command.

Walk through of an author_handle.json file

We now will walk thru the above JSON document looking at various JSON members:

    "no_comment" : "mandatory comment: because comments were removed from the original JSON spec"

Because the authors of the so-called JSON spec removed the ability to use comments in JSON (for reason(s) that seem to be less than credible), the IOCCC mandates this JSON member be present in all IOCCC related JSON files.

There MUST be one and only one no_comment JSON member and the JSON value MUST be the exact JSON string as shown above.

    "author_JSON_format_version" : "1.0 2023-06-10"

This JSON member holds the format version of the author_handle.json JSON file.

There MUST be one and only one author_JSON_format_version JSON member and the JSON value MUST be a JSON string.

This is NOT the version of the contents! When updating an author_handle.json JSON file, DO NOT MODIFY author_JSON_format_version! As of Thu Nov 30 23:51:12 UTC 2023, the JSON value MUST be “1.0 2023-06-10”.

The author_JSON_format_version would only changed when the overall format of the these files is modified: and then only those who maintain the official IOCCC website would be the one to do this in conjunction with changes to bin directory tools.

    "author_handle" : "Yusuke_Endoh"

This JSON member holds the author handle of the author.

There MUST be one and only one author_handle JSON member and the JSON value MUST be a JSON string that is also a value author handle.

See FAQ on “author handle” for more information about an author handles.

Normally the author_handle JSON value should NOT be changed unless there is a strong reason to do so. If the JSON value changes, then all of the .entry.json files for all of this authors winning IOCCC entries should also be changed. The author_handle JSON value must match the basename (without the leading path and without the trailing .json) of the author_handle.json file. So a change of author_handle JSON value would also require the author_handle.json file to also be renamed.

    "full_name" : "Yusuke Endoh"

This JSON member holds the full name of the author.

There MUST be one and only one full_name JSON member and the JSON value MUST be a JSON string.

The full name of an author may use non-ASCII characters so long as the full name is properly encoded as a JSON string.

    "sort_word" : "endoh"

This JSON member holds the string that will be used to sort the author.

There MUST be one and only one sort_word JSON member and the JSON value MUST be a JSON string. Moreover the string MUST be a lower case ASCII alphanumeric string that starts with a lower case ASCII letter.

The JSON value is used, for example, to place a reference to the author in the /authors.html file.

Normally the sort_word JSON member JSON value is the last name of the author, translated into lower case ASCII alphanumeric string that starts with a lower case ASCII letter. If the author wishes to be found in the /authors.html file under a different string, such as if they wish to be listed under their first name or their username, then they may change this accordingly.

    "location_code" : "JP"

This JSON member holds the string that is the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the author’s location or country.

There MUST be one and only one location_code JSON member and the JSON value MUST be a JSON string. Moreover the string MUST be 2 character UPPER case ASCII alphabetic string that is NOT an Unassigned ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code value (not a 2 character symbol with a gray background on that Wikipedia table)

The soup/location tool from the mkiocccentry repo, when run without arguments, will print the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes that permitted, along with the location name.

We use the term “location” (and not “country”) because some of the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes belong to locations that are not technically a country, such as “Antarctica” or a User-assigned code.

If the author wishes to not specify a location, they should select XX.

    "email" : ""

This JSON member holds the email address of the author, or is the value null.

There MUST be one and only one email JSON member and the JSON value MUST be a JSON string or it MUST be a JSON null.

If the author wishes to not specify an email address, or if the email address is unknown, it should be the JSON null as the JSON value of this JSON member. For example:

    "email" : null

NOTE: The JSON null is NOT enclosed in quotes!

    "url" : ""

This JSON member holds the URL of the author’s home page.

There MUST be one and only one url JSON member and the JSON value MUST be a JSON string or it MUST be a JSON null.

If the author wishes to not specify a URL or if the URL is unknown, it should be the JSON null as the JSON value of this JSON member. For example:

    "url" : null

NOTE: The JSON null is NOT enclosed in quotes!

    "alt_url" : null

This JSON member holds an alternate or 2nd URL a home page for the author.

There MUST be one and only one alt_url JSON member and the JSON value MUST be a JSON string or it MUST be a JSON null.

In some cases the author may wish to record a special URL for their IOCCC entry, or a 2nd URL such as a work or school or personal home page. For example, Cody Boone Ferguson as of Thu Nov 30 23:51:12 UTC 2023 used:

    "alt_url" : ""

If the author wishes to not specify an alternate URL, or if the alternate URL is unknown, it should be the JSON null as the JSON value of this JSON member. For example:

    "alt_url" : null

NOTE: The JSON null is NOT enclosed in quotes!


This JSON member used to hold the twitter handle of the author.

There MUST be one and only one deprecated_twitter_handle JSON member and the JSON value MUST be a JSON string or it MUST be a JSON null.

The IOCCC no longer is associated with twitter (or whatever someone chooses to call it), and so the deprecated_twitter_handle is no longer used. A JSON value that is not a JSON null is kept for only historic reasons. For example, Anthony C. Howe once used:

    "deprecated_twitter_handle" : "@SirWumpus"

If the author wishes to not specify a twitter handle, or if the twitter handle is unknown, it should be the JSON null as the JSON value of this JSON member. For example:

    "deprecated_twitter_handle" : null

Of course in the future we will not be asking for twitter handles so this means that unless the winner is a previous winner (before we moved to mastodon) this will always be null anyway.

NOTE: The JSON null is NOT enclosed in quotes!

    "mastodon" : ""

This JSON member holds the Mastodon instance handle of the author.

There MUST be one and only one mastodon JSON member and the JSON value MUST be a JSON string or it MUST be a JSON null. The JSON string just be a valid Mastodon handle. In particular is must start with an at sign (@_), followed by the Mastodon username, followed by a 2nd sign (@_), followed by the Mastodon server instance used by the author.

For more information in Mastodon, see the Mastodon help guide. See the “Mastodon Address” section of that page in particular.

The IOCCC Mastodon handle is:

The IOCCC uses Mastodon for announcements such as the opening and closing of a new IOCCC, changes to the IOCCC web site, updates during the judging process, and when new IOCCC entries are selected. We recommend you follow us on Mastodon.

If the author wishes to not specify a Mastodon handle, or if the Mastodon handle is unknown, it should be the JSON null as the JSON value of this JSON member. For example:

    "mastodon" : null

NOTE: The JSON null is NOT enclosed in quotes!

    "mastodon_url" : ""

This JSON member holds the URL of the author’s Mastodon page.

There MUST be one and only one mastodon_url JSON member and the JSON value MUST be a JSON string or it MUST be a JSON null. The JSON string just be a valid URL. If the mastodon handle is a JSON null, them the mastodon_url MUST be a JSON null. If the mastodon handle is a JSON string, then the mastodon_url MUST be a JSON string.

The mastodon_url is just a translation of the above mentioned Mastodon handle. For example, if the Mastodon handle is @user@server.domain, then the mastodon_url would be https://server.domain/@user.

If the author wishes to not specify a Mastodon URL, or if the Mastodon URL is unknown, it should be the JSON null as the JSON value of this JSON member. For example:

    "mastodon_url" : null

NOTE: The JSON null is NOT enclosed in quotes!

See FAQ on “Mastodon” for more information on Mastodon.

    "github" : "@mame"

This JSON member holds the GitHub handle of the author.

There MUST be one and only one github JSON member and the JSON value MUST be a JSON string or it MUST be a JSON null. The github JSON string MUST start with an at sign (_@_) and MUST be a valid GitHub username.

The IOCCC uses GitHub to hold the official winner repo of the IOCCC, and hosts official IOCCC website on GitHub pages.

The IOCCC GitHub handle is @ioccc-src.

If the author wishes to not specify an GitHub handle, or if the GitHub handle is unknown, it should be the JSON null as the JSON value of this JSON member. For example:

    "github" : null

NOTE: The JSON null is NOT enclosed in quotes!

    "affiliation" : null

This JSON member holds the affiliation of the author.

There MUST be one and only one affiliation JSON member and the JSON value MUST be a JSON string or it MUST be a JSON null.

An affiliation might be the name of a school, university, company, or organization. It is recommended that the affiliation JSON string be the formal affiliation name. For example, the affiliation for the IOCCC would be:

    "affiliation": "The International Obfuscated C Code Contest"

If the author wishes to not specify an affiliation, or if the affiliation is unknown, it should be the JSON null as the JSON value of this JSON member. For example:

    "affiliation" : null

NOTE: The JSON null is NOT enclosed in quotes!

    "winning_entry_set" : [
            "entry_id" : "2012_endoh1"
            "entry_id" : "2012_endoh2"
            "entry_id" : "2013_endoh1"
            "entry_id" : "2013_endoh2"
            "entry_id" : "2013_endoh3"
            "entry_id" : "2013_endoh4"
            "entry_id" : "2014_endoh1"
            "entry_id" : "2014_endoh2"
            "entry_id" : "2015_endoh1"
            "entry_id" : "2015_endoh2"
            "entry_id" : "2015_endoh3"
            "entry_id" : "2015_endoh4"
            "entry_id" : "2018_endoh1"
            "entry_id" : "2018_endoh2"
            "entry_id" : "2019_endoh"
            "entry_id" : "2020_endoh1"
            "entry_id" : "2020_endoh2"
            "entry_id" : "2020_endoh3"

(… as of Wed 23 Oct 2024 17:20:26 UTC.)

The winning_entry_set JSON member holds JSON array containing one or more entry_id _JSON member_s.

There MUST be one and only one winning_entry_set and the JSON value MUST be a non-empty JSON array. Each value in that JSON array MUST must contain a JSON member whose JSON name MUST be “entry_id” and those JSON value is a valid entry ID.

Due to the nature of the So-called JSON spec, the last value of the winning_entry_set JSON array cannot end in a comma (,).

See FAQ on “author_handle.json” for information about entry ids.

See FAQ on “fixing author information” for information about how to update and/or correct IOCCC author information.

Jump to: top

Q 3.8: How can I find my author handle?

If you are an author of a winning entry, you may find your own author_handle by going to your entry in the authors.html web page and viewing the string that follows the author_handle: line.

If you are not someone who has won a previous IOCCC, you will be able to select a potential author_handle when you form your submission tarball (see FAQ on “how to enter the IOCCC” ).

Helpful Hint: If an author clicks on their author_handle: line link, you will be taken to that author’s author_handle.json file.

For example, Brian Westley can view his author entry and see that his author_handle is Brian_Westley. Clicking on the author_handle shows the contents of the Brian_Westley.json file.

IMPORTANT NOTE: An author who has won a previous IOCCC is encouraged to reuse their author_handle so that new winning entries can be associated with the same author.

See FAQ on “fixing author information” for information about how to update and/or correct IOCCC author information.

See FAQ on “author handle” for more information about author handles.

See FAQ on “author_handle.json” for information about the contents of these JSON file and how they are used.

See FAQ on “Author, Entry, Submission” for more information on terms such as author, entry, and submission.

Jump to: top

Q 3.9: What is an entry_id?

An entry_id is a string that identifies a winning entry of the IOCCC.

An entry_id is a 4-digit year, followed by an underscore, followed by a directory name.

For example, the entry_id associated with Cody Boone Ferguson’s 2nd winning IOCCC entry of 2020 is found under the directory 2020/ferguson2.

The entry_id for that winning entry is 2020_ferguson2.

Jump to: top

Q 3.10: What is a .entry.json file and how is it used?

TL:DR: The contents of this JSON file contain information about each winning entry in JSON format.

Each winning entry has a .entry.json file that includes data in JSON format about the entry. We describe the fields below in order to help you understand its contents.

This file is created by the tool as part of the final steps to announce a new set of winning IOCCC entries.

Each winning entry has its own .entry.json filename of the form: YYYY/winner/.entry.json

.. where winner is the entry directory name, usually the name of the author.

IMPORTANT NOTE: this file should NOT be manually modified! It is created by the csv2entry tool when updating the manifest.

.entry.json JSON file contents

The syntax of a .entry.json follows the So-called JSON spec. See for information on the So-called JSON spec.

A good way to understand the JSON file contents of a .entry.json file is to look at an example, for instance the 1984/laman/.entry.json file, as it is shorter than some of the others.

As of Fri 26 Jul 2024 17:29:15 UTC, it contains:

        "no_comment" : "mandatory comment: because comments were removed from the original JSON spec",
        "entry_JSON_format_version" : "1.2 2024-09-25",
        "award" : "Third Place",
        "year" : 1984,
        "dir" : "laman",
        "entry_id" : "1984_laman",
        "title" : "1984.laman",
        "abstract" : "prints spiralling numbers laid out in columns",
        "author_set" : [
            { "author_handle" : "Mike_Laman" }
        "manifest" : [
                "file_path" : "laman.c",
                "inventory_order" : 20,
                "OK_to_edit" : true,
                "display_as" : "c",
                "display_via_github" : true,
                "entry_text" : "entry source code"
                "file_path" : "Makefile",
                "inventory_order" : 30,
                "OK_to_edit" : true,
                "display_as" : "makefile",
                "display_via_github" : true,
                "entry_text" : "entry Makefile"
                "file_path" : "laman.orig.c",
                "inventory_order" : 50,
                "OK_to_edit" : false,
                "display_as" : "c",
                "display_via_github" : true,
                "entry_text" : "original source code"
                "file_path" : "",
                "inventory_order" : 100,
                "OK_to_edit" : true,
                "display_as" : "shellscript",
                "display_via_github" : true,
                "entry_text" : "script to try entry"
                "file_path" : "1984_laman.tar.bz2",
                "inventory_order" : 1415926535,
                "OK_to_edit" : false,
                "display_as" : "tbz2",
                "display_via_github" : false,
                "entry_text" : "download entry tarball"
                "file_path" : ".entry.json",
                "inventory_order" : 4000000000,
                "OK_to_edit" : true,
                "display_as" : "json",
                "display_via_github" : true,
                "entry_text" : "entry summary and manifest in JSON"
                "file_path" : ".gitignore",
                "inventory_order" : 4000000000,
                "OK_to_edit" : true,
                "display_as" : "gitignore",
                "display_via_github" : true,
                "entry_text" : "list of files that should not be committed under git"
                "file_path" : ".path",
                "inventory_order" : 4000000000,
                "OK_to_edit" : false,
                "display_as" : "path",
                "display_via_github" : true,
                "entry_text" : "directory path from top level directory"
                "file_path" : "",
                "inventory_order" : 4000000000,
                "OK_to_edit" : true,
                "display_as" : "markdown",
                "display_via_github" : true,
                "entry_text" : "markdown source for this web page"
                "file_path" : "index.html",
                "inventory_order" : 4294967295,
                "OK_to_edit" : false,
                "display_as" : "html",
                "display_via_github" : false,
                "entry_text" : "this web page"
Walk through of a .entry.json file

We now will walk through the above JSON document looking at all the JSON members:

    "no_comment" : "mandatory comment: because comments were removed from the original JSON spec"

Because the authors of the so-called JSON spec removed the ability to use comments in JSON (for reason(s) that seem to be less than credible), the IOCCC mandates this JSON member be present in all IOCCC related JSON files.

There MUST be one and only one no_comment JSON member and the JSON value MUST be the exact JSON string as shown above.

        "entry_JSON_format_version" : "1.2 2024-09-25"

This JSON member holds the format version of the .entry.json JSON file.

There MUST be one and only one entry_JSON_format_version JSON member and the JSON value MUST be a JSON string.

This is NOT the version of the contents!

The entry_JSON_format_version would only changed when the overall format of the these files is modified: and then only those who maintain the official IOCCC website would be the one to do this in conjunction with changes to bin directory tools.

    "award" : "Third Place"

This JSON string is the award title of the entry which the Judges decide/decided when it becomes/became a winning entry.

    "year" : 1984

This JSON number is the year the contest ran, ended or was announced in.

    "dir" : "laman"

This JSON string is the subdirectory of the entry, under the year directory, in this case 1984. With the above member, year, and this one, one can determine the directory of the entry, here being 1984/laman.

    "entry_id" : "1984_laman"

This is the ID of the entry in question and corresponds to the entry_id in the author/author_handle.json file.

See FAQ on “author handle” for more information about author handles.

See FAQ on “author_handle.json” for information about the contents of these JSON file and how they are used.


The title for an entry’s .entry.json file defaults to “YYYY/dirname”. The title is not used at this time.

For IOCCC winning entries after 2020, the title is obtained from the .info.json file with the entry was a submission.

See the FAQ on “.info.json” for more information on .info.json files.


The abstract is a summary of the entry. The abstract is used as a head line in an entry’s index.html file.

For IOCCC winning entries after 2020, the abstract is obtained from the .info.json file with the entry was a submission.

See the FAQ on “.info.json” for more information on .info.json files.

    "author_set" : [
        { "author_handle" : "Mike_Laman" }

This JSON array has a list of author_handles that indicate who won this entry.

That JSON member holds the author handle of the author.

In most cases there is only one author_handle in a .entry.json file but in some there is more than one.

See FAQ on “author handle” for more information about an author handles.

Normally the author_handle JSON value should NOT be changed unless there is a strong reason to do so. If the JSON value changes, then all of the .entry.json files for all of this author’s winning IOCCC entries should also be changed. The author_handle JSON value must match the basename (without the leading path and without the trailing .json) of the author_handle.json file. So a change of author_handle JSON value would also require the author_handle.json file to also be renamed.

The full name of an author may use non-ASCII characters so long as the full name is properly encoded as a JSON string.


Finally there is the manifest JSON array that lists the files of the winning entry. Because each array member (a file) has the same fields we will only list one of the files in the manifest, providing comments about each field. After that we will list some files that are mandatory files, also with comments.

There MUST be one and only one manifest JSON member and the JSON value MUST be a JSON array.

A shortened manifest for our example entry is:

    "manifest" : [
            "file_path" : "laman.c",
            "inventory_order" : 20,
            "OK_to_edit" : true,
            "display_as" : "c",
            "display_via_github" : true,
            "entry_text" : "entry source code"

Now we will describe each field of each file in the manifest:

Now that we have discussed the JSON members of each file in the manifest we will give a list of MANDATORY files (for winning entry source code the names will depend on the year).

If the entry has an alternate source code file, often it will be in the form of "winner.alt.c" or "prog.alt.c"; this is also what the file_path will be. The entry_text will typically (not always but almost always) be "alternate source code".

Many entries have a script (or scripts) for the Try section in their index.html file. Usually this is called for the winning entry and for the alternate source code (if there is an alternate version). Some, however, have another file name. The entry_text for the try scripts will be script to try entry or something along those lines.

Jump to: top

Q 3.11: How can I validate any JSON document?

If you want or need to verify that a JSON document (as a string or file) is valid, you can use the jparse tool. The IOCCC version of the jparse(1) tool may be installed from the mkiocccentry repo.

The file in the mkiocccentry repo contains information about how to find and compile the mkiocccentry toolkit, which includes the IOCCC version of the jparse(1) tool, located under the mkiocccentry directory as jparse/jparse.

Additionally you may install the jparse(1) tool from the mkiocccentry repo:

    git clone
    cd mkiocccentry && make clobber all" 1>&2
    cd jparse && sudo make install clobber" 1>&2

The syntax of jparse(1) is very simple:

    jparse foo.json

If the tool exits 0 then the document is valid JSON; otherwise it’ll show an error message.

If you want to see more information about the parsing you can increase the verbosity with the -v option. For instance:

    jparse -v 3 foo.json

If the tool is not installed then you will obviously have to specify the path of the tool.

NOTE: the jparse subdirectory is a clone of the official jparse repo but we recommend you compile and install via the mkiocccentry repo because it has the dependencies built in, and because the mkiocccentry copy is that which is used by the current IOCCC, as the two can be different at times.

Jump to: top

Section 4: Compiling IOCCC entries

Jump to: top

Q 4.0: What Makefile rules are available to build or clean up IOCCC entries?

In general the best way to compile everything in an entry directory is to run:

    make clobber all

If you wish to compile every entry for every year you should go to the top level directory and run the same command as above, make clobber all.

The all rule will build everything necessary except for the alternate versions. Every Makefile has an alt rule but it will only do something if an alternate version exists. To build all the entries along with any alternate code you can do from the top level directory:

    make clobber everything

If you wish to only build alternate code you can do:

    make clobber alt

If you wish to not remove the entry binaries and only compile the additional alt versions:

    make alt

The following Makefile rules should be in all Makefiles:

Are there any other rules? You tell us!

The top level and the year (e.g. 1984/Makefile, 1985/Makefile etc.) Makefiles recurse into the subdirectories for each entry so you can compile individual entries, entries of a given year or all entries, based on what you wish to do.

NOTE about the above rules: the Makefile default assumes cc which might be a gcc-based compiler, or a clang-based compiler, or some other compiler. Only by forcing CC=clang or CC=gcc will one invoke a specific compiler to, say, enable or disable additional warnings or flags. Even so different versions or compilers might do different things, have different defects or other issues. Note that the Makefiles check the CC variable by substrings so that if you were to do something like make CC=gcc=mp-12 it would register as gcc.

Jump to: top

Q 4.1: What form of make(1) is supported by IOCCC?

For the IOCCC mkiocccentry submission toolkit and the winning IOCCC entries we support ONLY GNU Makefile syntax. This means that if you only have Cygwin or a BSD make(1) (often bmake(1)) or some other make(1) utility the Makefiles we use will not be compatible.

We do not intend on supporting anything but the GNU make(1) utility so if you do not currently have it installed you will have to do that in order to compile entries for the IOCCC. If you are submitting an entry this will also be necessary.

If you do not have GNU make(1) you might look for gmake as that is what it often is packaged as. Then you can use gmake instead. For instance if you go to the top level directory of the winner repo you can do:


In the case that the Makefile uses the MAKE variable you will have to override it like:

    gmake MAKE=gmake

though of course for both you may specify a rule or rules to run.

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Section 5: Dependencies for some IOCCC entries

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Q 5.0: How do I compile and run an IOCCC entry that requires X11?

Generally, to compile and run an IOCCC entry that requires X11:

You must have the X11 related include files and X11 libraries in order to compile the IOCCC entry. In order to do this you will need to install Xorg and related packages including development related packages. If you have macOS see further down for different instructions. Otherwise: in particular you must:

By X11 terminal application we suggest one of:

See below for various system related hints that may be of help. server has been deprecated

The Red Hat RHEL9.0 release notes state that Server is now deprecated.

According to this Linux for Devices tutorial on XOrg as of 2023 Mar 25 (quote verbatim):

Recently, RHEL developers categorized Xorg Xorg was put in the ‘deprecated’ software, as its development has mostly halted. Subsequent updates will completely replace it with Wayland, a more modern windowing system.. Although Wayland is not fully developed yet, many applications do not support it properly yet and screen sharing might not work sometime, but it is the future. Fedora, also developed by RHEL, has switched to a Wayland session as it’s default windowing system (And it works flawlessly on my Laptop).

See the Wayland website for more details.

IMPORTANT NOTE: We do NOT know if IOCCC entries will run under Wayland. Some IOCCC entries that use X11 might be OK while other IOCCC entries that use X11 in an unusual way might fail under Wayland.

See the Wayland FAQ for more information.

If your system uses Wayland and not X11, you might give the IOCCC entries that use X11 a try. They might work but again we do not know.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The IOCCC judges do not support IOCCC entries. See the FAQ on “no entry support”. So if an IOCCC entry that uses X11 fails under Wayland, and you wish to provide a fix to the IOCCC entry so that it will run under Wayland, then consider submitting a fix so that it will run under Wayland. See the FAQ on “fixing an entry” for more information.

Basically: if you discover an entry does not work in Wayland you are welcome to provide alternate code that works for Wayland. We will happily credit you in the thanks-for-help.html file.

Red Hat based Linux

First, see the FAQ on “general X11”.

Install Xorg and related packages:

    sudo dnf install --skip-broken --best --exclude xorgxrdp \
    --exclude xorgxrdp-glamor '*xorg*' 'libx*' 'libX*' 'fontconfig*'

See also:

IMPORTANT NOTE: The server has been deprecated. See the FAQ on “ deprecated” for more information.


First, see the FAQ on “general X11”. However, for macOS, instead of installing the Xorg server, you need to install and launch the most recent XQuartz application and then run the IOCCC entry from the Xterm window shell.

As an example we will use 1993/jonth which works with macOS 14.2.1 (macOS Sonoma).

First of all you will need to install the most recent XQuartz, preferably on an Apple supported version of macOS, preferably the most recent version. After it is installed, open the “XQuartz” application (usually located in /Applications/Utilities/ by typing at the command line:

    open /Applications/Utilities/

With the “XQuartz” application open you will get an X Window System Manager launched with an Xterm window shell started:

xterm-launch in macOS

At this point you need to cd to the winning directory and compile it. For example:

compiling an entry in xterm in macOS

And then run the program as directed by the index.html file. For example with 1993/jonth:

running 1993/jonth in macOS

Note that you can compile the code in your regular terminal prior to opening XQuartz, should you wish to. You can even run it from that terminal and it should open XQuartz.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The server has been deprecated. See the FAQ on “ deprecated” for more information.

Debian based Linux

First, see the FAQ on “general X11”.

According to the Debian Xorg wiki, installing X11 requires:

    sudo apt install xorg

IMPORTANT NOTE: The server has been deprecated. See the FAQ on “ deprecated” for more information.

Other Linux distributions

First, see the FAQ on “general X11”.

For general documentation on installing X11, this ServerGUI for Ubuntu, and in particular, these may be helpful:

See also:

For systems that have the dnf(1) command:

    sudo dnf install --skip-broken --best --exclude xorgxrdp \
    --exclude xorgxrdp-glamor '*xorg*' 'libx*' 'libX*' 'fontconfig*'

For systems that have the yum(1) command:

    sudo yum install --skip-broken --best --exclude xorgxrdp\
    --exclude xorgxrdp-glamor '*xorg*' 'libx*' 'libX*' 'fontconfig*'

IMPORTANT NOTE: The server has been deprecated. See the FAQ on “ deprecated” for more information.

Package website

First, see the FAQ on “general X11”.

See the foundation website.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The server has been deprecated. See the FAQ on “ deprecated” for more information.

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Q 5.1: How do I compile and install SDL1 or SDL2 for entries that require it?

This depends on your operating system but below are instructions for Linux and macOS with alternative methods for macOS and different package managers with Linux.

Red Hat based Linux

Execute the following as root or via sudo:

    dnf install SDL2 SDL2-devel sdl12-compat sdl12-compat-devel

Older RHEL distributions might have to use “yum” instead of “dnf” in the above command.

In the past it was said that one might need to run make like:

    make ... SDL2_INCLUDE_ROOT=/usr

or set the following environment variable:

    export SDL2_INCLUDE_ROOT=/usr

but this might not be necessary in more modern days especially as we use sdl-config and sdl2-config which should find the proper paths.


If you’re using macOS there are at least three ways to obtain it. You can use Homebrew or MacPorts. If you do not wish to use either of those package managers, you can always try to install via the package website. For macOS we do recommend using Homebrew or MacPorts instead of using the package website.

macOS via Homebrew

If you have not already done so, install Homebrew.

Then to install SDL and SDL2, execute the following command:

    brew install sdl2 sdl12-compat
    eval "$(opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"
macOS via MacPorts

If you haven’t already, install MacPorts. Then run:

    sudo port install libsdl libsdl2

Debian based Linux

Execute the following as root or via sudo:

    apt install libsdl1.2debian libsdl1.2-dev libsdl2-dev

and then try make all again.

In the past it was said that one might need to run make like:

    make ... SDL2_INCLUDE_ROOT=/usr

or set the following environment variable:

    export SDL2_INCLUDE_ROOT=/usr

but this might not be necessary in more modern days especially as we use sdl-config and sdl2-config which should find the proper paths.

Other Linux distributions

Use your package manager to install the appropriate packages. Try the search feature of the package manager to determine which packages you need to install. Note that you might have to install both the library and the developmental packages: one for compiling and one for linking / running.

Package website

Go to the SDL website and follow their instructions for downloading, installing and using SDL.

We recommend trying a method suitable for your environment first, if possible.

NOTE: there might be extra SDL packages required

In the case that some entries do not work even with SDL1/SDL2 installed it might be that you need additional SDL libraries. See the entry’s index.html for details. If something is not noted you’re welcome to report it as an issue or fix it and make a pull request.

See the FAQ on “GitHub pull request” for more information about pull requests.

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Q 5.2: How do I compile and install (n)curses for entries that require it?

This depends on your operating system but below are instructions for Linux and macOS with alternative methods for macOS and different package managers with Linux.

Red Hat based Linux

Execute the following as root or via sudo:

    dnf install ncurses ncurses-devel


With macOS it should already be installed. If it is not you might have to do:

    xcode-select --install

and agree to the terms and conditions and proceed with the install.

macOS via Homebrew

Not applicable, see above.

macOS via MacPorts

Not applicable, see above.

Debian based Linux

Execute the following as root or via sudo:

    apt install libncurses6

and then try make all again.

Other Linux distributions

Use your package manager to install the appropriate packages. Try the search feature of the package manager to determine which packages you need to install. Note that you might have to install both the library and the developmental packages: one for compiling and one for linking / running.

Package website

Go to the ncurses website and follow their instructions for downloading, installing and using ncurses.

We recommend trying a method suitable for your environment first, if possible.

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Q 5.3: How do I compile and run an IOCCC entry that requires sound?

This might depend on the entry but most likely the Swiss Army Knife of sound processing programs, SoX, will work. How to install depends on your OS. See below.

After it is installed, you should be able to compile and use the program as described in the index.html file.

Red Hat based Linux

As root or via sudo:

    dnf install -y sox sox-devel


For macOS there are two well known options.

macOS via Homebrew

If you have not already done so, install Homebrew.

Then to install SoX, execute the following command:

    brew install sox
    eval "$(opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"
macOS via MacPorts

If you haven’t already, install MacPorts. Then run:

    sudo port install sox

Debian based Linux

Usually the index.html file will explain how to use it under Debian so we do not include this here, at least for now.

Package website

Not applicable, see above.

Other Linux distributions

Usually the index.html file will explain how to use it under Linux so we do not include this here, at least for now.

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Q 5.4: How do I compile and install tcpserver for entries that require it?

If your OS package manager does not have the package tcpserver you can download, making sure you’re in a temporary directory, and compile the source like:

    tar ucspi-tcp-0.88.tar.gz
    cd ucspi-tcp-0.88

Then as root or via sudo(1) enter:

    make setup check

That will install it to /usr/local/bin. Now you should be able to use the entry in question.

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Q 5.5: How do I compile and install netpbm for entries that require it?

This depends on your operating system for which we describe a couple below.

Red Hat based Linux

Execute the following as root or via sudo:

    dnf install netpbm-progs netpbm

Older RHEL distributions might have to use “yum” instead of “dnf” in the above command.


If you’re using macOS there are at least three ways to obtain it. You can use Homebrew or MacPorts. If you do not wish to use either of those package managers, you can always try to install via the package website. For macOS we do recommend using Homebrew or MacPorts instead of using the package website.

macOS via Homebrew

If you have not already done so, install Homebrew.

Then to install netpbm, execute the following command:

    brew install netpbm
macOS via MacPorts

If you haven’t already, install MacPorts. Then run:

    sudo port install libnetpbm netpbm

Debian based Linux

Execute the following as root or via sudo:

    apt install netpbm

and then try make all again.

Other Linux distributions

Use your package manager to install the appropriate packages. Try the search feature of the package manager to determine which packages you need to install. Note that you might have to install both the library and the developmental packages: one for compiling and one for linking / running.

Package website

Go to the netpbm website and follow their instructions for downloading, installing and using netpbm.

We recommend trying a method suitable for your environment first, if possible.

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Q 5.6: How do I compile and install libjpeg-turbo for entries that require it?

This depends on your operating system for which we describe a couple below.

Red Hat based Linux

Execute the following as root or via sudo:

    dnf install libjpeg-turbo-utils libjpeg-turbo-devel libjpeg-turbo

Older RHEL distributions might have to use “yum” instead of “dnf” in the above command.


If you’re using macOS there are at least three ways to obtain it. You can use Homebrew or MacPorts. If you do not wish to use either of those package managers, you can always try to install via the package website. For macOS we do recommend using Homebrew or MacPorts instead of using the package website.

macOS via Homebrew

If you have not already done so, install Homebrew.

Then to install libjpeg-turbo, execute the following command:

    brew install libjpeg-turbo
macOS via MacPorts

If you haven’t already, install MacPorts. Then run:

    sudo port install libjpeg-turbo libjpeg-turbo-devel

Debian based Linux

Execute the following as root or via sudo:

    apt install libturbojpeg0 libturbojpeg0-dev

and then try make all again.

Other Linux distributions

Use your package manager to install the appropriate packages. Try the search feature of the package manager to determine which packages you need to install. Note that you might have to install both the library and the developmental packages: one for compiling and one for linking / running.

Package website

Go to the libjpeg-turbo website and follow their instructions for downloading, installing and using libjpeg-turbo.

We recommend trying a method suitable for your environment first, if possible.

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Q 5.7: How do I compile and install ImageMagick for entries that require it?

This depends on your operating system for which we describe a couple below.

Red Hat based Linux

Execute the following as root or via sudo:

    dnf install ImageMagick

Older RHEL distributions might have to use “yum” instead of “dnf” in the above command.


If you’re using macOS there are at least three ways to obtain it. You can use Homebrew or MacPorts. If you do not wish to use either of those package managers, you can always try to install via the package website. For macOS we do recommend using Homebrew or MacPorts instead of using the package website.

macOS via Homebrew

If you have not already done so, install Homebrew.

Then to install ImageMagick, execute the following command:

    brew install ImageMagick
macOS via MacPorts

If you haven’t already, install MacPorts. Then run:

    sudo port install ImageMagick

Debian based Linux

Execute the following as root or via sudo:

    apt install imagemagick

and then try make all again.

Other Linux distributions

Use your package manager to install the appropriate packages. Try the search feature of the package manager to determine which packages you need to install. Note that you might have to install both the library and the developmental packages: one for compiling and one for linking / running.

Package website

Go to the ImageMagick website and follow their instructions for downloading, installing and using ImageMagick.

We recommend trying a method suitable for your environment first, if possible.

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Q 5.8: How do I compile and install OpenGL for entries that require it?

This depends on your operating system for which we describe a couple below.

In general OpenGL needs X11 to be installed and the X Window Server to be running. See the FAQ on “X11” for general information about X11.

Once X11 is install and the X Window Server is running, one needs to compile and link with the two libraries, GL and GLU, which the Makefile should do if you just run make.

NOTE: The OpenGL development effort is being managed by We suggest you check out their resource for further information on OpenGL.

Red Hat based Linux

Execute the following as root or via sudo:

    sudo dnf install glew-devel SDL2-devel SDL2_image-devel glm-devel freetype-devel

See OpenGL Programming/Installation/Linux for details.

Older RHEL distributions might have to use “yum” instead of “dnf” in the above command.


In the past, macOS has come with OpenGL pre-installed. However as of macOS 10.14, OpenGL has been deprecated on macOS (in favor of Metal).

As long as Apple continues to ship OpenGL pre-installed and it works, you should be good to go. However if Apple drops support for OpenGL later on, you might look to install OpenGL via Homebrew or MacPorts.

With Homebrew:

    brew install glfw3 glew

might help. On the other hand, with MacPorts:

    sudo port install glfw glfw-devel glew

might help.

Debian based Linux

Execute the following as root or via sudo:

    sudo apt-get install libglew-dev libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev libglm-dev libfreetype6-dev

and then try make all again.

See OpenGL Programming/Installation/Linux for details.

Other Linux distributions

Use your package manager to install the appropriate packages. Try the search feature of the package manager to determine which packages you need to install. Note that you might have to install both the library and the developmental packages: one for compiling and one for linking / running.

Package website

Go to the Vulkan website and follow their instructions for downloading, installing and using OpenGL.

We recommend trying a method suitable for your environment first, if possible.

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Q 5.9: How do I compile and install zlib for IOCCC entries that require it?

This depends on your operating system but below are instructions for Linux and macOS with alternative methods for macOS and different package managers with Linux.

Red Hat based Linux

Execute the following as root or via sudo:

    dnf install zlib


With macOS it should already be installed. If it is not you might have to do:

    xcode-select --install

and agree to the terms and conditions and proceed with the install.

macOS via Homebrew

Not applicable, see above.

macOS via MacPorts

Not applicable, see above.

Debian based Linux

Execute the following as root or via sudo:

    apt install zlib1g zlib1g-dev

and then try make all again.

Other Linux distributions

Use your package manager to install the appropriate packages. Try the search feature of the package manager to determine which packages you need to install. Note that you might have to install both the library and the developmental packages: one for compiling and one for linking / running.

Package website

Go to the zlib website and follow their instructions for downloading, installing and using zlib.

We recommend trying a method suitable for your environment first, if possible.

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Q 5.10: How do I install Ruby for entries that require it?

Please see the official Ruby installation guide.

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Q 5.11: How do I install rake for entries that require it?

First, if gem is not installed, see the gem GitHub repo.

Assuming you have git(1) installed, you can do:

    git clone
    cd rubygems && exe/gem install rake

Otherwise, you can download the zip file, extract it, cd to the directory and then run:

    exe/gem install rake

Once this is done, try as root or via sudo:

    gem install rake

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Section 6: Problems compiling IOCCC entries

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Q 6.0: Why don’t certain IOCCC entries compile?

Some entries that won the IOCCC, particularly entries from long ago, might not compile on more modern systems because the C language has evolved (i.e. the modern C compilers are much more strict in what they accept as a valid program), or the entry depended on operation system and library features that where common back then but are different/missing today.

In some cases the American National Standards Institute’s ANSI C committee has damaged the C standard to the point where perfectly valid C programs no longer compile with modern compilers. As such some old IOCCC entries can no longer be compiled with modern compilers (though a great deal of these were fixed in 2023).

In other cases, it might be your compiler. For instance clang is very strict on some things that gcc is perfectly fine with. A great deal of these have been fixed but it is possible that some do not work.

In particular, some entries do require a certain compiler, or they might not work with certain compilers or a certain architecture. Some entries generate C code and some of that generated code will not compile with certain compilers, usually clang.

Please see the other FAQs in this section as they might offer helpful hints, especially in cases where something else needs to be installed.

Please see the bugs.html file for details about known problems with IOCCC entries. In some cases you may be dealing with a problematic entry. In a few fun cases, the IOCCC does not compile by design!

If you have a fix that makes a minimal impact to the entry, then please consider submitting that change in the form of a pull request. Please see FAQ on “fixing an entry”. See also the FAQ on “GitHub pull request” for more information about pull requests.

In some cases alternative code has been added that does compile on some or most systems. Check the write up for the entry for “alt” code and possible ways to compile and run that code. In some cases we replaced the original code (but not the .orig.c file!) with code that works for modern systems but one can view the original code in the .orig.c files (sometimes the original code is also in the directory as a dirname.alt.c or prog.alt.c).

See the FAQ on “original source code” for more information.

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Q 6.1.1: Why do some IOCCC entries fail to compile and/or run under macOS?

If the entry requires gcc and you did not explicitly install gcc in macOS you will not be able to run or use these entries. This is because macOS gcc is actually clang, even /usr/bin/gcc. That being said many (if not most) of these entries have been fixed.

In some cases the bugs.html file may note a known macOS problem with an entry. Should you manage to port the entry, and assuming your changes also attempt to preserve the original intent of the IOCCC entry, we would encourage you to submit a pull request with your ported code. Please see the FAQ on “fixing an entry” for details.

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Q 6.2: Why do Makefiles use -Weverything with clang?

While we know that use of -Weverything is generally not recommended by clang C compiler developers, we do use the -Weverything option in a certain case in IOCCC entry Makefiles.

The use of -Weverything is limited to when one forces CC=clang or more generally if the string ‘clang’ is in $(CC). If $(CC) contains ‘gcc’ the ‘gcc’ specific options are run instead.

Users with clang compilers are not required to set CC=clang or equivalent but when they do, -Weverything is enabled with all of its challenges, pedantic warnings, and sometimes warnings about things that do not matter, some of which are frankly frivolous and often downright dubious.

To enable this feature:

    make clobber all CC=clang

IOCCC authors who have access to clang might wish to try their hand at compiling with -Weverything while using a minimum of -Wno-foo statements. Sometimes there is a technical or pedantic issue that -Weverything warns about that would merit a change to your C code; often, however, it is not even possible to fix let alone is it worth it. Of course if you’re running out of bytes due to rule 2[ab] one might not have much choice. This is something that obfuscation authors simply sometimes have to deal with!

If you try to minimize the number of -Wno-foo options needed with -Weverything, please mention this in your remarks about the entry, as the judges note you attempt to honor it (see also below). In some cases your obfuscated code will issue warnings with -Weverything no matter what: the -Wno-poison-system-directories is a common example of this but there are others as well, sometimes depending on the version of clang.

If you do try for a compile with clang -Weverything, keep on mind that while your compile environment might be warning free, a different clang version or a different build environment might still have warnings. For instance the warning set is different in macOS (which by default is clang: even when run as gcc!) than Linux (due to versions and possibly other things)!

Given that your entry MUST work as documented, you may be safer to say that your entry keeps the number of warnings and -Wno-foo options while compiling with clang -Weverything at a minimum. You might want to say the version number and platform (OS and OS version) too as an extra safety net. Because if you claim zero warnings, and we find a warning situation, this may diminish the value of your entry as it is not as documented. Thus it might be wise to point this out and if you can test it in multiple platforms (or versions of clang, see below note) this would be advisable.

NOTE: different versions of clang have other differences as well. For instance a defect of clang that required numerous entries to be fixed for clang is that it requires that main()’s arguments to be of a specific type. However some versions of clang are more strict in the number of args allowed.

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Section 7: Running IOCCC entries

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Q 7.0: What are and scripts and why should I use them?

A lot of the entries, old and otherwise, have complicated uses and/or have numerous uses, and having a script that automates these for viewers improves the usability of these entries so one can enjoy them better.

The script is for the original entry and the script is for alternate versions. These scripts are usually for the Try: and Alternate try: sections in the index.html files.

Some entries provide additional scripts that are meant to run the entry as well but might not fit in the try model though some are used by a / script.

Although you’re certainly welcome to copy and paste or type the commands in manually, sometimes the scripts will do additional things that you might miss and there are some other benefits as well which you would miss if you did not use them. Nevertheless, if you prefer to do it manually, whether to help you process or appreciate the entry more, then please do so.

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Q 7.1: An IOCCC entry messed up my terminal application, how do I fix this?

The simplest way to do this is to type reset. If echo was disabled you can get usually away with stty echo. Sometimes you can also get away with stty sane. reset does the most but note that it will clear the screen; it is not the clearing of the screen, however, that solves the problem, so clear will not help.

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Q 7.2: Why does an IOCCC entry fail to compile and/or run?

What may have worked years ago may not work well or work at all today. Please note that the IOCCC judges do NOT support IOCCC entries. Nevertheless, there may be a number of reasons why an IOCCC entry may fail to run well if it can run at all.

In some cases programs that may have worked on an old computer system longer work on modern computers. Some IOCCC entries do not work well, or no longer work on modern computers or modern operating systems, though again a great deal of these were fixed for modern systems.

There are some cases where certain compilers or even certain versions are necessary for the program to function in part or even completely.

Some IOCCC entries might need operating system services that might not be present on your system, as well.

In some cases the IOCCC entry simply has bugs or (Mis)features.

If you are having problems compiling or running an IOCCC entry, we recommend that you look in bugs.html to see if there is a known bugs or (Mis)feature. In some cases what you may think is a bug is actually a feature that was intentionally written by the author(s). In some cases the problem is well known and we are looking for someone to attempt to fix it.

In some cases there is an alternate version of the IOCCC entry that you may wish to try.

It’s also possible that you have discovered a bug in a winning IOCCC entry. If so, you are invited to try and fix the IOCCC entry and submit that fix by way of a GitHub pull request. Please see the FAQ on “fixing an entry” for how to submit a fix to an IOCCC entry.

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Q 7.2.1: Why does an IOCCC entry fail to compile and/or run run on my 64-bit system?

Unfortunately some older entries are non-portable and require 32-bit support or 32-bit binaries. A problem system here is that as of macOS Catalina (10.15) macOS no longer supports 32-bit binaries. If the entry acts on a certain type of binary, say ELF, then that will also be a problem depending on the entry. For example 2001/anonymous requires 32-bit ELF binaries.

There are a few example entries that require 32-bit binaries. We have tried to note these in both the respective Makefiles and index.html files but it is possible that some were missed. These entries are very likely in the bugs.html file and we welcome any help in making an alternate version for 64-bit systems. Many were fixed to work with modern systems but some are supposed to only work with 32-bit systems so any updated version of these entries should be an alternate version.

Other entries like 2001/herrmann2 now work with 32-bit AND 64-bit systems.

Please see the bugs.html file for the problematic entry in question to see if the problem is known, and if a fix is wanted, consider trying to port the code to a 64-bit system and submitting a pull request with that change. Pull requests that fix such code while trying to minimize the impact of any changes and preserving the spirit of the original code are very welcome! Please see the FAQ on “fixing an entry” for details. See also the FAQ on “GitHub pull request” for more information about pull requests.

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Q 7.3: How do I find out how to send interrupt/EOF etc. for entries that require it?

For some entries one needs to send interrupt or EOF or some other signal/other special characters. There are typical defaults like (where ^ = ctrl):

and various others. But if you don’t know this you can find out through the stty(1) command with the -a option. For instance with macOS you might see:

    $ stty -a
    speed 9600 baud; rows 40; columns 155;
    intr = ^C; quit = ^\; erase = ^?; kill = ^U; eof = ^D; [..snip..]

If you know the name you can use grep to find the correct line and if your implementation of grep(1) has the -o option you can filter it. For instance to find what the intr is set to:

    $ stty -a |grep -o 'intr = ^[[:alpha:]]'
    intr = ^C

… assuming of course that it’s a ctrl combination :-) If for some strange reason it’s not you might have to do something else including just piping it to just grep intr or whatever.

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Q 7.4: How do I download individual winning entries or all winning entries of a given year?

Although one can clone the entire winner repo to get the entire website and all entries, we also provide, as a convenience, a way to download individual entries as well as a way to download a year’s winning entries.

Please note that some of the links in the html files will not work! This is because you are not downloading the full website. If you want to view the entry with links intact you should clone the repo or view it on the official IOCCC website instead.

Individual winning entry tarballs

The individual entry tarballs are named in the form of YYYY/winner/YYYY_winner.tar.bz2 (e.g. 1984/mullender/1984_mullender.tar.bz2) and they contain a single entry as well as some additional necessary files. Each entry tarball is linked to in its index.html (e.g. 1984/mullender/index.html) manifest, listed in the Secondary files list.

These tarballs will have the following files:

plus the winning entry files like source code, the Makefile, supplementary data provided by the author and any other file in the winning entry, found under the entry’s subdirectory.

If you downloaded 1984/mullender/1984_mullender.tar.bz2, for instance, you might then do:

        cd 1984/mullender
        make everything

to compile all versions and then run the alternate version (if you have a PDP-11 or VAX-11 you would be able to run the original version). For more help on compiling entries, see also the FAQ on “IOCCC Makefile rules”.

If you want to view the index.html file you can point your browser to the index.html file of the winning entry (e.g. 1984/mullender/index.html) with the caveats noted above.

Year based tarballs

The year based tarballs, which are under each year’s directory and are named in the form of YYYY/YYYY.tar.bz2 (e.g. 1984/1984.tar.bz2), include all the winning entries of a given year. Each year’s tarball can be found under that year in the years.html page and in the year’s index.html as well (e.g. 1984/index.html).

These tarballs have, along with each entry’s directory and their respective files (as if you downloaded each entry tarball of the year individually as described above), the following files:

Additionally, some will have extra files like:

.. and perhaps some others we have neglected to mention as well.

If you extract a year’s tarball you can cd YYYY (e.g. cd 1984) and then run make everything to compile the entries and alternate code of every entry, as if you switched to each entry’s directory and ran make everything in each one.

If you download the 1984 tarball, i.e. 1984/1984.tar.bz2, then you might extract it and then switch to the directory and compile everything of each entry:

    cd 1984
    make everything

For more help on compiling entries, see also the FAQ on “IOCCC Makefile rules”.

Of course in this case you can also switch to individual entries and look at the index.html file (or any other file in the entry) and try out the entries that interest you, as if you downloaded that entry’s individual tarball.

If you want to view the index.html files of that tarball, for instance the year’s index.html file and then 1984/mullender/index.html you could point your browser to 1984/index.html, scroll down to Winning Entries of 1984 - The 1st IOCCC and click on the link 1984/mullender which will take you to the index.html file. Of course the caveats listed above still will apply.

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Section 8: Changes made to IOCCC entries

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Q 8.0: What was changed in some IOCCC entries?

When the website was being worked on in 2022-2024, the hint files were changed to, which are now used to construct index.html files, most text was converted to markdown, typos were fixed, formatting fixes were made and most entries that no longer worked were fixed to work or partly work.

If you wish to find out more, and see how to see the actual differences, check the FAQ on “how to find extended details of what was changed”.

Q 8.0.1: How can I see the extended details of what was changed?

We have set up make rules to easily do see what was changed in the winning IOCCC entry source. Using the Makefile in the entry directory, use one of the following make(1) rules:

The following make rules exist to make a difference:

For instance one of Landon’s all time favourite entries is 1984/mullender so the file names would be: mullender.orig.c, mullender.alt.c and mullender.c. For later years, it would be instead prog.orig.c, prog.alt.c and prog.c.

Note that you might see something like:

    make: [Makefile:170: diff_orig_prog] Error 1 (ignored)

at the end of the output but this is completely normal if there are differences.

If the alternate code is the same as the original, say with 1984/anonymous, then naturally there is no point in running the rule and the same applies for all the other rules but this system allows for easily seeing the diffs.

As some examples we’ll first look at one that has really long lines which will make it harder to see what is different, 2001/anonymous. What you would do is cd 2001/anonymous and then do:

    make diff_orig_prog

and then be really confused! :-)

But for an entry like 1991/dds, you can see the differences much more easily. 1991/dds is a good example where it’s very simple to see what is different as it’s just a couple lines.

You might be quite surprised how little some entries had to be changed and at the same time how much other entries had to be changed, often with quite complex differences! In some cases if the line is rather long, like the above mentioned one, it will be harder to see what changed but in other cases like 1984/decot or 1986/wall it’s a lot easier.

Well, at least it’s easier see the differences on a line-by-line basis but maybe not what actually changed, especially since it’s easier to know what was fixed when you have compiler errors :-) (though there are, as noted, some examples where it’s quite easy to see the differences).

1991/dds is also a good example to see the alt difference very easily. To do that cd 1991/dds and then do:

    make diff_alt_prog

and you’ll see a single line changed and very simply.

NOTE: The above mentioned make rules are located in the include Makefile via the optional include directive line:

    -include ../ ../../

The file must exist in the current directory, or under the directory above, or under the directory 2 levels above in order for these rules to work.

If you’re an IOCCC masochist :-), or you really want even more details, very often the thanks file has much more details on what had to be changed.

Tip: if you have colordiff installed it’s a lot easier to see the differences

To use these rules but provide a different diff, for instance colordiff, just do:

    make DIFF=colordiff diff_orig_prog          # for orig to prog diff
    make DIFF=colordiff diff_alt_prog           # for alt to prog diff

Obviously if you want to view the alternate code or the orig code you can just open the files as described above.

See the FAQ on “original source code files” for more information.

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Q 8.1: Why were some calls to the libc function gets(3) changed to use fgets(3)?

Some may wonder: “Doesn’t this tamper with the entry too much?”

A fine line indeed has to be drawn here but it was decided that it is worth it because of alarming warnings that can be displayed, in some systems at runtime interspersed with the output of the program.

For instance in macOS the entry 1990/tbr would output the warning in such a way that caused confusing output for the entry, looking like:

    $ ./tbr
    $ warning: this program uses gets(), which is unsafe.
    # nothing here, what to do?

In some cases it is not possible to fix or at least it is highly unlikely and so those have mainly not been touched except one that has had the buffer size increased (which could be done for others that are not possible to change to fgets() though this has not been done).

Some entries can be made to look almost identical to the original entry. For instance the fix to 1988/reddy required only a single #define be added.

In the cases it has not been done it is likely the entry can be found in the bugs.html file.

In the future we, the judges, would prefer that entries use fgets() to prevent these problems.

An annoying fact is that for ‘“compatibility” reasons’ fgets() retains the newline and gets() does not. As the Unix version 7 man page used to say:


The fgets(3) function retains the newline while gets(3) does not, all in the name of backward compatibility.

We’re not sure how this is compatibility but either way it can cause a problem and it is this that has complicated most of the fixes though again some can look almost identical.

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Q 8.2: Why do some remarks seem inconsistent with the entry?

Because some entries had to be fixed for modern systems and often the fixes required a change in code, sometimes significant changes. Thus the remarks can be inconsistent in some cases.

This is why we recommend that when you read the remarks, sometimes the judges’ remarks and always the author’s or authors’ remarks, you look at the original code. When the entry source code is called prog.c the original code is in prog.orig.c; otherwise it is dirname.orig.c. For instance one of Landon’s all time favourite entries is 1984/mullender and the original code is in mullender.orig.c. In some cases, such as 1984/mullender, the original code is the same as the code as no changes were made (there is an alt version for systems that are not VAX-11/PDP-11, however).

See the FAQ on “original source code” and the FAQ on “entry source code changes” for more information.

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Q 8.3: What is the meaning of the file ending in .orig.c in IOCCC entries?

Due to the fact that the original code has sometimes had to change these files are the original winning entry or as close to as possible to the original that we can find (in some cases a change was made by the Judges, for example, or an author might have made a modification without saving the original).

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Q 8.4: What are alternate versions and why were they added to some entries?

The alternate versions are exactly what they sound like, versions of their respective entries that were not the winning source code but have additional features added (often by the author) or fixes, updates at the request of the judges (upon winning the contest), unobfuscated versions and a variety of other things for instance letting it work on more than one platform (where it would not be possible to do in the original submission).

In some cases the alternate code added come directly from the author (some of which already were in the website) but there were other cases where alternate code was added that might or might not be necessary; this was a judgement call and the reasons vary.

In many cases it was simply to make the entry more presentable to more people but without modifying the entry itself, which would be tampering with the entry (a problem that we tried to avoid as much as possible although we certainly did not manage to do this perfectly), and in some cases it would be changing it so much that it would no longer be what was submitted.

In one case an alternate version was created to help locate and fix a bug that prevented the entry from working properly and it seemed like it should be added as well, for fun (it is a game).

In some cases it might be better to not have them but as noted this was a judgement call.

See also the FAQ on “original source code” for more information.

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Q 8.5: Why was arg count and/or type changed in main() in some older entries?

There are a number of reasons this was done but they usually come down to a mis-feature or defect in the clang compiler.

In all versions of clang the first arg must be an int and the rest must be a char ** but in some versions it also objects to the number of args in main(). In the versions observed that complain about the number of args it says that there must be 0, 2 or 3 args. This only was triggered with 4 args, not 1, but to future proof the entry entries that had only one arg to main() were changed to two.

The above also meant that some entries that were recursive calls to main() could no longer be so: main() instead had to call another function that has the body of the old main() and that function would call itself again. In some cases, however, this had to be done even without clang objections.

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Q 8.6: Why were files added to, removed from or changed in some entries?

Like with files being renamed, there are multiple reasons files were added, removed or changed. The addition of the and scripts is the most significant example of files being added. These scripts, help demonstrate entries by automating commands, sometimes many commands and not always simple commands, that one would previously have to run manually (there are other benefits as well).

See the FAQ on “ and” for more details.

Alternate code, sometimes provided by the author, sometimes provided by the judges and sometimes other people, was added to some entries as well.

In the case that a link might end up with a 404 the files, if possible, were downloaded and put into the entry’s directory. Sometimes the links were already dead but with the help of the Internet Wayback Machine we could get the files back.

In a few cases files were removed and there are multiple reasons for this too.

The end result is to help improve the presentation of the entries in some way or ways.

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Q 8.7: What is the original source file?

Every entry has what is called the “original source file”. This is a copy of the original source code (usually prog.c) that the IOCCC judges used when declaring that submission is a winning IOCCC entry.

There are a number of reasons why the source code (usually prog.c) needs to be modified. Reasons include things such as:

We seek to preserve the “original source file”, for historical purposes, by preserving the original source code (usually as prog.orig.c).

IMPORTANT NOTE: The “original source file”, because it is a historic record, should NOT be modified.

Unless one can demonstrate that a mistake has been made regarding the “original source file” and that, for some reason, the file is NOT the original source code, please do NOT attempt to modify it.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you believe that the “original source file” is NOT the original source code, then plesse open an IOCCC issue and describe the problem to the IOCCC judges, including what you believe is the correct “original source file”.

FYI: To determine the difference between the “original source file” and the source code as it is now now, try:

    make diff_orig_prog

See the FAQ on “what changed” for more information on changes. If you want to see more details, including how to see the actual differences, see the FAQ on “what changed in more detail”.

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Q 8.8: Why were some filenames changed?

The reasons this was done varies. One of the earliest changes was making the old .hint or .text files files. The first time this was done was for 2019/README.text and 2020/README.text with commit 87c41a787fa334f6696ec8f23284eacea63e3e89. With commit 77fb0f11a2ddc8584a1ebe8d68fb0cccf3b959a6index.html and hint.html files were removed in favour of files; commit 851e191519953c743cdd363dc19099e89210319c renamed hint.txt and hint.text to There were most likely other commits that fixed some issues with this.

Other files were also renamed, though, sometimes being converted to markdown as well. Shell scripts were often renamed to end with .sh to indicate it is a shell script and to help browsers know how to deal with it (this was before the method of how to display files was devised).

Another example is for more consistency, sometimes to do with alternate code and other times something else.

There were certainly other reasons as well.

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Section 9: Helping the IOCCC

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Q 9.0: How can I help the IOCCC?

We welcome your help in fixing IOCCC entries

The known bugs file, order by IOCCC years, contains a list of known bugs & (mis)features. If you are looking for an IOCCC entry to try and fix, this file is a good place to start.

See the FAQ on “fixing an entry” for information on how to submit a fix to an IOCCC entry. Before you consider trying to fix an IOCCC winning entry, please check the known bugs file for the IOCCC entry in question. Note that in several cases what you may have discovered, while a (mis)feature is not considered a bug and should not be fixed. In cases where the bug is known, the entry’s known bugs file section may offer you important fixing clues.

We welcome your help on fixing the IOCCC website

This includes typos, dead/invalid links and many other things. Please see the FAQ on “fixing the website” for more details.

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Q 9.1: Is there a list of known bugs and (mis)features of IOCCC entries?

Yes! Please see bugs.html for a list of known bugs and/or issues of a variety of kinds.

Note that just because an entry is not in the bugs file does not mean there is not an issue and note that some issues are simply missing files, dead URL(s) or something like that.

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Q 9.2: How can I submit a fix to an IOCCC entry?

If you see a problem with an IOCCC entry, first check the known bugs file. In some cases what you might think of as a bug is instead a known feature. In some cases the bug is known, but no fix has ever been submitted. In other cases you may have found a new problem.

If you do have a fix, and the known bugs file does NOT recommend against fixing it, then please consider opening a GitHub pull request against the master branch of the ioccc-src/winner repo.

BTW: A problem is not limited to the code itself. Fixing typos in files such as “index.html” files (via its respective file), fixing issues in a “Makefile”, or otherwise correcting an IOCCC entry is VERY MUCH WELCOME! Please use the same GitHub pull request process against the master branch of the ioccc-src/winner repo.

NOTE: if you need help with GitHub pull requests, then please see the FAQ on “pull requests”.

NOTE: some of the issues in the bugs.html file includes just missing files and we welcome these too!

Please also help us fix typos and / or otherwise improve the write-up of how IOCCC winning entries are presented!

In any event we will happily add you to the thanks file for your help!

Of course, an IOCCC author may update their own entries (metadata as well as source code and any extra files) by opening a GitHub pull request against the master branch of the ioccc-src/winner repo.

See the FAQ on “GitHub pull request” for more information about pull requests.

Note that we’re much more inclined to accept an author’s fixes but the judges have the final say in the matter.

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Q 9.3: How do I make a pull request to the GitHub repo?

First, if you do not already have a GitHub account or you have not installed an ssh key to your account you must do so. For this we will assume you do not have a GitHub account. For the steps following creating a GitHub account you will have to be logged into your account.

To help you out here is a navigation menu in this FAQ entry:

Creating a GitHub account

Go to GitHub and click on ‘Sign up’. Follow the instructions. Once you’ve completed this task make sure you log in to GitHub.

Installing an ssh key to GitHub

Assuming you do not have an ssh key you should go to the command prompt and type (if you already have one and are okay using it for GitHub you can use that one):

    ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""

where is the email you want associated with your key. Follow the instructions. It will tell you the key files.

Once you have an ssh key you need to go to your account settings. Once there, in the menu on the left you should see the item SSH and GPG keys. Click that and then click (on the right side) the button that says New SSH key. You will see that you have to specify a title, the key type and the PUBLIC key. Put whatever title you want and keep the key type as Authentication Key. Now you need to put the PUBLIC key in.

If you used an rsa key the default file will likely be found in: ~/.ssh/ If you used a different algorithm the file name will be different. For instance if you used ed25519 the default PUBLIC key file would be ~/.ssh/id_ed25519. If, like some people do, you have a separate key for GitHub, it could be anything you wish, as long as it’s in ~/.ssh. For instance it might be ~/.ssh/

Whatever the key file is, copy the contents and paste it into the GitHub field labelled Key. Once you have done so click on Add SSH key.

Forking the IOCCC winner repo

Open in your browser the link: You now should follow the instructions in forking the repo.

Cloning the IOCCC winner repo

Once you have forked the repo you are ready to clone it to your system. For instance Cody Boone Ferguson has the GitHub handle xexyl so he would type in:

    git clone [target_dir]

Once that is completed you will need to change to that directory. The default directory would be the name of the repo but if you specified a target directory it will be that. For instance using the above example you might do:

    cd winner

You’re ready to make your changes now!

Making changes, fixes etc.

Here you must use your wits, knowledge, creativity and whatever else you have. Let’s say that Cody wants to update his file 2020/ferguson1/ script. He would open it in his editor of choice (in his case vim) and make the changes. He would then make sure (as there is a last updated date) to update the last updated date. For instance he might add the following:

BTW: did you know that some people believe in snake human hybrids? It’s true! See and have a laugh, shock or an exercise in sibilance!

Then, assuming that the date is 1 March 2024, he would update the line that starts with # Last updated: to refer to 01 March 2024 rather than what it is now (at the time of writing this), 15 April 2023.

But what if he wanted to add a file? He’d create the file and then type:

    git add foo

where foo is the file to add.

When he’s ready to make a commit he would need to create a new branch for the pull request.

Committing your changes

First, as an aside, if this is your first pull request (which we assume is if you’re reading this :-) ) you need to make sure that you can push changes to GitHub with your ssh key. To do this you need to do:

    ssh -T

Cody would see:

Hi xexyl! You’ve successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.

Now, assuming that the forked repo is, you’d type:

    git remote set-url origin

Now you’d be ready to make your commits.

Before doing anything else, however, a new branch needs to be created. Continuing the example above for 2020/ferguson1/, it might be that:

    git checkout -B human-snakes

This would change the branch to the newly created branch human-snakes branch. Now Cody could commit the changes:

    git commit # if specifying specific files
    git commit -a # if committing everything

He could also have done:

    git add
    git commit

In any case this would open an editor (in his case vim) to write a commit log. It is recommended that the first line is <=51 chars and the next line is blank. Then if necessary add a description for the log. For instance the above might warrant the log:

    Add fun link to 2020/ferguson1/

    Did you know some people believe in snake human hybrids? I added a link to the
    script that discusses this and gives supposed examples.

Now a pull request has to be opened.

Opening a pull request

To do this depends on the branch name. Assuming the branch from above, human-snakes, you would type:

    git push --set-upstream origin human-snakes

This might show:

    Enumerating objects: 9, done.
    Counting objects: 100% (9/9), done.
    Delta compression using up to 10 threads
    Compressing objects: 100% (5/5), done.
    Writing objects: 100% (5/5), 739 bytes | 147.00 KiB/s, done.
    Total 5 (delta 4), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
    remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (4/4), completed with 4 local objects.
    remote: Create a pull request for 'human-snakes' on GitHub by visiting:
     * [new branch]     human-snakes -> human-snakes
    branch 'human-snakes' set up to track 'origin/human-snakes'.

The link referred to above would then be opened to open a pull request. Just follow the instructions at this point. If however it does not show a link it is likely because the branch already exists in your GitHub account (for the repo). In this case you can open the link: which might show something like:

    xexyl:human-snakes had recent pushes 1 minute ago

and to the right of it you would see a button that says Compare & pull request which you could click on. Do that and follow the instructions.

An important note is if you have more than one pull request opened it’ll only show the branch name as the summary. You should in that case copy paste the log you put in into the website. For instance the line (on the website) Add a title could have:

Add fun link to 2020/ferguson1/

and then the text field that is labelled Add a description would have:

Did you know some people believe in snake human hybrids? I added a link to the script that discusses this and gives supposed examples.

Once you’ve done this you should click on Create pull request.

IMPORTANT NOTE: although the Judges will give more deference to the authors of edited entries the Judges also retain the final editorial say in the matter.

What to do after a merge

When the judges have merged the pull request you now need to make sure your fork has the merge. To do this from the command line, assuming the fork in the above example, you would type:

    git checkout master && git pull master && git push origin master

This will merge your pull request to your fork.

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Q 9.4: How can I report an IOCCC website problem?

If you discover a problem with the IOCCC website that is related to a particular IOCCC entry, please see the FAQ on “report entry bug” for information about reporting a bug in an IOCCC entry, and see the FAQ on “fixing an entry” for information on how to submit a fix to an IOCCC entry.

If you discover a problem with the IOCCC website (such as a broken link, which may or may not be specific to a particular IOCCC entry) that is not related to a particular IOCCC entry, the best way you can help is to submit a fix to the IOCCC website. See the FAQ on “fixing the website” for information on submitting fixes to the IOCCC website.

If you do not have an IOCCC website fix, and just wish to report a general IOCCC website problem, we ask that you first look at the IOCCC issues to see if the problem has already been reported. If it has been reported, feel free to add a comment to the issue. Otherwise, if you do not see the same issue reported, then feel free to open a new IOCCC website issue.

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Q 9.5: How can I submit a fix to the IOCCC website?

For IOCCC website problems that relate to a particular IOCCC entry, please see the FAQ on “fixing an entry” for information on how submit a fix to an IOCCC entry.

You may open a GitHub pull request against the master branch of the ioccc-src/winner repo to submit a fix.

Please see the FAQ on “fixing an entry”. See also the FAQ on “GitHub pull request” for more information about pull requests.

Actual website problems

Nearly all HTML files on the IOCCC website are built from markdown files. If you see lines containing:

    <!-- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -->
    <!-- !!! DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE - This file is generated by a tool !!! -->
    <!-- !!! DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE - This file is generated by a tool !!! -->
    <!-- !!! DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE - This file is generated by a tool !!! -->
    <!-- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -->

This means that the file is generated by a tool from a bin directory tool. You should NOT attempt to modify the file.

You may also find lines slightly below the above set that suggest another file to edit. For example, in contact.html, one may read:

    <!-- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -->
    <!-- !!! Do not modify this web page, instead modify the file: -->
    <!-- !!! Do not modify this web page, instead modify the file: -->
    <!-- !!! Do not modify this web page, instead modify the file: -->
    <!-- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -->

This means that you could consider editing the referenced markdown file AND then run make www from the top level directory in your IOCCC pull request. There are quicker ways but to be sure you get everything built you should do this. If you modified a markdown and you do not see the same file as a html file then you did not complete the fix.

Please see the FAQ on “fixing an entry”.

See also the FAQ on “GitHub pull request” for more information about pull requests.

If you see in the html file:

    <!-- The main section of this web page came from JSON and other data files -->

it means that the source is NOT a markdown file; instead it might be necessary to modify a JSON file, another data file, or, in rarer cases, a tool in the bin directory.

If this happens, consider opening up an IOCCC issue and ask for help.

IMPORTANT: some entries have html files NOT generated by a markdown file and these should NOT be changed. In at least one case, other files that are generated by markdown should ALSO NOT be updated as they are very specific and they should only be updated by the author; an example is Cody Boone Ferguson’s Double-layered chocolate fudge cake recipe.

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Q 9.6: How can I correct or update an IOCCC author’s information?

You may correct or update IOCCC author information by submitting a GitHub pull request that modifies an author’s author_handle.json file.

For example, if a given author_handle.json file contained:

    "url" : ""

and you knew that the author has long ago left the company, and that they have a new faculty web page at, then you should submit a GitHub pull request to change the above line to:

    "url" : ""

Authors of IOCCC winning entries are kept in JSON files of the form:


where author_handle is an author handle.

See the FAQ on “author handle” for more information about author handles.

See the FAQ on “author_handle.json” for information about the contents of these JSON files and how they are used.

See the FAQ on “finding author handles” for how to find an author_handle.

You may update IOCCC author information in a author_handle.json file by submitting a pull request against the master branch of the ioccc-src/winner repo.

See the FAQ on “GitHub pull request” for more information.

IMPORTANT NOTE: As these files are JSON you should verify that they are validly formed (e.g., you didn’t make a typo). See the FAQ on “how to validate JSON files” for more help.

Before you form your GitHub pull request that modifies a author_handle.json file, please run the make www command. This unfortunately takes quite a while but it is the safest way to do it. So you may wish to test your edits by running the somewhat quicker make quick_www as this can speed up your testing.

The make quick_www rule will update the authors.html and location.html pages and it will also check the timestamps of the index.html files versus the files. Since they were touched and thus the timestamp was updated, the bin/ tool would only worry about those two files. This greatly speeds things along while testing. Nevertheless, doing a final make www is still recommended best practice before you form your pull request.

Please see FAQ on “fixing an entry”.

See also the FAQ on “GitHub pull request” for more information about pull requests.

Important note about XX - Anonymous location:

Unless you are the author who originally selected the XX - Anonymous location, please do not attempt to change an XX - Anonymous location without the permission of the original author, as sometimes they want to have the location known but not their name and/or other details.

PLEASE HELP us identify proper locations for IOCCC authors

If you know the location of an author listed under:

      ZZ - Unknown location

or if you find IOCCC author location that is incorrect, then please submit a pull request, or at least inform the IOCCC judges.

FYI: The ZZ - Unknown location is used for historic winning authors whose location or country is not known, whereas the XX - Anonymous location is used when the winning author does not wish to disclose their location.

The contents of these JSON files contain the best known information about authors of IOCCC entries. See FAQ on “author_handle.json” for information about the contents of these JSON files and how they are used.

For example, if a given author_handle.json file contained:

    "location_code" : "ZZ"

and you knew that the author was located in Australia (location code AU), we encourage you to submit a GitHub pull request to change that line to:

    "location_code" : "AU"

See the FAQ on “fixing author information” for information about how to change author location codes.

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We would appreciate if you try to fix the broken (the link goes nowhere) or wrong (the link goes to something that clearly is not the original intent) web link. If wish to fix such links, you may open a GitHub pull request as described in FAQ on “fixing the website”. In the case of dead links or invalid links it doesn’t matter if it’s a specific winner or not; the procedure is the same: open a pull request to fix the problem. See also the FAQ on “GitHub pull request” for more information about pull requests.

As far as how to find the updated link you can try using the Internet Wayback Machine and see if you can find the last non 4xx non 3xx page. Note, however, that just because it redirects, does not mean it’s not valuable. Other times you might find it with a web search.

Some links were changed to more recent URLs by doing this exact same thing. Some links, while they were a valid web page, no longer reach the intended web page (for example when the domain is sold and the new domain owner’s content no longer provides the content that was originally intended .. and while the content of the web page may be humorous to some, the original content may have literally gone “up in smoke”).

In cases where the original content is lost, try searching for it on the Internet Wayback Machine. When searching look back for dates that are around the year of given IOCCC contest. If you do find the original content in Internet archive history, please consider submitting a change to replace the link accordingly.

If there is no alternative that you can find you might want to remove the link instead by replacing the link with just phrase of text. For example, if the text in some index.html file was:

    See the [author's description of the program]( for more information.

Assuming that the author’s description cannot be found in the Internet Wayback Machine archive, then replace that text with:

    See the **author's description of the program** (sorry the content is no longer available) for more information.

If you just wish to report the bad link issue, see FAQ on “report website problem”.

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Q 9.8: How can I support the IOCCC?

The IOCCC judges run the IOCCC entirely out of their own funds. This includes paying for IOCCC related hardware, services, registration, software and related technical items.

There is NO requirement for anyone to support the IOCCC. Nevertheless, it has been shown that receiving anonymous gifts provides the IOCCC judges with a nice dopamine boost, and happy IOCCC judges help make the IOCCC better for everyone. :-)

If you wish to express your support and/or appreciation for our efforts, we suggest making an Anonymous gift via the IOCCC Amazon wishlist.

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Q 9.9: I deobfuscated some entry code, may I contribute the source?

PLEASE NOTE: many winning authors have unobfuscated code of their own entries and you should look for this first, often on GitHub or on their website; see the FAQ on how to find more information about a winning author of an entry for how you might find this information. We ask you to, if you can find them, please ask them what they think as they can often provide invaluable information; this is less of an issue for fixes of bugs - not features - found in the bugs.html file.

The IOCCC judges welcome those who wish to contribute a deobfuscated version of a winning IOCCC entry: from either the author or authors (which is much, much preferred) or from people such as yourself (assuming you are not the author :-) ) who are willing to contribute deobfuscated code. We also welcome contributions to improve existing deobfuscated code. You might wish to look at their URL or alt URL (see below for more details) first as quite a few authors have provided unobfuscated code of their entries and this is far more fair to the winning authors (and it is much more likely to be identical functionality as well, though many authors are experienced and skilled enough to add features after or during obfuscation! and many in fact do).

HISTORICAL NOTE: The IOCCC website has shifted to a more educational theme: preferring to explain entries rather than hiding things under the guise of such information being a “spoiler”. We now use the term deobfuscated instead of “spoiler” for this reason, at least in most cases; other terms might be used, including on a rare occasion spoiler, this depending on context.

We ask that the deobfuscated code be identical in functionality to the winning IOCCC entry code.

PLEASE NOTE: Beware that IOCCC entry code may contain extremely subtle and obscure side effects (i.e., features). Those wishing to contribute a deobfuscated version of code should strive to mimic the original (or existing) IOCCC entry code as much as possible. Some authors can be contacted (see above for more details on this) and you could ask them for details and if possible it would be good to include them in the discussion as well (see below) as it is very likely there are things that will be missed when trying to deobfuscate the code, some of which might be important to the author.

To contribute your deobfuscated code, please open up a Show and tell new discussion with a title of the form:

Enhancement: deobfuscated code for YYYY/dirname

where “YYYY/dirname” refers to the winning IOCCC entry for which you are deobfuscating.

In the body of your new discussion, PLEASE provide us with a URL of your deobfuscated code, along with whatever notes and/or comments you think might be helpful. If the author has a GitHub handle please mention them in the discussion (see above part for how you might find out if they have a GitHub account)!

If you are providing an improved version of some existing deobfuscated code, please mention that in the body of your new discussion as well.

If there are limitations to how well the your deobfuscated code mimics the original (or existing) IOCCC entry code, PLEASE mention those limitations in the body of your new discussion as well.

Any questions that may arise will be added as comments to the discussion.

SUGGESTION: PLEASE try to make your deobfuscated code readable. PLEASE add comments as needed to help the reader of your deobfuscated code understand it.

SUGGESTION: Where useful, consider providing, as C comments, code fragments of from the original (or existing) IOCCC entry code. While it is NOT necessary to include the entire original code as C comments, including key parts from the original (or existing) IOCCC entry code may be helpful to others who wish to read your deobfuscated code.

If your deobfuscated is accepted (in some form), the IOCCC judges will be happy to thank you for your contribution in the thanking people for their help file.

The IOCCC judges will do the rest of the work in integrate your deobfuscated code as an “alt” code for the entry AND will reference your deobfuscated code in the entry’s index.html file. We will be happy to include any whatever notes and/or comments from your new discussion that be prove helpful.

THANK YOU in advance for your willingness to assist!

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Q 9.10: How do I report a bug in an IOCCC entry?

We do not ‘maintain’ the contest entries as such. The code is made available on an ‘AS IS’ basis. If you have a FIX for an entry, we suggest that you submit your fixes in a GitHub pull request as we welcome pull requests that have a minimal impact on the entry while improving the portability, functionality, and/or addressing known problems.

If you do submit a pull request, we ask that each pull request address just one IOCCC entry at a time.

Note that just because you have a fix does not mean it’ll be accepted. This might be because the author objects or it doesn’t fit in some way or another. Of course if the entry does not work we’ll certainly be more inclined to accept the fix. If it is accepted we’ll be happy to credit you in the thanks file. If you’re a previous author of a winning IOCCC entry we will happily link to your entries; if you’re not we can link to your website if you wish.

Please see the FAQ on “fixing an entry” for information on how to submit a fix to an IOCCC entry. See also the FAQ on “GitHub pull request” for more information about pull requests.

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Section 10: Miscellaneous IOCCC

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Q 10.0: May I mirror the IOCCC website?

There are a few steps in mirroring the website:

  1. First of all, open the website on your device, preferably one you can hold and aim somewhere.
  2. Then, turn your device towards a mirror. This should mirror it. :-)
  3. If you can, take a picture of the mirror image. It might help if you can put your device down facing the mirror, so that it is easier to get a picture.

Okay, backing up, on a more serious note: we are not accepting mirror requests at this time, sorry. However you are free to fork the IOCCC winner repo.

Yes we are aware that some people have previously made their own repo of the winning entries but these ARE UNOFFICIAL and VERY LIKELY out of date or incorrect. What’s more, this repo is the source of the Official IOCCC website so whenever a push is made to this repo the Official IOCCC website is updated. When new winners are announced, this will happen.

To put it simply, please do NOT fork those repos, as they are UNOFFICIAL and certainly OUT OF DATE.

If you do make a new fork of THIS repo, we do ask that your fork keep up to date with the latest changes when possible. Thank you.

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While IOCCC judges look favorably on most requests to use IOCCC material, we request that you ask the IOCCC judges first. Of course, if you’re the winner of the entry you can make use of it as you want (make a shirt, put it on your website etc.).

Please send your request using the instructions on the contacting the IOCCC judges page.

Please note that the content of the IOCCC Copyrighted and is under the CC BY-SA 4.0 License. See the Copyright at the bottom of IOCCC web pages for more details.

See FAQ on “using IOCCC content”. For additional information on the Copyright and CC BY-SA 4.0 License.

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Q 10.2: Why do you sometimes use the first person plural?

As a precedent for first person plural, we may cite Two-, Three-, and Four-Atom Exchange Effects in bcc in 3He and the co-authorship of F. D. C. Willard as well as the APS New Open Access Initiative.

The number of IOCCC judges has always been “> 1” such that IOCCC judges often refer to themselves in the plural, sometimes in the common plural, sometimes in the first person plural, there may be some who reject such a practice. Therefore please consider that when you believe that just one of the IOCCC judges is in action, you may consider that F. D. C. Willard has been consulted, agreed, and has authorized the statement thus allowing the in the common plural to be used without offense.

And while some might claim that F. D. C. Willard died in 1982, we suggest that the Schrödinger’s cat superposition may still be in effect and the 1982 report of death was an exaggeration.

p.s. Here is an image of F. D. C. Willard:

image of F.D.C.Willard.png

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Q 10.3: What is the purpose of the .top, .allyear, .year and .path files?

The .top file resides at the top directory. This file contains the complete list of IOCCC years.

Under each IOCCC year, one will find a .year file. These files contain directory paths from the top directory, of the IOCCC entry directories for a given year. For example, see the 1984/.year file.

The .allyear file contains the contents of all .year files for all IOCCC years.

Under each IOCCC entry directory, you will find a .path file. These files contain the directory path from the top directory. For example see 1984/anonymous/.path.

The .top, .allyear, .year and .path files are generated from the top level Makefile, by:

    make genpath

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Q 10.4: What is the current meaning of the IOCCC terms Author, Entry, and Submission?

The IOCCC is now attempting to use the following terms:

An author is someone who has submitted an entry that has won the IOCCC.

An entry can have more than one authors. A number of authors have submitted entries that have won the IOCCC, sometimes in the same IOCCC contest year.

An apology for being inconsistent: In the past, the IOCCC used the term winner to refer to what is now an author. In a number of historical cases, such as old rules and old guidelines, terms such as winner may still be found. Moreover, out of habit, the IOCCC judges sometimes use old names such as winner when they should use author. Sorry (tm Canada 🇨🇦:-) )!

An entry is a submission that won the IOCCC.

An entry has one or more authors.

An entry includes all of the files needed to compile it, plus sample input files, a Makefile, an .entry.json file describing the entry, a compressed tarball containing all of files in the entry, etc. Under the IOCCC tree, an entry that win the IOCCC in year YYYY is located under the directory YYYY/entry.

An apology for being inconsistent: In the past, the IOCCC used the term winner to refer to what is now an entry. In a number of historical cases, such as old rules and old guidelines, terms such as winner may still be found. Moreover, out of habit, the IOCCC judges sometimes use old names such as winner when they should use entry. Sorry (tm Canada 🇨🇦:-) )!

A submission is something given to the IOCCC judges for consideration when the IOCCC is open.

When the IOCCC is open for submissions, those who register to enter the IOCCC may use the mkiocccentry tool to package their code into a compressed tarball that may be uploaded to the IOCCC submit server. This compressed tarball is formatted in such a way that the IOCCC judges do not see who wrote the code.

A submission that the IOCCC judges deem to have won the IOCCC becomes an entry. Only then do the IOCCC judges look into the special JSON file to discover who the author(s) are.

An apology for being inconsistent: In the past, the IOCCC used the term entry to refer to what is now a submission. In a number of historical cases, such as old rules and old guidelines, terms such as entry may still be found. Moreover, out of habit, the IOCCC judges sometimes use old names such as entry when they should use submission. Sorry (tm Canada)! 🇨🇦:-)

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Q 10.5: Am I allowed to use IOCCC content?

Disclaimer: This FAQ is not a license, has no legal value, and only highlights some of the key features and terms of the actual CC BY-SA 4.0 license.

The content of the IOCCC is Copyrighted and is under the CC BY-SA 4.0 License.

As long as you abide by the terms of the CC BY-SA 4.0 License you may copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format for any purpose, even commercially.

As long as you abide by the terms of the CC BY-SA 4.0 License you may remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.

This FAQ is an incomplete summary of how you may use IOCCC content. You should review the highlights of some of the key features and terms and this may help clarify some aspects of the CC BY-SA 4.0 License.

The Copyright and CC BY-SA 4.0 License applies to all IOCCC content. We use this to help ensure that we can all enjoy that those working on the IOCCC have proper Attribution including, of course, the IOCCC winners themselves! It is designed to help ensure that everyone may enjoy the IOCCC.

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Q 10.6: What is Mastodon and why does the IOCCC use it?

The IOCCC uses Mastodon for news updates, announcements, and for various other social media purposes.

Please follow the IOCCC on Mastodon.

The IOCCC no longer uses twitter, or whatever that someone who appears to have poor impulse control (allegedly) calls their platform these days.

The IOCCC prefers to reside in the fediverse.

For help with Mastodon:

There is help with Mastodon available for those who might wish to get started with Mastodon.

While there are many fine Mastodon server instances out there, the IOCCC judges use where lots of fun folk hang out, and topics like science, technology, free and open source have a good home. The folk made the IOCCC feel welcome.

While using Mastodon is free, the IOCCC judges are pleased to support the Fosstodon Hub.

If you have a phone or tablet there is also an official app that you can get from the App Store or whatever equivalent your device has. Please note that the app does not at this time seem to give push notifications when someone you follow posts something so you will have to check the IOCCC feed manually.

HINT to mastodon users: You may wish to refresh the @IOCCC mastodon feed page and/or mastodon app from time to time to view IOCCC mastodon updates.

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Q 10.7: How do I set certain tabstops for viewing source code in vi(m)?

Sometimes an author will state that for best viewing purposes you should have your tabstop set at say 4 or 8. If you use vim or vi or vim in no compatible mode you can do this easily: make sure you’re in command mode (in most cases you can hit ESC to do this) and then type the command:

    :set tabstop=4

where 4 is the value you wish to set the tabstop to.

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The way the menu works on desktops or laptops is that you should simply see the menu directly without the need of JavaScript or any intervention on your part. It should look something like:

screenshot of IOCCC menu on desktops

Simply move your mouse cursor over the category you want and then click on the item you wish to view that drops down from the category.

This is likely how it will appear with a tablet device in landscape mode, too, unless JavaScript is disabled.

Mobile menus

If, however, you’re on a mobile device, it can vary, depending on the dimensions and whether or not you have JavaScript enabled.

For instance, on an iPhone 14 Pro Max or similar device (in dimensions), you should see at the top right of every page, something that looks like:

screenshot of IOCCC menu on iPhone 14 Pro Max

In this case click on the icon at the top right corner that looks like:

menu open icon

to activate the menu.

If JavaScript is disabled on any mobile device, tablet or phone, you should see the words:

        Please Enable JavaScript

at the top right corner; clicking on this will take you to the no JavaScript menu which is a plaintext menu. You of course can use this if you like, even if you do not have JavaScript enabled, by pointing your browser to

With tablets, it likely depends on the orientation you have your device in. If it’s in portrait mode you likely will see the menu that one will get on a mobile phone.

If, on the other hand, you are using landscape mode, say on an iPad Pro 11 inch 4th generation, then you will likely see the menu as you would on a desktop or laptop.

Finally, if you’re on a mobile device that is wider than 1024 pixels, you will very possibly have to press and hold the menu icon:

menu open icon

to activate it. You can then use it as you would on a mobile phone.

Browsing the website on mobile devices with a browser bug

It was noticed that in iOS 16 Safari (both on an iPhone 8 Plus and in simulation mode in macOS) the menu does not work at all. That is to say one might see:

browser bug where menu icon does not show up

Notice how the menu icon is not even there! This happens in both portrait mode and landscape mode.

In this case one will have to use the no JavaScript menu. If you have a fix for this that does NOT affect the usability of desktops, laptops or other mobile devices, please consider fixing it and opening a pull request or at least report it as an issue (choose the category Website issue).

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Q 10.9: How do I find more information about a winning author of an entry?

At the top of the index.html file of a winning entry with the author you want information on, you should see a section called Author. All you have to do is click on the author’s name (it’s a link) and it will take you to their information in the authors.html page.

There you will find various information including a link to their authors.html information which includes various things like their GitHub account (if known), a URL or alternate UL, mastodon handle, location (if known and not anonymous location) and a link to their JSON author file.

NOTE: you might wish to search google (or some other search engine) by their name as sometimes you can find out their GitHub account even if it’s not in our JSON files.

Of course if you know the author’s name you can go directly to authors.html and click on their surname’s/last name’s/second name’s initial and then scroll down (if necessary) to the author in question.

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Q 10.10: What is this cb tool that is mentioned in the IOCCC?

This was a C beautifier for Unix, both AT&T and Berkeley, but it seems to no longer be available, code wise, except for Plan 9, but Plan 9 was never used for judging the IOCCC. A Unix man page for cb still exists.

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Q 10.11: What do the status.json JSON file indicate?

The following JSON members are required to be present status.json.


This is a mandatory comment for which we offer no comment other than this comment. :-)

The JSON member value must be the following JSON quoted string:

    "mandatory comment: because comments were removed from the original JSON spec"


This is the version of format of the status.json file.

The JSON member value of is a JSON quoted string the form “version YYYY-MM-DD”.

This document describes version “1.0 2024-03-09”.


This is the current status of the contest.

The following JSON member value string may be one of the following JSON quoted strings:


While the contest PENDING the contest is not yet open, however there is a tentative scheduled date and time by which the contest will open for submissions.

A preliminary IOCCC rules, IOCCC guidelines, and IOCCC mkiocccentry tools have been released.

You may register for the IOCCC while the contest is pending, however you will NOT receive your own Email message containing your very own Username and Initial Password until the contest is open. You will need these to be able to upload your submission to the IOCCC submit server.

Once contest moves from pending to open, an announcement Email will be sent out to the mailing list of those have successfully registered for the IOCCC. In addition, an announcement will be made to the IOCCC news in case you miss that announcement Email.

While you are waiting for the contest to open, we highly recommend that you review the IOCCC rules, IOCCC guidelines, and IOCCC mkiocccentry tools.

Should you have any comments, suggestions, and concerns about the above, and while you waiting for the contest to open, please see the FAQ on “comment or make a suggestion on IOCCC rules, guidelines and tools” as well as the FAQ on “best way to ask a question about the IOCCC rules, guideline and tools” for how.

See also the FAQ on “how to upload your submission” for more information on the submission process when the IOCCC reopens.


While contest is OPEN, those who have registered for the IOCCC may upload their submissions to the IOCCC submit server.

See the FAQ on “how to submit” for more information.

See the IOCCC news page for details on any IOCCC related deadlines such as when the contest will close.

The IOCCC rules, IOCCC guidelines, and IOCCC mkiocccentry tools are now official. Should you have any questions about these, please see the FAQ on “best way to ask a question about the IOCCC rules, guideline and tools” for how to ask them.

Be sure to review the official IOCCC rules, IOCCC guidelines, for any changes, as well as updating your IOCCC mkiocccentry tools as changes to them may have been made while the contest was “pending”.

See also the FAQ on “how to submit” for more information on the submission process when the IOCCC reopens.


While contest is JUDGING, you cannot register nor can you upload submissions. This is because the IOCCC judges are in the process of judging the submissions they received while the contest was open.

Watch the @IOCCC mastodon feed for updates.

Once the contest closes, the judges will:


While contest is CLOSED, you cannot register nor can you upload submissions. You have to wait for the next contest to open.

See the IOCCC winning entries page for the entries that have won the IOCCC.

NOTE: From time to time, winning IOCCC entries may have their write-ups updated, Makefiles improved, source code fixed etc. See IOCCC news for details.

Watch both this IOCCC status page and the @IOCCC mastodon feed for information about future contest openings.


This shows the latest modification date for the IOCCC news page.

The JSON member value is a JSON quoted string obtained from the date field of the following ls(1) command:

    TZ=UTC ls -D '%FT%T+00:00' -ld news.html

NOTE: The date and time are given with respect to UTC timezone.

NOTE: It is possible that for some reason, the IOCCC news page was modified without the content being changed. While we will try to minimize the cases where this happen, we apologize in advance (Sorry tm Canada 🇨🇦) when it does.


This shows the latest modification date of status.json file.

The JSON member value is a JSON quoted string obtained from the date field of the following ls(1) command:

    TZ=UTC ls -D '%FT%T+00:00' -ld status.json

NOTE: The date and time are given with respect to UTC timezone.

NOTE: It is possible that for some reason, the status.json file was modified without the content being changed. While we will try to minimize the cases where this happen, we apologize in advance (Sorry tm Canada 🇨🇦) when it does.

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Section 11: History of the IOCCC

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Q 11.0: How did the IOCCC get started?

It was a dark and stormy night…

OK, let’s go back to 1984, not 1830: one day (1984 March 23 to be exact), Larry Bassel and I (Landon Curt Noll) were working for National Semiconductor’s Genix porting group, and we were both in our offices trying to fix some very broken code.

Larry had been trying to fix a bug in the old Bourne shell sh(1) (C code #defined to death to sort of look like Algol), and I had been working on the finger(1) command along with its associated fingerd(8) daemon from early 4BSD as used by the GENIX operating system for the NS SYS16 system.

BTW: The above links to BSD code are only approximations of the BSD code that was being used in the GENIX operating system for the NS SYS16 system. For example, the source code reference to fingerd(8) is well past the 1984 March 23 date.

We happened to both wander (at the same time) out to the hallway in Building 7C to clear our heads.

We began to compare notes: ‘You won’t believe the code I am trying to fix’.

And: ’Well you cannot imagine the brain damage level of the code I’m trying to fix’.

As well as: ’It’s more than bad code, the author really had to try to make it this bad!

After a few minutes we wandered back into my office where I posted a flame to net.lang.c inviting people to try and out obfuscate the UN*X source code we had just been working on.

BTW: I (Landon Curt Noll) had to post this typo correction. Thus began the tradition of putting typos in the contest rules and guidelines … to make them more obfuscated of course! :-)

BTW: This posting was made back in the days when AT&T was the evil giant. Now, Microsoft makes AT&T look mild and kind in comparison. :-( (IMHO) ).

BTW: See the story about the ‘Bill Gates’ award. :-)

OK, back to the story.

We (Larry and I) received a number of entries by email. When we began to receive messages from outside of the US, Larry and I decided to include International in the name.

The 1st IOCCC entries were posted on 17 April 1984.

There were 4 entries that won in 1984:

  1. (dis)honorable mention
  2. 3rd place
  3. 2nd place
  4. 1st place

BTW: The (dis)honorable mention wished to remain anonymous. While many have asked who it was, we have continued to follow the author’s wish to remain anonymous.

A few years ago, we asked the author if they still wanted to remain anonymous. They said: ‘Yes, I want to keep my anonymity. But you can tell them that I am well known for my connection to the C language’. It was not until 2001 that another anonymous entry received an award.

BTW: The 1984/mullender remains one of my (Landon Curt Noll) all time favorites.

The name used in the posting of the 1st winning IOCCC entry posting was International Obfuscated C Code Contest or IOCCC for short.

The posting said ‘1st annual’, so in 1985 we held the 2nd IOCCC contest and the tradition continues as the longest running contest on the Internet.

P.S. Part of the inspiration for making the IOCCC a contest goes to the Bulwer-Lytton fiction contest (hence the reference to that (in)famous dark and stormy night all the way back in 1830 when Landon was just a wee lad).

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Q 11.1: Why are some years missing IOCCC entries?

There were some years, such as 1997, 1999, 2002-2003, 2007-2010, 2016-2017, 2021-2023 (or 2024, see below), when no IOCCC was held.

While we try to hold the IOCCC every year, sometime the other demands on the IOCCC judges do not permit us to hold a new IOCCC.

The pause during 2021 through the end of 2024 (when IOCCC28 officially entered pending status) was due to the development of tools (for submission, the server and the website generation) and the JSON parser (for the tools, the contest and the website) to make it easier and much more likely for the IOCCC to be held on a yearly basis.

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Q 11.2: What is the history of the IOCCC website?

In the beginning of

The long history of the official IOCCC website can be viewed at the Internet Wayback Machine Wayback Machine.

One can view several thousand snapshots showing how the IOCCC website has evolved going back as far as 1998 Dec 12

On 2020 Dec 31, the IOCCC source tree was moved to the IOCCC winner repo on GitHub. From this point on, the official IOCCC web site became a GitHub Pages website.

2020 Dec 28 bzip2 compressed tarball archive

Furthermore, a bzip2 compressed tarball containing the released IOCCC entry source code may be found under the archive/historic directory. The file archive-all.tar.bz2 contains all years and the individual years are in the form archive/historic/archive-YYYY.tar.bz2.

These files were obtained from the Internet Wayback Machine from the snapshot of the website on 2020 Dec 28. See archive/historic/index.html for details about these bzip2 compressed tarballs.

2022 Dec 29 Official IOCCC winner repo

The Official IOCCC winner repo was created on 2020 Dec 29.

2020 Dec 30 IOCCC content uploaded to GitHub

An IOCCC judge formed a local directory git repo on Tue Dec 29 23:48:30 2020 -0800 via commit 28efc67f5dd692a3544708bf7fa26286adb82dfb and then on Wed Dec 30 16:57:03 2020 -0800 added a preview of 1984-2019 via commit c0663537cb88d39b74285a930ff1a668c6d5968b.

On 2020 Dec 30, with commit c0663537cb88d39b74285a930ff1a668c6d5968b, the official IOCCC website of 2022 Dec 29 was uploaded into the Official IOCCC winner repo.

2020 IOCCC winning entries released using git via GitHub

The winning entries of the IOCCC 2020, after a far too long of a delay (due in part to a former IOCCC judge whose resignation was noted on 2021 Jan 04 commit) from their initial 2020 Jul 25 announcement, were added by an IOCCC judge to their local git repository and then were merged into the Official IOCCC winner repo on 2020 Dec 31.

These 2020 IOCCC winning entries, as shown in the Internet Wayback Machine snapshot of 2021 Jan 02 were the first IOCCC entries to have been released via git and GitHub.

2020 Dec 30 thru 2024 Dec 28 - Work on the temp-test-ioccc GitHub repo

Starting on 2020 Dec 30 edits to the Official IOCCC winner repo began.

The local git repository of an IOCCC judge was edited starting Wed Dec 30 16:57:03 2020 -0800 and was occasionally committed to the Official IOCCC winner repo.

The first accepted pull request to the Official IOCCC winner repo was made by Yusuke Endoh on 2021 Jan 5.

Between Wed Dec 30 16:57:03 2020 -0800 and Sat Jan 29 21:56:53 2022 -0800, an IOCCC judge made edits to their local repository with occasional pushes to the Official IOCCC winner repo and the Official website. After that time and until the Great Fork Merge, very few changes were made to the Official IOCCC winner repo and the Official website most of which were news updates.

While the temp-test-ioccc repo has history going back to 2020 Dec 29, the repo was forked on Sun Sep 18 17:30:00 2022 -0700. The first push into the temp-test-ioccc repo occurred on Sun Sep 18 11:15:49 2022 -0700, by Cody Boone Ferguson.

At this same time, the temp-test-ioccc website went live.

Edits were made by an IOCCC judge to their local git repository and were pushed into the temp-test-ioccc repo and to the temp-test-ioccc website.

The first accepted pull request made directly to the temp-test-ioccc repo on Wed Feb 22 05:44:55 2023 -0800 with commit 11bb36ac8ce790f32a9a3e5d2131ee12820fb8ec by Cody Boone Ferguson.

A decision was made by the IOCCC to mostly use frequent commits to individual components of the IOCCC, rather than to use occasional site wide massive updates in order to improve the tractability of changes made to components of the IOCCC such as IOCCC entries although occasionally site wide updates were performed in order to address an issue common to many IOCCC entries. And while some people prefer infrequent updates to a repo the IOCCC judges believe the ability to trace changes with commit messages is important.

Changes to the IOCCC content included things such as:

2024 Dec 28 The Great Fork Merge

As of 2024 Dec 28 temp-test-ioccc repo there were 6169 commits ahead of the IOCCC winner repo.

On 2024 Dec 28, the temporary repo was merged back into the IOCCC winner repo resulting in many, many substantial improvements to the official IOCCC website.

In particular, the Great Fork Merge was commit 0b6326676dc0d3c12cf3ba47958244fc34b4f32f and took place on 2024 Dec 29, a total span of 833 days ‼️

For details see GH-commit/0b6326676dc0d3c12cf3ba47958244fc34b4f32f and the Pull Request 24 in the winner repo that it produced.

The Great Fork Merge changed 5,157 files with 843,045 additions and 137,758 deletions, in 6,169 commits ‼️

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Q 11.3: How has the IOCCC size limit rule changed over the years?

The IOCCC size rule has changed over the years.

In later years, Rule 2 was split into two parts. These two parts of Rule 2 are:

IOCCC 1984-1985

NOTE: The size rule was actually rule 1.

IOCCC 1986-1987

NOTE: The size rule was actually rule 1.

IOCCC 1988-1991

NOTE: The size rule was actually rule 1.

IOCCC 1992-2000

IOCCC: 2001-2012

IOCCC 2013-2020

IOCCC 2024-date

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Q 11.4: What is the Great Fork Merge?

The Great Fork Merge was when thousands of changes that had been applied to the temp-test-ioccc repo was applied to the Official IOCCC winner repo causing the Official IOCCC website to be updated into its present form.

See the FAQ on “Great Fork Merge Date” for more information and stats.

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Q 11.5: What is an IOCCC BOF?

The term IOCCC BOF stood for International Obfuscated C Code Contest Birds Of a Feather. It was a special session held at the general USENIX conference, usually immediately after the BSD BOF, where the winners of a new IOCCC were announced in the early years of the IOCCC.

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Q 11.6: I do not understand the IOCCC, can you explain it to me?

Please see the About the IOCCC page for more details.

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