IOCCC image by Matt Zucker

The International Obfuscated C Code Contest

1987/lievaart - Grand Prize

very good Othello player


To build:

    make all

To use:

    # enter a level and start playing as described below


To see what it would have looked like without the size restrictions:

    # enter a level and start playing as described below

Judges’ remarks:

We believe that you too will be amazed at just how much power Mr. Lievaart packed into 1024 bytes!

This Plays the game of Reversi (Othello)! Compile and run. It then asks for a playing level. Enter 0-10 (easy-hard). It then asks for your move. A move is a number within 11-88, or 99 to pass. Illegal moves (except for an illegal pass) are rejected. Then the computer does its move (or a 0 to pass), until the board is full.

It plays rather well, for such a small program! Lievaart had to leave out the board printing routine, so you’ll have to take a real game board to play it (or see below). … Also due to space-limitations (the rules for 1987 had a limit of 1024 byes), Lievaart took out the passing-handler, which makes its ending-game rather poor. But further it knows all the rules, uses alpha-beta pruning, and it plays for instance on mobility(!). Most important: it can play a pretty good game of Reversi!

The Author was kind enough to supply the fully functional version of the program. The file lievaart2.c contains what the program would have been without the size restriction. This version has the full end game logic and displays the board after each move! See above for how to use this.

Author’s remarks:

No remarks were provided by the author.

Inventory for 1987/lievaart

Primary files

Secondary files

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