IOCCC image by Matt Zucker

The International Obfuscated C Code Contest

1994/dodsond1 - Best game

plays a game of Othello


To build:

    make all

To use:



At the prompt, try entering E3.

Judges’ remarks:

The program plays the game that the layout of the source implies. The source, on the other hand, implies a language along the lines of Lisp. :-)

Author’s remarks:

For each turn, the board is displayed and the player is prompted for a move. Enter your move as an upper-case character followed by a number.

The program uses a single function for 4 different purposes – to determine if a valid move exists, to verify that a move is valid, to make a move, and to determine the value of a move.

Inventory for 1994/dodsond1

Primary files

Secondary files

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