Official IOCCC rules
These rules are OFFICIAL.
Unless some significant problem turns up (such as a need to delay
in when the IOCCC will close, or some major bug is discovered) they
will remain OFFICIAL for this IOCCC.
See our
FAQ on “rules, guidelines, tools feedback”
as well as our
FAQ on “about asking questions”
about these rules. You might also find the FAQ in general useful, especially the
FAQ on “how to enter the IOCCC”.
SUGGESTION: Watch both the IOCCC news and the
IOCCC Mastodon feed for the latest news
about any mentions changes.
HINT to mastodon users: You may wish to refresh the @IOCCC
mastodon feed page and/or mastodon
app from time to time to view IOCCC mastodon updates.
The IOCCC open for submissions
See “FAQ - How may I enter the IOCCC”
for information on how to register for the IOCCC, how to create a proper
bzip2 compressed tarball of your submission, and how to upload your
bzip2 compressed tarball to the IOCCC submit server.
28th International Obfuscated C Code Contest Official Rules
Copyright © 2024-2025 Leonid A. Broukhis and Landon Curt Noll.
All Rights Reserved. Permission for personal, education or non-profit use is
granted provided this this copyright and notice are included in its entirety
and remains unaltered. All other uses must receive prior permission in
writing by contacting the judges.
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These IOCCC rules are version 28.30 2025-03-03.
The markdown form of these rules is
available for download.
IMPORTANT: Be sure to read the IOCCC guidelines.
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Change marks
← Lines that start with this symbol indicate a change from the previous IOCCC
Most lines that were modified since the previous IOCCC start with a solid
4 pixel black left border (or, in the case of a code block or blockquote,
just a vertical bar). We say most lines because we sometimes forget
to bar modified sections.
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Obfuscate defined:
tr.v. -cated, -cating, -cates.
1a. To render obscure.
1b. To darken.
2. To confuse: his emotions obfuscated his judgment.
[LLat. obfuscare, to darken : ob(intensive) + Lat. fuscare,
to darken < fuscus, dark.] -obfuscation n. obfuscatory adj.
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Goals of the IOCCC (International Obfuscated C Code Contest)
See the IOCCC goals.
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Important IOCCC dates
This IOCCC runs from 2024-12-29 23:58:13.213455 UTC to 2025-06-05 04:03:02.010099 UTC.
This IOCCC marks the 40th anniversary of the contest!
This contest will enter the open state on 2025-03-05 23:19:17.131107 UTC.
This contest will enter the judging state on 2025-06-05 04:03:02.010099 UTC.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Until the contest enters the open state, any or all
of the above dates and times may change!
See the
FAQ on “obtaining and compiling the mkiocccentry tools”
and the
FAQ on “how to enter the IOCCC”
as that FAQ has important details on
how to register
as well as
how to upload your submission to the IOCCC.
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To help us with the volume of submissions, we ask that you follow the rules below.
A warning about rule abuse
WARNING: Abusing these rules comes with a fair amount of risk
that your submission will be rejected. If you do plan to abuse the
as to why you think your rule abuse should be allowed, and as to why you think
your submission should not be rejected for a rule violation.
Nevertheless, even if you do explain this in your
you submission may still be rejected.
If you use the most recently released official IOCCC submission packaging tool
(hereby referred to as mkiocccentry(1)
), which we STRONGLY recommend you
do, then the mkiocccentry(1)
tool will warn you if there appears to be a
violation in certain rules (not all can be detected). The mkiocccentry(1)
tool also runs chkentry(1)
and txzchk(1)
, the latter of which runs
. Overriding problems detected by any of these tools comes with a
fair amount of risk that your submission will be rejected.
If you do override a rule violation warning from the mkiocccentry(1)
another related IOCCC tool, or otherwise plan to abuse the rules, then you
MUST CLEARLY EXPLAIN THE RATIONALE of why you are attempting to abuse the
rules in your
file. Even if you do explain this in your
file your submission may still be rejected.
HINT: If you do submit such a rule abusing / rule violating
submission, then consider also submitting an alternate version in a
different submission server slot that does NOT violate the rules
in case your rule abuse excuse is rejected.
IMPORTANT: if you do submit such an alternate non-rule abusing version,
PLEASE indicate that in your
file of your non-rule abusing
version so that the IOCCC judges do not think you uploaded a
duplicate into a wrong slot by mistake.
Uploading a tarball not formed by mkiocccentry(1)
puts you at a very big risk of
violating Rule 17, especially as mkiocccentry(1)
does a
great number of things that are required, and it also runs many checks, and if
any of those checks fail, you are at a very great risk of having your submission
rejected for violating Rule 17.
See also Rule 12.
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Rule 0
Just as C starts at 0, so the IOCCC starts at Rule 0. :-)
The “Important IOCCC dates” section above is part of this rule.
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Rule 1
Your submission must be a C program.
You see, the contest is not called the International Obfuscated JSON Contest
(IOJSONC), even if the so-called JSON
spec might be called obfuscated
by some people. :-)
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Rule 2
Rule 2 requires that your submission satisfy BOTH Rule
2a AND Rule 2b.
You may check your code with respect to Rule 2a and Rule
2b prior to submitting your code by giving the filename
as a command like argument to the iocccsize(1)
tool. For example:
iocccsize prog.c
The source to iocccsize(1)
may be found in the
mkiocccentry repo.
See also the
FAQ on “how to further test your submission”
for more more thorough testing, including Rule 2.
See also Rule 2a, Rule 2b, and Rule 17.
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Rule 2a
The size of your program source should NOT exceed 4993 bytes.
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Rule 2b
When the filename of your program source is given as a command line argument to
the latest version of the official IOCCC size tool (hereby referred to as
), the value printed should NOT exceed 2503.
See also Rule 17.
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Rule 3
You must register in order to submit your entry to the IOCCC.
You may register while the contest is either
pending or open.
When the contest is open, the submit server
will email you your submit server
Username and Initial password. Please be patient as it may take some time,
perhaps as much as a few days, for your registration to be processed and for that email to be sent.
Those who register while the contest status is pending
will receive their email (containing their submit server Username
and Initial password), later: usually a few days around the time when the contest status
becomes open.
Once that email with your Username and Initial password is sent, you
will have 72 hours to change your submit server initial password.
If you do not change your Initial password in time, you will have
to contact an IOCCC judge by email and ask them to reset
your password. Not only is this a hassle for everyone involved, it will
delay your IOCCC registration process, perhaps by a number of days that
would be able to pattern match. By egrep(1)
, we refer to the
long standing UNIX utility that should just run and NOT whine about
the command being allegedly deprecated.
Because it takes time (maybe even a few days) to process your registration
and for the server to email you your initial login and password, you
should MAKE SURE you give yourself enough time to register well
before the contest closes. In other words, DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE FINAL DAYS
of the contest to register! The IOCCC judges
are NOT responsible for delayed or lost email, or for those who wait
until the last minute to try to register!
See the
FAQ on “how to register and submit to the IOCCC”
for instructions on registering and participating in the IOCCC, as the process
may change from contest to contest.
See also Rule 8.
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Rule 4
If your submission is selected as a winning entry, then your submission may be modified in order
to fit into the structure of the Official IOCCC winner website.
For example, your submission’s Makefile
will be modified and your
will become a
which will be used to generate an index.html
Your source code will be the file prog.c
. The compiled binary
will be called prog
. If you submission requires different filenames,
then modify your submission’s Makefile
to COPY (NOT move!) the files
Of course your program may also do this, as long as it works, but you’re welcome
to use your Makefile
as well.
See also Rule 5, Rule 18 and Rule 21.
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Rule 5
Your submission must NOT modify the content OR filename of ANY
part of your original submission including, but not limited to prog.c
, the
or any data files you submit.
If you submission needs (or wishes :-) ) to modify such content, it MUST
first copy the file to a new filename and then modify that copy.
You may use your submission (program) to form a copy, or you can make use of
your Makefile
to form that copy.
If you do make a copy of a submission file, PLEASE be sure that
the clobber
rule of your Makefile
removes that copy in order to
restore your submission to its original submission state.
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Rule 6
I am not a rule, I am a free(void *human);
while (!(ioccc(rule(you(are(number(6)))))) {
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Rule 7
The obfuscated C program must be your own original work.
You (the author(s)) MUST own the contents of your submission OR
you MUST have permission from the owner(s) to submit their content.
If you submit any content that is owned by others, you MUST
detail that ownership (i.e., who owns what) AND document the
permission you obtained from them, in your
Please note that the tools in mkiocccentry
repo are NOT original works,
unless of course you’re the original authors, in which case they are original. :-)
Nevertheless tools such as those listed are NOT obfuscated. If submitted, they
would probably violate a number of rules. :-)
The IOCCC has a rich history of remarkable winning entries created by
authors who skillfully employed various techniques to develop their code.
While it is NOT required, you are allowed to use tools to develop
and test your submission. These tools may include, but are not limited
to code generators, code analysis tools, static code analysis tools,
runtime analysis tools, machine learning tools, natural language models,
code copilot tools, so-called AI services, large language models (LLMs), etc.
If you do make use of such tools or services, then we ENCOURAGE you to describe
what tools and how you used those tools, in your
See also Rule 5, Rule 18 and Rule 21.
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Rule 8
Submissions may only be uploaded to the IOCCC submit server
while the contest is open.
If you have registered and received by email your submit
server Username and Initial password you may
upload your submission to the submit server but
ONLY while the contest is open.
The submit server, in accordance with Rule
17, places a limit of 3999971 bytes on the size of your
Once the contest is in the judging state (or
closed state), you may NOT upload submissions.
While the contest is open or in the
judging state, the IOCCC judges
MAY (but are not required to) modify the slot comment of your submission to
indicate that they have received it. If uploaded submission is malformed, the
IOCCC judges MAY (but are not required to) modify the slot
comment accordingly.
You are STRONGLY advised to use the mkiocccentry(1)
as found in the mkiocccentry repo
to form the file to upload to the submit server.
The submit server will become active when the
contest is open. Until the contest status becomes
open, the submit server may
be offline and/or unresponsive.
See the
FAQs on “obtaining, compiling, installing and using the latest release of the mkiocccentry tools”
for more information about the mkiocccentry(1)
See the “Important IOCCC dates” section above for when these contest states are scheduled.
See also Rule 3 and Rule 17.
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Rule 9
Each PERSON may register ONLY ONE account and each account may submit up to
and including 10.000000 (ten in base 10) submissions PER contest.
Each submission must be submitted separately.
If this seems unreasonable we suggest you wait until the next contest and in
the interim ponder this (modified or not) quote said by Bill Gates:
640K submissions ought to be enough for anybody.
– Bill Gates s/640K/10/ (allegedly :-) )
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Rule 10
Entries requiring human interaction to be initially compiled are not
permitted. However, see the guidelines.
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Rule 11
Programs that require special privileges (setuid(2)
, setgid(2)
super-user, special owner, special group, etc.) are still HIGHLY
DISCOURAGED. We do not guarantee these functions will behave as
you expect on our test platforms. If your program needs special
permissions you MUST document this fact, and explain why
it is needed in your submission’s
Furthermore, if you need a supplementary program that you include, to have these
permissions, you will also have to explain this, because these bits are not
allowed in submissions and those bits will not be copied by mkiocccentry(1)
See also Rule 17.
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Rule 12
Legal abuse of the rules is somewhat encouraged. A submission that, in
the opinion of the judges, violates the rules WILL BE DISQUALIFIED.
Submissions that attempt to abuse the rules MUST try to justify why
their rule abuse is legal, in the
See also the warning about rule abuse.
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Rule 13
7 out of 13 UTF-8 characters in C code agree that this rule number is lucky
enough to be a prime number.
Fun fact: the fear of the number 13 is called triskaidekaphobia.
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Rule 14
Any C source that fails to compile because of lines with trailing
control-M’s (i.e., lines with a trailing byte 015
) might be rejected.
Please do NOT put trailing control-M’s on prog.c
, Makefile
, or
files but instead end lines with a trailing newline (i.e.,
byte 012
) character.
As we do NOT use DOS, please also be sure that the Makefile
files end in final newline (i.e., byte 012
) character.
You are permitted, in order to try and squeeze your prog.c
a Rule 2a and/or Rule 2b limit, to NOT
end your prog.c
with a newline (i.e., byte 012
) character.
If you need to do this, PLEASE document that in your
file and
if your compiler complains about this, document this too and update your
to account for this.
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Rule 15
In order to register for the IOCCC, you MUST have a valid email address.
The judges are NOT responsible for delays in email, so please plan
enough time accordingly.
See the
FAQ on “how to register”
for details.
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Rule 16
Submissions that are similar to previous winning IOCCC entries are discouraged.
You are allowed to resubmit to a later contest, a submission that
did not win the IOCCC. If you do so, then you would be well advised
to try and enhance and improve your submission.
If you do resubmit something that did not previously win, then
you are encouraged to mention this in your
as this sometimes helps.
Resubmitting an improved submission that did not become an
IOCCC winning entry is a time honored tradition of the IOCCC.
There are some IOCCC winning entries that were submitted to multiple contests
before they were improved enough to “climb over” (as the expression
goes) all the other submissions for a given contest.
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Rule 17
Your submission must be in the form of a xz compressed tarball that
the current released version of the mkiocccentry(1)
tool would generate.
The files, directories, and paths MUST conform to the limits imposed
by mkiocccentry(1)
including but NOT LIMITED to their names, count,
path length, directory tree depth and permissions.
Your xz compressed tarball must be larger than 0 bytes and no larger
than 3999971 bytes.
The sum of the byte lengths of all files, after the xz compressed tarball is untarred,
must NOT exceed 27651*1024
Your xz compressed tarball submission file MUST pass the tests performed by
the current version of txzchk(1)
Your xz compressed tarball submission filename MUST pass the tests
performed by the current version of fnamchk(1)
When your xz compressed tarball submission file is untarred, the
resulting directory MUST pass the checks performed by the current version
of chkentry(1)
The resulting prog.c
file MUST pass the Rule 2 size checks performed by the current
version of iocccsize(1)
The .auth.json
and .info.json
MUST be compatible with what the
current version of the mkiocccentry(1)
tool would produce. They MUST
ALSO pass the tests performed by the current version of chkentry(1)
The required Makefile
must NOT be empty.
The required
must NOT be empty.
You may NOT submit a tarball created by the -d
or -s seed
option of
The maximum number of files your submission tarball may contain, not counting
the optional files (prog.alt.c
) and the mandatory
files (prog.c
, Makefile
) is 31.
See the
FAQ on “what extra files are and how to include more”
as well as the guidelines on extra files
for more details.
TL;DR Rule 17 - Use mkiocccentry(1)
to form your submission
Let the current version of the mkiocccentry(1)
tool form your xz
compressed tarball submission file.
Using command line flags or input prompts to override checks and
limits made by the above mentioned tools is NOT recommended
and may result in your submission being rejected by the IOCCC
submit server and/or the IOCCC Judges.
See the
FAQ on the “mkiocccentry toolkit
for how to obtain and use the above mentioned tools.
FAQ on “Rule 17”
for very important details behind this rule.
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Rule 18
The entirety of your submission must be submitted under the following license:
See also Rule 7.
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Rule 19
file, a required non-empty file, must be written in
Markdown format.
We currently use pandoc(1) to automatically
convert markdown to HTML. Please try to avoid submitting an HTML file
translation to any markdown file. If you MUST submit such an HTML
translation, PLEASE mention this in your
For any submission that wins the contest, we modify your
file and
rename it as
and then use pandoc(1)
to generate the index.html
file in the top level directory of your submission.
For this reason, mkiocccentry(1)
will NOT package such files (in the top
level submission directory) and both txzchk(1)
and chkentry(1)
will flag
them as errors (in the top level submission directory) as well, so please do
NOT try and slip these files in the top level directory where your
See the Markdown Cheat Sheet
for a handy quick reference to the Markdown syntax.
See the Markdown guide
for free and open-source reference guide that explains
how to use markdown.
See also the Daring Fireball Markdown:
Basics for
information on the markdown format.
PLEASE see our
FAQ on “”
AND the
IOCCC markdown guidelines for additional markdown guidance.
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Rule 20
The how to build instructions must be in GNU Makefile format. See the
FAQ about “make(1) compatibility the IOCCC supports
for more details.
You are ENCOURAGED to use the
Makefile example, renamed as Makefile
of course, for help in constructing your
. See the Makefile section in the
guidelines for more details.
The target of the Makefile
must be called prog
. The original
C source file must be called prog.c
To invoke the C compiler, use ${CC}
. To invoke the C preprocessor use
Do NOT assume that .
(the current directory) is in the $PATH
When make clobber
is invoked, we request that your submission directory be restored
to its original submission state. For example, any temporary files
created during the build process, or during execution should be
removed by the clobber
Your Makefile
MUST use a syntax that is compatible with bash(1)
AND GNU make(1)
. You are ENCOURAGED to use SHELL= bash
your Makefile
. Please add a space between the =
and the value.
Assume that commands commonly found in Single UNIX
environments and systems that conform to the Single UNIX
Specification are
available in the $PATH
search path.
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Rule 21
Your submission MUST NOT create or modify files ABOVE the current directory
with the exception of the /tmp
and the /var/tmp
directories. Your submission
MAY create subdirectories below the submission directory, or in /tmp
or in /var/tmp
provided that .
is NOT the first byte in any
directory name or filename you create.
If you do create files and directories, PLEASE be sure that
the clobber
rule of your Makefile
removes such created files
in order to restore your submission to its original submission state.
See also Rule 5.
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Rule 22
Catch 22:
Your source code, data files, remarks and program output MUST NOT
identify the authors of your code. The judges STRONGLY PREFER to
NOT know who is submitting entries to the IOCCC.
Even if you are a previous IOCCC winner, catch 22 still applies.
Identifying the author(s) of your submission in an obvious way anywhere
within your code, data, remarks or program output (unless you are
Peter Honeyman or pretending to be Peter Honeyman) will be grounds
for disqualification of your submission.
And don’t assume that we won’t be able to determine your name even if it’s not
obvious, because you stand a significant chance of violating this rule if you
Yes, Virginia, WE REALLY MEAN IT!
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Rule 23
This prime rule number is reserved for future use.
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Rule 24
Even though 24 is not prime, you should still see Rule 23.
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Rule 25
The IOCCC rule set needs more than 5^2
rules: see Rule 26.
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Rule 26
“The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”.
“Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.”
“How vexingly quick daft zebras jump!”
“Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.”
“Waltz, bad nymph, for quick jigs vex.”
“Mr. Jock, TV quiz PhD, bags few lynx.”
“abcdefg, hijklmnop, qrstu&v, wxy&z.”
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Rule 27
Unless otherwise needed, Rule 27 is reserved for something cubic. :-)
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Rule 28
Rule 28 is a perfect way to end the list of IOCCC rules
as we do NOT plan to have 496 rules. :-)
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For questions or comments about the contest, see Contacting the IOCCC.
Be SURE to review the IOCCC Rules and Guidelines as they
may (and often do) change from year to year.
PLEASE be SURE you have the current IOCCC rules and
IOCCC guidelines prior to submitting to the contest.
See the Official IOCCC website news for additional information.
For the updates and breaking IOCCC news, you are encouraged to follow
the IOCCC on Mastodon account. See our
FAQ on “Mastodon”
for more information. Please do note that unless
you are mentioned by us you will NOT get a notification from the app so you
should refresh the page even if you do follow us.
Check out the Official IOCCC winner website in general.
Consider joining the IOCCC discord community via this link:
See the
FAQ on “obtaining, compiling, installing and using the mkiocccentry tools”
and the
FAQ on “how to enter the IOCCC”
as that FAQ has important details on
how to register
as well as
how to upload your submission for the IOCCC.
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Leonid A. Broukhis
chongo (Landon Curt Noll) /\cc/\
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